
The authors would like to thank the incredible team who together made this book possible.

Contributing Writers

Project Team

To be specific: Cynthia Yeung and Malika Cantor set schedules, organized reviewers, hired contractors, recruited other project members, badgered them to complete their tasks, and did whatever was necessary to get the book done. Tom Galloway proofread all the chapters and made suggestions for improvements. He was particularly helpful in pointing out places to break paragraphs into two separate thoughts. Julie Sussman, P.P.A., read every chapter and provided extensive improvements to content and to layout. In the first two editions we had proofreaders who would tell us when we left out a comma or said which when we meant that; Julie told us when we left out a minus sign or said xi when we meant xj.

Omari Stephens, an expert in both computer science and Adobe Illustrator, created or fixed many of the figures. Tracy Johnson at Pearson was our editor throughout, and got the book into production. Erin Ault and Rose Kernan at Pearson helped with the redesign of the text layout and the conversion of figures to color. The Google Summer of Code project supported students working on the online code and exercises. The mentors listed here contributed code themselves and allowed students to learn and grow. Nick Hay helped with the coding that processed the index files.


Thanks to the readers who took the time to send in corrections on the errata page: Andrea Rapuzzi, Andy Gaskell, Bora Eryilmaz, Darius Bacon, David Conner, Ed Durfee, Filippo Bindelli, James J. Buchanan, Joshua Cole, Joshua Reagan, Noah Topper, Takeshi Takahashi, Taylor Martin, Thomas Hickey, Victor Khaustov, Xavier Chelladurai, and Zenifer Cheruveettil.

Previous Editions

Several people who did not participate in this edition made important contributions to previous editions. John Canny wrote the robotics chapter for the first edition and Sebastian Thrun wrote part of the chapter for the third edition. Jon Barron, Tim Huang, Mark Paskin, and Cynthia Bruyns helped with diagrams and algorithms. Douglas Edwards did comprehensive research for the historical notes in the first edition.

Helpful Comments and Suggestions

It takes a global village to make a book. Over 600 people reviewed parts of the book (including previous editions) and made suggestions for improvement. We are grateful to all of them. We hope we have captured all the names here, and apologize to those we inadvertently missed:

Aaron Massey, Abdulrahman Baqais, Adam Dossa, Adam Grupa, Alaa Adel, Alan Fern, Alden Wright, Alec Koumjian, Alessandro Tommasi, Alex Beutel, Alex Franz, Alex Gray, Alex Nguyen, Alexandre Andreatta, Ali Nouri, Allyn Shell, Amir Globerson, Amit Patel, Andreas Stolcke, André Kishimoto, Andy Mayer, Angad, Angie Merryweather, Anil Chakravarthy, Anthony Marakis, Antonis Nasioulas, Anurag kumar jha, Ariel Felner, Ariel Rossanigo, Armando Nania, Armin Galliker, Arnoud Visser, Arthur Nunes-Harwitt, Asma'a El-Budrawy, Austin Tate, B. Dutkowski, Barbara Di Eugenio, Barbara Engelhardt, Barbara Grosz, Barrett Williams, Bart Selman, Bas Terwijn, Ben Kuipers, Bengt Ericsson, Benjamin Kuipers, Bernd Schomburg, Bernd Timmermann, Bernhard Nebel, Bernhard Schlegel, Berthe Choueiry, Bill Arnold, Bill Pringle, Bill Woods, Bill Zhao, Binil Thomas, Bob Futrelle, Bobby D. Bryant, Bonnie Webber, Boris Milojkovic, Borisov, Bradford Cottel, Bradley Delaune, Brian Baker, Brian Christian, Brian J Dowd, Brian Milch, Brian Williams, Brittany Keilly, Brock McLellan, Bruce Porter, Bryan So, Byron R. Harder, Béhi Monsio, Carla Brodley, Carlos Bustamante, Carsten Ullrich, Cengiz Acarturk, Cesare Zavattari, Charese Smiley, Charles-Antoine Brunet, Charlio Xu, Chris Brown, Chris McFarland, Chris Parkinson, Chris Yeung, Christian Shelton, Christina Greer, Christine Shannon, Christoph Herrmann, Chuck Dyer, Ciaran O'Reilly, Clara Castellanos, Clem Wang, Cody Heiner, Cong Liu, Corinna Cortes, Craig Hawkins, D. YOOK, DZŠ, Daegeon Kim, Dan Chisarick, Dan Eilers, Dan Jurafsky, Dan Klein, Dan Weld, Daniel Broenner, Daniel Hook, Daniel Korzekwa, Daniel Kovacs, Daniel L. Kovacs, Daniel Navarro, Daniel Seita, Daniel Sleator, Daniel Steinberg, Daniel Urieli, Daphne Koller, Darius Bacon, David A Roberts, David Battle, David Cohen, David Crandall, David Fanjkutic, David Fanjkutić, David J. Weller-Fahy, David Konerding, David McGrane, David Moore, David Page, David Palmer, David Parkes, David Poole, David R. Boxall, David Richerby, David Silver, David Smith, David Wolfe, Davide Grossi, Deepak Kumar, Deepak Ravichandran, Denis, Derick Bonewitz, Devika Subramanian, Diane Litman, Dieter De Paepe, Don Barker, Don Beal, Don Loveland, Doug Edwards, Douglas Fisher, Dragan Z. Šaletić, Duc Ngo Minh, Duncan Smith, Dustin Ho, Dylan Shell, Ed Durfee, Edvard Sjøblom, Edward Lim, Eliezer Yudkowsky, Ellery Aziel, Emilian Postolache, Emilie Mitchell, Emma Brunskill, Emmanuel Castro, Enrico Spinielli, Eric Fosler-Lussier, Eric Grimson, Eric Nadeau, Eric Shrewsberry, Eric Tiedemann, Erich Rauch, Erick Cobos, Ernest Davis, Ernst Heinz, Espen Meidell, Eunjin Kim, Eve Andersson, Evgenii Balai, Eyal Amir, Ezequiel López-Rubio, Fabian Raab, Fabio Campos, Fabio Galuppo, Federico Saldarini, Ferenc Hechler, Fernando Pereira, Francesca Rossi, Francesco Amigoni, Frank Lee, Frankie Ng, Fred Callaway, G. Sun, Gabriel Lewertowski, Gabriele Roger, Gagan Aggarwal, Gary Cottrell, Gary Mayer, George Ong, Gerhard Brewka, Gerhard Weiss, Gernot Kerschbaumer, Giorgio, Glen Best, Glenn R. Fisher, Gosta Grahne, Greg Provan, Gregor Titze, Guillem Solé, Gus Larsson, Günther L., Hafiz Hasanov, Hal Varian, Hana Filip, Hansdeep Singh, Hasan, Hauke Reddmann, Hayder E Karrar, Henrikh Kantuni, Henry Kautz, Heriberto Encinas, Hernan Moraldo, Hinrich Schuetze, Hobson Lane, Howard Beck, Ilias Kotsireas , Illah Nourbakhsh, Ioannis Refanidis, Ion Androutsopoulos, Ira Pohl, Istvan Jonyer, Ivo Danihelka, J. J. del Coz, Jack Boyce, Jackie Tsay, Jacob Shields, Jake Palmer, Jakob Østergaard, James Coleman, James Juett, James Kurien, James Martin, James Newton Bass, James Qi, Jan Minar, Jan-Willem van de Meent, Jason Leatherman, Jason Wolfe, Jaspreet Singh, Jay Mendelsohn, Jay Yagnik, Jean-Baptiste Mestelan, Jeff Clune, Jeff Van Baalen, Jeffrey Forbes, Jens Christian Jensen, Jeremy Cooperstock, Jeremy Frank, Jeremy Salwen, Jerry DeJong, Jesse Dennerlein, Jiayu Xu, Jilin Chen, Jim Byers, Jim Hendler, Jim Kirk, Jim Martin, Jim Sheahan, Jim Waldo, Jing Xie, Jiraphat Tiamsuphat, Joakim Tosteberg, Joao Cachopo, Joe Holloway, Johan Kayser, John Binder, John Bresina, John Fosler, John Kuszewski, John Lafferty, John Laird, John Lazzaro, John Maloney, John McCarthy, John Perecko, Jon LeBlanc, Jon Lehto, Jon W., Jonathan Schaeffer, Jonathan Tash, Joost Jacob, Joseph Perla, Josh Rosen, Joshua Conner, João Pirralha, Juan Leon, Juan R Leon, Jude Shavlik, Julia Hockenmaier, Julie Ann Comparini, Julio Delgado , Justin Krohn, Kamin Whitehouse, Kanishk Goyal, Karthik Thyagaraja, Karthika Mohan, Kashyap Tumkur, Katia Patkin, Kaustubh Pathak, Keiji Kanazawa, Ken Ford, Kenneth Hall, Kenny Lin, Kevin Hung, Kevin Knight, Kevin Murphy, Kimon Batoulis, Kouassi K. Jean-Claude, Kris Hauser, Kristofer Krus, Krzysztof Apt, Kutluhan Erol, Kythirith, Larry Bookman, Larry Hall, Larry Stephens, Lars Schuster, Lauren Burka, Lavanya, Lee Naish, Leonardo Garrido, Leora Morgenstern, Leslie Kaelbling, Lorraine Prior, Lukas Daniel Klausner, Luke Hunsberger, Luke Muehlhauser, Lulu Li, Lynn Robert Carter, Lynn Stein, M. Eldesouki, Magnus Johansson, Malcolm Pradhan, Malte Helmert, Manlio Valenti, Marc Solé, Marek Galecki, Marek Suchenek, Marie Roch, Marilyn E. Gartley , Mark Hopkins, Mark Jelasity, Mark Paskin, Mark Torrance, Mark Yasuda, Martha Pollack, Martin Carrington, Martin Piala, Marvin Zhang, Mashooq , Masoud Kazemi, Matija Cgianovic, Matteo Brucato, Matthias Hirche, Maurik van den Heuvel, Mauro Mazzieri, Max Grigorev, Max Khesin, Mehryar Mohri, Mentar Mahmudi, Michael Angeleri, Michael Balaban, Michael Christensen, Michael Dean White, Michael Dennis, Michael Goldwasser, Michael Hay, Michael Kolta, Michael Littman, Michael Pazzani, Michael Pearson, Michael Reed, Michael Thielscher, Michael Welch, Michael Wellman, Michael Yee, Michael, Michal Dobrogost, Michel Gagnon, Michel Marti, Mikhail Prokharau, Min-Yen Kan, Minal Khatri, Ming Zhao, Mingxuan Yi, Miquel Bofill, Mohamed Raouf, Mohammad reza Arayesh, Mozhdeh Gheini, Muratcan Kılıç, Murray Campbell, Mustafa Bilgic, Nathan W, Neela Krishna Teja Tadikonda, Nicholas Kobald, Nick Hay, Nick Lamprianidis, Nicola Bellotto, Nihar Agrawal, Nikhil Tripathi, Nils Nilsson, Nitika Aggarwal, Noah Goodman, Norman Carver, Ognyan Kulev, Olivier Teytaud, Omar Hammouri, Oren Etzioni, Osman Abul, Othar Hansson, Ovidiu Toader, Özgür Aydoğan, PG Drange, Pandu Nayak, Paolo Fazzini, Paolo Petta, Paria Rashidinejad, Pat Lee, Patrick Lin, Patrick Van Do, Patrik, Paul Hilfinger, Paul Stradling, Paul Utgoff, Paulina Varshavskaya, Peet Denny, Peng Yu, Peter Drake, Peter Grubmair, Peter Nightingale, Peter Stone, Peter Straube, Peter van Beek, Peter Černo, Petr Fedorov, Phil Long, Philip Resnik, Philippe Chatalic, Pierre Louveaux, Pierre Nugues, Prashant Shiralkar, Qasim Mohammed, Quinn Hawkins, Rachel Freedman, Rafael Bordini, Rahul Jha, Ralph Wojtowicz, Ranco Marcus, Randall Upham, Randy D. Smith, Ravi Deedwania, Raymond Machira, Raymond Wan, Reza Moghimi, Rich Korf, Rich Rauscher, Rich Sutton, Richard Bodewits, Richard Kirby, Richard Leherpeur, Richard Russell, Richard Scherl, Richard Yen, Rick Hutcheson, Rif A. Saurous, Rina Dechter, Risto Miikkulainen, Rob Bensinger, Rob Donovan, Rob Gaizauskas, Rob St. Amant, Robert Boyer, Robert Bryce, Robert Colgan, Robert Egginton, Robert Holte, Robert Hönig, Robert Loesch, Robert Mattmuller, Robert Sproull, Roberto Cipolla, Roland Koenig, Roman Bartak, Ron Musick, Ron Parr, Ronen Brafman, Ronnie W. Smith, Russ Greiner, Ryan Moore, Sabine Glesner, Sam Davis, Sam Joseph, Sam Roweis, Sam Toyer, Samantha Nee, Samantha Wong Shin Nee, Sambit Kumar Dash, Santiago Castro, Sarit Adhikari, Satinder Singh, Saulius Skrabutis, Saša Singer, Scott Emmons, Scott Grodberg, Sebastian Thrun, Selmer Bringsjord, Seth Golub, Seth Hutchinson, Seyed Fayazbakhsh, Shanzhen Gao, Sharon Zhou, Shashank Kedia, Shaun Lippy, Shlomo Zilberstein, Shumeet Baluja, Shunji Lin, Siddharth Reddy, Simon Kasif, Sjoerdz, Soheil Shams, Sridhar Mahadevan, Stefan Gerberding, Stephen G. Ware, Stephen Muga, Stephen Muggleton, Steve Bragg, Steve Chapel, Steve Hanks, Steve Minton, Steve Omohundro, Steve Siegelbaum, Stuart Gill, Stuart Nelson, Stuart Russell, Stuart Shapiro, Subbarao Kambhampati, Sung Myaeng, Sunil Vemuri, Surekha Kasibhatla, Susan Fox, Sven Albrecht, Sven Koenig, Tadeusz Dobrowiecki, Tetsuya Idota, Tevyn Bell, Thilo Stadelmann, Thomas Sternagel, Thorbjørn Wolf, Tian-Li Yu, Tim Farley, Tim Huang, Timo Laru, Timothy O'Keefe, Tirth Patel, Toby Walsh, Todd Neller, Tom Dean, Tom Dietterich, Tom Lovett, Tom Schaffernoth, Tomas Klos, Tony Barrett, Tony Mancill, Tony Passera, Tore Amble, Toryn Klassen, Tsung Liou, Tuomas Sandholm, Tyler Bienhoff, Ubbo Visser, Vandi Verma, Vasant Honavar, Vera Axelrod, Vibhav Gogate, Vibhu Mittal, Vincent Vanhoucke, Vishal Lall, Vitaly Lischenko, Vitor Rodrigues, Volker Steinhage, Wael Al Saeed, Waleed Hamied, Walter C. Daugherity, Wang Jiajun, Warren Haley Armstrong, Weiming Shi, Weixiong Zhang, Wheeler Ruml, Wilhelm Burger, William Byrd, William Rapaport, William Thompson, Wim Pijls, Witold Paluszynski, Wojciech Jaśkowski, Wolfgang Bibel, Woojong Koh, Xavier Gabaix, Xian Ke, XuanLong Nguyen, Xuhong Yu, Yang Yang, Yiding Yu, Yoram Singer, Yves Deville, Zach Schmidt, Zhangfan Dong, Zhongqi Miao, Zongzhang Zhang, and our esteemed colleague Anonymous Reviewer.