Afghanistan (1)
Kardan U
Albania (2)
Canadian Inst. of Tech. in Tirana; Epoka U
Algeria (3)
Abou Bakr Belkaid U, Tiemcen; Badji Mokhtar U, Annaba; U Ferhat Abbas Setif 1
Angola (1)
Methodist U of Angola
Argentina (10)
CEMA, Buenos Aires; Catamarca, U de; Catolica Argentina, U; Catolica de Salta, U; Empresa, U Argentina de la (UADE); Fasta U @ @; Nacional de Cuyo y llevo, U; Nacional de Lujan, U; Tecnologica Nacional, Mendoza, U @; Tecnologica Nacional, Santa Fe, U @
Armenia (1)
Yerjan State U @
Australia (28)
Adelaide, U of @ @; Australian National U @; Ballarat, U of; Canberra, U of @; Central Queensland U @; Charles Sturt U; Curtin U of Tech. @; Deakin U; Durban U of Tech.; Griffith U; James Cook U @; King's Own Institute; Macquarie U @; Melbourne U @; Monash U @ @ @ @ @ @ @; New England, U of @; New South Wales, U of @ @; Newcastle, U of @; Queensland U of Tech.; Queensland, U of @; Royal Melbourne Inst. of Tech. @ @ @; South Australia, U of; Southern Queensland, U of @; Sydney, U of @ @; Sydney, U of Tech.; Victoria U; Western Australia, U of @; Wollongong, U of @
Austria (7)
Innsbruck, U (DERI) @ @; Johannes Kepler U @ @; Klagenfurt, U of @; Technical U of Vienna; Technische U Graz @ @; U of Applied Sciences Vienna; Vienna U of Tech. @
Bahrain (1)
Bahrain, U of
Bangladesh (12)
American International U; Asian U; BGC Trust U; Bangladesh U of Engineering & Tech. (BUET); Chittagong U; Dhaka, U of (DUET) @; Independent U @; International Islamic U Chittagong; Khulna U of Engineering and Tech.; Noakhali Science and Technology U; Notre Dame U Bangladesh; Southeast U
Barbados (1)
West Indies at Cave Hill, U of @
Belarus (1)
Grodno State U
Belgium (7)
Antwerp U @; Gent U @ @; Ghent U @; Katholiek U Leuven @ @; Louvain, U Catholique @; Mons, U de; Vrije U @ @
Bolivia (2)
San Simon, U Mayor de @; U Privada Boliviana @
Bosnia and Herzegovina (5)
High School of Information Technology, Economics and Entrepreneurship (ITEP); Int'l Burch U; U of Bihac; U of Mostar; U of Sarajevo
Botswana (1)
Botswana, U of
Brazil (48)
Amazonas, U Federal do; Associação Educacional Dom Bosco (AEDB) - Resende - RJ; Bahia, U Federal da; Blumenau, U Regional de; Catholic U; Catolica de Goias, U @; Catolica de Pelotas, U (UCPel); Ceara, Federal U of; Centro. U da FEI, Sau Paulo; Cidade U @; Engineering School of Itajuba; Escola Politecnica, U de Sao Paulo @; Estacio de Sa, U; Faculdade Estadual de Educacao, Ciencias e Letras de Paranavai (FAFIPA); Faculdade Governador Ozanam Coelho (FAGOC); Faculdade Impacta de Tecnologia; Faculdade de Jaguariuna (FAJ); Faculdade de Tecnologia Termomecanica (FTT); Faculdades Integradas Rio Branco; Fortaleza, U of; Goias, U Federal de; Instituto de Computacao @ @; Mackenzie U; Maringa, U Estadual de; Ouro Preto, U Federal de; Para, U Federal do; Paraiba, Federal U of (UFPB); Pernambuco, U of @ @; Ponta Grossa State U; Pontificia U Catolica de Minas Gerais; Presidente Antonio Carlos U; Regiao da Campanha, U de; Rio de Janeiro, U Federal do; Santa Catarina, U Federal de @; Santa Catarina, U do Estado de; Santa Cruz do Sul, U de; Sao Francisco, U; Sao Paulo, U de @; Sergipe, U Federal de; UNIME U, Salvador/Bahia; Uberlandia, Fed. U of; UniCesumar; U Belo Horizonte; U Paulista; U of Brasilia at Darcy Ribeiro; U of Brasilia at Gama; Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, U Federal dos (UFVJM) @; Western Parana State U
Bulgaria (5)
American U @ @; Shumen U; Sofia U; Technical U of Sofia; Velikotrnovski U
Cabo Verde (1)
U de Cabo Verde
Cambodia (1)
Zaman U
Cameroon (1)
Ecole Polytechnique
Canada (37)
Acadia U; Alberta, U of @ @ @; British Columbia at Okanagan, U of; British Columbia, U of @ @; Brock U @; Calgary, U of; Canada West, U; Cariboo, U College of the; Dalhousie U @ @; Ecole de Tech. Superieure Montreal @; Guelph, U of; Laurentian U @; Laval U @ @; Manitoba, U of @; McGill U @ @ @ @; Mount Allison @; New Brunswick, U of @; Newfoundland, Memorial U of @; Ottawa, U of; Quebec a Chicoutimi, U du @; Quebec a Rimouski, U du; Quebec a Trois Rivieres, U du @; Quebec en Outaouais, U du; Queen's U; Ryerson U @; Saskatchewan, U of; Seneca Polytechnic; Sherbrooke, U de @; Simon Frasier U @ @; Thompson Rivers U; Toronto, U of @ @; U of Prince Edward Island; Victoria, U of @ @; Waterloo, U of @ @ @; Western Ontario, U of @; Wilfrid Laurier U; York U @
Chile (6)
Chile, U de @; Ciencias de la Informatica, U de las; Concepcion, U de @; Iberoamericana Ciencia y Tecnologia, U; Pontificia U Catolica de Chile; Pontificia U Catolica de Valparaiso
China (25)
Central China Normal U; China U of Petroleum; Chinese Academy of Sciences; East China Normal U, Shanghai; Guizhou Inst. of Tech.; Harbin Engineering U; Harbin Inst. of Tech. Shenzhen; Hunan U; Inner Mongolia U of Tech.; Jiaotong U; Kunshan Duke U; Nanjing U of Science and Tech. @; Nankai U; Nottingham, U of, Ningbo Campus; Shanghai Inst. Tech.; Shanghai Jiao Tong U; ShanghaiTech U; Shaoguan U; Southeast U; Southern U of Science and Tech. Shenzhen; Southern U of Science and Technology; Sun Yat-Sen U; Tongji U; Tsing Hua U; U of Electronic Science and Tech. (UESTC)
Colombia (7)
Bucaramanga, U Autonoma de; Colombia, U Nacional de; EAFIT, U; Envigado, Institucion U de; Manizales, U Autonoma de @; Pedagogica Nacional, U @; Valle, U del
Costa Rica (1)
Instituto Tecnologico de Costa Rica @
Croatia (6)
Odsjek za Informatiku @; Osijek, U of; Rijeka, U of; Split, U of @; Zagreb School of Economics and Management; Zagreb, U of @
Cuba (1)
Instituto Superior Politecnico Jose Antonio Echeverria
Cyprus (3)
Cyprus College @; Eastern Mediterranean U @; Middle East Tech U (METU), Northern Cyprus @
Czech Republic (7)
Brno U of Tech. @ @; Charles U in Prague @ @; Chemical Tech., Prague, Inst. of @; Czech Tech. U in Prague @; Karlova v Praze, U @; Masaryk U @ @ @; Silesian U in Opava @
Denmark (6)
Aalborg U @; Copenhagen, U of @; Herning Inst. of Business Admin. and Tech.; IT U of Copenhagen; Southern Denmark, U of @ @; Technical U of Denmark
Ecuador (2)
Escuela Politecnica del Ejercito @; Yachay Tech U
Egypt (14)
AAST Academy; Ain Shams U; Arab Open U; Benha U; Cairo U; Cairo, American U of @; Informatio Beni-suef U; MSA U @; Mansoura U; Menoufia U; Pharos U of Alexandria; Suez Canal U; U of Science and Tech. at Zewail City; Zagazig U
England (39)
Birmingham, U of @ @ @ @; Bolton U @; Bradford, U of; Bristol, U of @ @ @; British Inst. of Tech. and Ecommerce, London; Cambridge U; Essex, U of; Exeter, U of @; Goldsmiths' College, U of London @ @; Huddersfield, U of; Imperial College London; Kent, U of @; King Alfred's College - Winchester @; King's College, U of London @; Leeds, U of @; Leicester, U of; Liverpool, U of @; London Metropolitan U @; London South Bank U @; London, U of @ @ @; Manchester Inst. of Science and Tech.; Manchester, U of @; Middlesex U, London @; Milton Keynes @; Newcastle U @; Newcastle on Tyne, U of @ @; Nottingham, U of @; Oxford U @; Queen Mary U of London @; Queen Mary and Westfield College, U of London @ @; Reading, U of; Royal Holloway U of London; Solent U; Southampton, U of @ @; Staffordshire U @; Sunderland, U of @; Sussex, U of; Warwick, U of @ @; York, U of @
Estonia (3)
Inst. of Cybernetics @; Tallinna U of Tech.; Tartu, U of @
Ethiopia (3)
HiLCoE School of Computer Science and tech. @; Mekelle Inst. of Tech.; Mekelle U
Fiji (1)
Fiji, U of
Finland (10)
Aalto U; Helsinki U of Tech. (TKK) @; Helsinki, U of @ @ @; JAMK U of Applied Sciences; Kuopio, U of @ @; Lappeenranta U of Tech. @ @; Tampere U of Tech.; Tampere, U of @; Turku, U of @; Vaasa, U of @
France (22)
AgroParisTech (Institut des Sciences et Industries du Vivant et de l'Environnement); American U of Paris; Caen, U de @; Descartes U, Paris @; Ecole Nationale Superieure Mines-Telecom Lille Douai; Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon @; Ecole des Mines de Nancy; IMT Lille Douai; Inst. de Recherche sur les Transports, l'Energie et la Societe (IRTES); Lille, U de; Lille, U des Sciences et Technologies de @; Lyon 1, U of; Lyon 2, U of; Montpellier 2, U; Mulhouse, U of; Nantes, U de; Orleans, L'U d' @; Paris, U of @; St. Etienne, U de; Strasbourg, U de; Telecom Bretagne; U Clermont Auvergne
Georgia (1)
Int'l Black Sea U
Germany (36)
Aachen U of Tech. @ @; Aalen U; Albert Ludwigs U @; Augsburg U @; Bauhaus U Weimar @; Bielefeld Fachhochschule - Minden Campus; Bielefeld U @; Bonn, U of @ @; Bremen, U of @ @; Darmstadt U @ @ @; Dortmund U @; Erlangen-Nurnberg, U of; Fachhochschule Wedel U of Applied Sciences @; Goethe Inst.; Gymnasium Heidberg; Hamburg, U @; Hannover, U of @; Hochschule Wismar; International U @; Karlsruhe Inst. of Tech. (KIT); Koblenz, U of @ @; Konstanz, U of @ @; Leipzig, U of @; Mannheim, U of; Muenchen, U of @; Osnabrueck U @ @ @; Otto Friedrich U Bamberg @; Ravensburg-Weingarten U of Applied Sciences @; Rostock U @; Saarbrucken, U of @ @; Saarlandes, U des @; Tech. Hochschule Deggendorf; Technical U of Dresden @; Technical U of Hamburg-Harburg; Ulm, U of; Wuerzburg, U of @
Ghana (1)
Ghana, U of
Greece (7)
American College of Greece-Deree, Athens; Athens U of Economics and Business @; Crete, Tech. U of @ @; Hellenic Open U; National Technical U of Athens @ @; Patras, U of @; Thessaly, U of
Guatemala (4)
Ciudad U @; Mariano Galvez, U; San Carlos, U de; Valle de Guatemala, U del
Hong Kong (7)
Chinese U @; Hong Kong Baptist U @; Hong Kong College of Tech.; Hong Kong Polytechnic U @; Inst. of Vocational Education; Open U of Hong Kong; Science and Tech., U of @ @
Hungary (3)
Budapest Polytechnic @; Budapest U of Tech. and Economics (BUTE) @ @ @; Szeged, U of @
Iceland (4)
Akureyri, U of @; Bifrost U; Iceland, U of; Reykjavik U
India (89)
Aligarh U; Amrita Deemed U; Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham U; Anna U @; Annamalai U; Baroda, U of; Bharath Inst. of Higher Education and Research; Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Eng.; Birla Inst. of Tech. & Science, Pilani; Birla Inst. of Tech. & Science, Pilani - Goa Campus; Birla Inst. of Tech. and Science (BITS), Pilani; CMR Coll. of Engineering and Tech.; Centre for Dev. of Adv. Computing, Noida @; Coimbatore Inst. of Tech.; College of Engineering, Pune; Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering; Delhi, U of; GH Patel College of Engineering and Tech.; Gandhi Inst. of Tech. and Mgmt. (GITAM); India Institue of Info. Tech. and Management (IIITM) Kerala; Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science; Indian Inst. of Information Tech. and Management, Gwalior; Indian Inst. of Tech., Bombay @; Indian Inst. of Tech., Gandhinagar; Indian Inst. of Tech., Goa; Indian Inst. of Tech., Guwahati; Indian Inst. of Tech., Kanpur @ @; Indian Inst. of Tech., Kharagpur @; Indian Inst. of Tech., Ropar; Indian Statistical Inst.; Indraprastha Inst. of Information Tech., Delhi; Inst. of Infrastructure Tech. Research (IITRAM); International Inst. of Information. Tech. (IIIT), Hyderabad @; JNV U; Jadavpur U @; Jamia Millia Islamia; Jansons Inst. of Tech. Karumathampatti; Jawaharal Nehru Tech. U, Hyderabad @; Jaypee Inst. of Information Tech. U; Jyothy Inst. of Tech.; K J Somaiya College of Engineering; K. K. Wagh College of Engineering Education and Research; K. L. N. College of Engineering; Kalinga Inst. of Industrial Tech.; Kamaraj Coll. of Engineering and Tech.; Karunya U @ @; Kongu Engineering College; Lovely Professional U; MAM College of Engineering, Trichy; MEPCO Schlenk Engineering College; Mahendra Engineering College, Tamil Nadu; Mahindra Ecole Centrale; Manipal Inst. of Tech.; Motilal Nehru National Inst. of Tech. @; Mumbai U; National Center for Software Tech. @; National Chemical Laboratory, Pune; National Intitute of Science and Tech., Orissa; PES College of Eng.Mandya; PES Inst. of Tech., Bangalore; PSG College of Tech.; Pandit Deendayal Petroleum U; Panjab U @; Punjab Engineering College (PEC) U of Tech., Chandigarth; RNS Inst. of Tech., Bangalore; Rajabhat Inst. Rajanagarindra; Rajiv Gandhi U of Knowledge Tech.; Ramaiah Inst. of Tech.; SSN College of Engineering, Chennai; Sastra U; Sengunthar Eng. College; Shivaji U, Kolhapur @; Shri Ram Inst. of Tech.; Shri Vishnu Engineering College for Women; Siddhartha Engineering College @; Sona College @; Sree Vidyanikethan Engineering College; Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering; Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College; Technical Education, Haryana @; Tenali Engineering College; Thadomal Shahani Eng. College; Thiagarajar College of Engineering; Veer Narmad South Gujaret U, Surat; Vellore Inst. of Tech.; Vidya Prathishthan's College of Engineering; Visvesvaraya National Inst. of Tech.; Vivekanandhaa College of Engineering for Women; West Bengal U of Tech. @
Indonesia (15)
Bandung, Inst. Tech. @; Binus U; Gadjah Mada, U @; Hasanuddin, U of; Indonesia Computer U (UNIKOM); Indonesia, U of; Institut Teknologi Sepuluh; Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember; Maranatha Christian U; North Sumatra U; Petra Christian U; President U; Surabaya U; U Al Azhar @; U Sriwijaya
Iran (25)
Amirkabir U of Tech., Tehran; Azad Tehran South U; Azad U of Kashan; Birjand U; Bu-Ali Sina U; Chamran U of Ahvaz @; Hamedan U of Tech. @; Imamreza U @; Iran U of Science and Tech. @; Isfahan, U of @ @; Islamic Azad U; Kerman U; Mazandaran, U of, Babolsar; Oloom o Fonoon U; Science and Culture, U of; Shahed U; Shahid Beheshti U; Shahid Rajaee U; Shahrekord U (SKU); Shahrood U of Tech.; Sharif U of Tech. @; Shiraz U; Tehran, U of @; Yazd U; Zahedan U
Iraq (5)
Anbar, U of; Babylon, U of @; Duhok U; Sulaimai Polytechnic U; Wasit U
Ireland (6)
Cork Inst. of Tech. @; Dublin City College @; Dublin Inst. of Tech. @; National College of Ireland; National U, Galway; Trinity College Dublin @ @ @
Israel (10)
Academic College of Tel Aviv Yaffo @; Bar Ilan U @; Ben Gurion U of the Negev @; College of Management @; Haifa, U of @; Hebrew U @; Holon Academic Inst. of Tech. @; Technion @ @; Tel Aviv U @; Tel-Hai College
Italy (16)
Basilicata, U degli Studi di; Bologna, U of; Bozen-Bolzano, Free U of @; Firenze, U degli Studi di; John Cabot U; Milano, Politecnico di (Milan Polytech) @ @ @; Molise, U del; Padova, U Degli Studi di @; Palermo, U of @; Piemonte Orientale, U of @; Pisa, U of @ @; Rome "La Sapienza"; U of; Sannio, U degli Studi del; Studi di L'Aquila, U degli @; Studi di Trento via Belenzani, U degli @; Verona, U of @
Jamaica (2)
Tech., U of; West Indies, U of @ @ @
Japan (12)
Hosei U; Japan National Defense Academy; Kanazama Inst. of Tech.; Keio U @ @; Kyoto U @; Meijo U @; Saga U @; Tohoku U @; Tokuyama College of Tech. @; Tokyo, U of @; WIDE U @; Waseda U @
Jordan (8)
Al al-Bayt U; Al-Balqa Applied U; American U at Madaba; Amman Arab U; Jadara U; Middle East U; Philadelphia U @; Yarmouk U
Kazakhstan (1)
al-Farabi Kazakh National U
Kenya (2)
Jomo Kenyatta U of Agriculture and Tech.; Kenya Methodist U @
Kosovo (1)
Prizren, U of @
Kuwait (1)
Kuwait U @ @ @
Kyrgyzstan (1)
Kirgizistan/Turkiye Manas U @
Latvia (1)
Transport and Telecommunications Inst. @
Lebanon (6)
American U of Beirut @; Beirut Arab U; Lebanese American U (LAU); Lebanese U; Phoenicia U; Saint Esprit de Kaslik U
Libya (4)
7th of April U, Zawia; Academy of Graduate Studies, Tripoli; Alfateh U; Arab College of Tech., Zawia
Lithuania (2)
Vilniaus Gedimino Tech. U @; Vilnius U @ @
Luxembourg (2)
Luxembourg School of Business; Luxembourg, U du @
Macao (2)
Macao Polytechnic Inst. @; Macao, U of @
Macedonia (1)
Skopje Inst. of Informatics @
Malawi (1)
Mzuzu U
Malaysia (9)
British Malaysian Inst.; KBU International College; Kuala Lumpur Metropolian U College; Multimedia U @; National U; Tech., U of; U Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP); U Sains Malaysia; U Teknologi Petronas
Malta (1)
Malta, U of @
Mauritius (1)
U of Tech., Mauritius
Mexico (15)
Benemerita U Autonoma de Puebla @; Centro de Investigacion Cientifica (CICESE); Colima, U de; Estado de Morelos, U Autonoma del (UAEM); Instituto Tecnologico Superior de Huichapan; Instituto Tecnologico de Estudios Superiores de Occidente (ITESO); Instituto Tecnologico de Monterrey; Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Tamaulipas; Michoacan, U of; Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo, U; Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, U (UNAM); National U of Mexico; Queretaro, Technical Inst. of; Tecnologico de Monterrey-Campus Guadalajara @; Veracruzana, U
Moldova (1)
U de Stat din Moldova
| Mongolia (5)
Computer Science and Management School; Inst. of Telecommunication and Information Tech.; Mongolia Technical U; Mongolia U of Science and Tech.; National U of Mongolia
Montenegro (1)
Montenegro, U of, Podgorica @
Morocco (2)
Al Akhawayn U @; U Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah (USMBA)
Mozambique (1)
U Pedagogica
Myanmar (3)
Myanmar Inst. of Info. Tech.; Thanylin Tech. U; U of Computer Studies, Mandalay
Namibia (1)
Namibia U of Science and Tech.
Nepal (5)
Apex College; Kantipur College of Management and Information Tech.; Kathmandu Engineering College; Kathmandu U @; Khwopa College of Engineering
Netherlands (9)
Amsterdam, U of; Delft U; Groningen U; Hogeschool Utrecht; Leiden U @ @; Maastricht U (UM) @ @; Nijmegen, U of; Twente, U of @ @ @ @ @; Utrecht U @
New Zealand (7)
Auckland U @; Canterbury, U of @; Massey U @; Media Design School; Otago, U of @; Victoria U of Wellington @; Waikato, U of @
Nicaragua (1)
Uni. Nacional Autonoma de Nicaragua @
Nigeria (5)
Ahmadu Bello U; Ibadan, U of; Lagos, U of; Maiduguri, U of; Olabisi Onabanjo U
Northern Ireland (1)
Ulster at Jordanstown, U of
Norway (8)
Alesund U College; Bergen, U of; Gjovik College @; Norges Teknik U, Trondheim; Norwegian School of Information Tech.; Norwegian U of Science and Tech. @ @; Oslo, U of; U of South-Eastern Norway
Oman (4)
Dhofar U; Nizwa, U of; Sohar U @; Sultan Qaboos U
Pakistan (28)
Alama Iqbal U, Islamabad; Alkhair U; COMSATS Inst. of Information Tech., Abbottabad; COMSATS U, Islamabad; City U, Peshawar; Fatima Jinnah Women U Rawalpindi; Forman Christian College, Lahore; GIFT U, Gujranwala; GIK Inst. @; Government College U Faisalabad; Gujrat U; Hamdard Inst. of IT, Islamabad; Indus U; International Islamic U Islamabad; Jinnah Inst. of Informatics; Karachi U; Lahore, U of @; Mohammad Ali Jinnah U; NWFP U of Eng. and Tech. Peshawar; Nat. U of Computer and Emerging Sciences (NUCES) @; National U of Sciences and Tech., Rawalpindi; Pakistan Inst. of Engineering and Applied Sciences (PIEAS); Paramount College; Peshawar, U of; Preston U; Punjab, U of; Quaid-I-Azam U; Sir Syed U of Eng. and Tech., Karachi
Palestinian Territories (3)
An-Najah National U; Birzeit U @; Islamic U of Gaza
Panama (1)
Oteima, U Tech. @
Paraguay (2)
Catholic U at Asuncion; U Catolica @
Peru (3)
National U "San Agustin"; Santa Maria de Arequipa, U Catolica de; U Nacional de Trujillo @
Philippines (7)
Ateneo de Manila U @; Jose Rizal U; Mindanao Polytechnic State College; Mindanao State U - Iligan Inst. of Tech.; Philippines Cebu, U of the; Philippines, U of the; Saint Louis U
Poland (4)
AGH U of Science and Tech. @; Adam Mickiewicz U; Rzeszow U of Tech.; Warsaw, U of
Portugal (15)
Aberta, U @; Aveiro, U de; Coimbra, U of; Evora, U de @; Fernando Pessoa, U @; Instituto Politecnico de Santarem; Instituto Superior Miguel Torga @; Instituto Superior Tecnico @ @; Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra; Lisboa, U Autonoma de; Lisbon, New U of; Lisbon, U of; Oporto, U of @; Portucalense, U; Technical U of Lisbon @
Puerto Rico (2)
Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, U of @; Puerto Rico at Rio Piedras, U of
Qatar (1)
Carnegie Mellon U
Romania (6)
Babes-Bolyai, U of @; Bacau, U of; Bucharest, U Politehnica of @ @; Technical U of Cluj-Napoca @; Transilvania U of Brasov @; West U of Timisoara
Russia (7)
Altai State U; Kazan State U; Lobachevsky State U of Nizhni Novgorod; Moscow State Industrial U @ @; Moscow State U, Statistics and Informatics @; St. Petersburg State U of Info. Tech. @; V.A. Steklov Inst. of Math, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg @
Rwanda (1)
Gihogwe School @
Saudi Arabia (16)
Al Jouf U; Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud U @; Albaha U; Effat College; Imam AbdulRahman Bin Faisal U; Imam Muhammad Bin Saud U; Jubail U College; King Abdul Aziz U; King Fahd U of Petroleum and Minerals @; King Faisal U; King Khalid U; King Saud U; Prince Sultan U; Qassim U.; Tabuk, U of; Yanbu U College
Scotland (8)
Aberdeen, U of @ @ @ @ @ @; Edinburgh Napier U; Edinburgh U @ @ @; Glasgow U @; Heriot-Watt U @; Robert Gordon U @; Stirling, U of @; Strathclyde, U of @
Serbia (6)
Belgrade U Union; Belgrade, U of; Kragujevac, U of; Nis, U of @; Novom Sadu, U of; Singidunum U, Belgrade @
Singapore (5)
Nanyang Polytechnic (NYP); Nanyang Tech. U; National U of Singapore @; Singapore Management U; Singapore U of Tech. and Design
Slovakia (4)
Comenius U; Slovak U of Tech. in Bratislava @; Technical U of Kosice @; University of Economics in Bratislava @
Slovenia (3)
Institut Jozef Stefan @; Ljubljana, U of @; Maribor, U of @
Somalia (3)
Mogadishu U; SIMAD U, Mogadishu; U of Somalia
South Africa (10)
Jazan U; Limpopo, U of; North, U of the; Northwest, U of, Mafikeng; Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences U; South Africa, U of @; U of Johannesburg; U of KwaZulu-Natal; Wits U; Witwatersrand, U of
South Korea (19)
Catholic U of Korea @; Chungnam National U; Hoseo U; Information and Communications U @ @; Inha U; Jeonju U; Konkuk U; Korea Advanced Inst. of Science and Tech. @; Korea Polytechnic U; Korea U @; Kyunghee U; Kyungpook National U @; Mokpo National U; Pohang U of Science and Tech. @; Pusan U @; Sejong U; Seoul National U @; Sogang U; Yongin U
Spain (24)
Alcala U; Alfonso X El Sabio, U of; Autonoma de Madrid, U @; Barcelona, U Autonoma de; Barcelona, U Pompeu Fabra; Carlos III, U de Madrid; Catalunya, U Politecnica de; Coruna, U da @; Deusto, U de; Jaume, I U of Castello @; La Rioja, U of; Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, U of; Madrid, U Politecnica de @; Malaga, U of; Oviedo, U de @; Pais Vasco, U del @; Rey Juan Carlos, U (URJC) @; Salamanca, U of @; Seville, U of @ @; Technical U of Catalonia @; U Nebrija; Valencia, U Politecnica de @; Valladolid, U de @; Zaragoza, U of
Sri Lanka (8)
Colombo, U of @; Eastern U, Sri Lanka; Moratuwa, U of @; Peradeniya, U of, PostGraduate Inst. of Science @; Ruhana, U of @; Sri Lanka Inst. of Information Tech.; Sri Lanka Inst. of Tech.; Uva Wellassa U
Sudan (3)
Future U; U of Medical Sciences and Tech.; U of Science and Tech.
Sweden (14)
Chalmers U @ @ @; Halmstad U; Kungl Tekniska Hogskolan @ @; Linkoping U @ @ @; Lulea U of Tech. @; Lund Inst. of Tech. @ @; Malardalen U @; Malardalens Hogskola; Mittuniversitet @; Royal Inst. of Tech. @ @ @; Skovde, U of @; Stockholm U @; Umea U @; Uppsala, U of @
Switzerland (4)
Geneva, U of @; Lucerne U of Applied Science (HSLU); Neuchatel, U de @; Zurich, U of @
Syria (1)
Aleppo, U of
Taiwan (14)
Chaoyang U @; Chung - Yuan Christian U; Da-Yeh U @; Jin-Wen Inst. of Tech.; Kun Shan U of Tech.; Ling-Tung College; National Central U; National Chin-Yi Inst. of Tech. @; National Dong Hwa U; National Taipei College of Nursing @; National Taiwan Ocean U (NTOU); National Taiwan U @; National Taiwan U of Science and Tech. @; Tunghai U @
Tanzania (1)
Dar-es-Salaam U @
Thailand (12)
Asian Inst. of Tech. @; Assumption U; Chulalongkorn U @; Kasetsart U; King Mongkut's Inst. of Tech. North Bangkok @; King Mongkut's Institue of Tech. Ladkrabang; King Mongkut's U of Tech. Thonburi @; Mahidol U @; Payap U @; Sirindhorn International Inst. of Tech. @; Thammasat U; Ubonratchathani U
Trinidad and Tobago (1)
Trinidad and Tobago, U of
Tunisia (3)
Ecole Superieure de Tech. et d'Informatique (ESTI); High School of Sciences and Technologies of Tunis; SSAT of Sousse
Turkey (26)
Atilim U; Bilkent U @; Bogazici U @; Canakkale Onsekiz Mart U; Cankaya @; Dokuz Eylul U @; Ege U @; Faith U; Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakif U; Gazi U @; Gelisim U; Istanbul Bilgi U @; Istanbul Tech. U @; Istanbul U @ @; Izmir Inst. of Tech. @ @; Izmir U of Economics @; Karadeniz Tech. U @; Kocaeli U; Konya Food and Agriculture U; Marmara U @; Middle East Technical U @ @ @; National Defence U; Sabanci U @; Sehir U; TOBB U of Economics and Tech.; Yeditepe U @
Uganda (2)
Makerere U @; Mbarara U of Science and Tech.
Ukraine (6)
Donetsk National Tech. U; Franko Nat. U of Lviv @; Kharkiv National U of Radio Electronics; National Technical U of Ukraine KPI, Kyiv @; Odessa State Environmental U; Taras Shevchenko Nat. U of Kiev
United Arab Emirates (11)
Abu Dhabi U; Ajman U @; American U of Sharjah; BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus; British U in Dubai; Dubai U College; Ittihad U; Khalifa U; Sharjah, U of @; UAE U; U of Wollongong in Dubai
United States (558)
Air Force Inst. of Tech.; Alabama at Birmingham, U of; Alabama at Huntsville, U of; Albion College @; Alfred U @; Allegheny College @; American U; Amherst College; Appalachian State U @; Arizona South, U of; Arizona State U @ @ @; Arizona Western College; Arizona, U of @ @; Arkansas State U; Arkansas at Fayetteville, U of; Arkansas at Little Rock, U of; Ashland U; Auburn U @; Augsburg College; Austin College; Austin Peay State U @ @; Austin State U @; Bard College @; Belmont U; Beloit College; Benedictine College; Bentley U; Berea U @; Berkeley College (New York); Bethel College; Biola U @; Birmingham-Southern College; Boston College; Boston U @; Bowdoin College @ @; Bowie State U; Brandeis U @; Brenau College; Breyer State U @; Bridgewater State College; Brigham Young U @ @; Brooklyn College of CUNY @ @; Brooklyn Polytechnic U; Brown U @ @; Bryn Mawr College; Buena Vista U - Storm Lake; Butler U; Caldwell U; California Baptist U; California Inst. of Tech. (Cal Tech) @; California Lutheran U; California State U at Bakersfield; California State U at Chico @ @; California State U at Dominguez Hills; California State U at Hayward; California State U at Long Beach @; California State U at Los Angeles; California State U at Northridge; California State U at Sacramento @; California State U at San Bernardino; California State U at San Luis Obispo (Cal Poly) @ @ @; California State U at San Marcos @; California at Berkeley, U of @ @ @; California at Berkeley; Extension, U of; California at Davis, U of @ @; California at Irvine, U of @ @ @ @; California at Los Angeles, U of (UCLA) @ @; California at Riverside, U of; California at San Diego, U of @ @ @; California at Santa Barbara, U of @; California at Santa Cruz, U of @ @; California at Santa Cruz; Extension, U of; Calvin College @; Campbellsville U; Canisius College @; Canyon College @; Capitol Tech. U; Carleton College @ @; Carnegie Mellon U (CMU) @ @ @ @ @; Case Western Reserve U @; Catawba Valley Community College; Central Connecticut State U @; Central Florida, U of; Central Missouri, U of; Central Washington U @; Centre College; Chicago State U; Chicago, U of @ @; Cincinnati, U of @; Citadel, The @; City College of New York; City College of San Francisco; City U of New York @; Claremont McKenna College; Clark Atlanta U; Clark Atlanta U @; Clark U; Clarke College; Clarkson U @ @; Coastal Carolina U; Colby College; Colgate U @; College of St. Elizabeth; College of Wooster; Colorado College; Colorado School of Mines @; Colorado State U @ @ @; Colorado at Boulder, U of @ @ @ @ @ @ @; Colorado at Colorado Springs, U of; Colorado at Denver, U of @; Columbia U @ @ @ @; Commonwealth U; Connecticut, U of; Cooper Union @ @; Coppin State U; Cork, U College @; Cornell U @ @ @; Creighton U; Dakota State U; Daniel Webster College; Dartmouth U @; Davenport U; Davidson College; Dayton, U of @ @; DePaul U @; Delaware, U of @ @ @; Denison U; Depauw U; Detroit Mercy, U of @; Detroit, U of; Digipen Inst. of Tech.; Dillard U; Drake U; Drew U @; Drexel U @ @ @ @; Duke U @ @ @; East Tennessee State U; Eastern Connecticut State U; Eastern Illinois U @; Eastern Michigan U @; Eastern Washington U; Edinboro U of PA; Elmhurst U; Emory U; Empire State College; Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestao; Fairfield U; Farleigh Dickenson U - Madison; Farleigh Dickenson U - Teaneck; Fayetteville State U @ @; Florida Atlantic U; Florida Inst. of Tech. @; Florida International U; Florida State U; Florida, U of @; Fontbonne College; Fordham U - Lincoln Center; Franklin Pierce College @; Freed Hardeman U; Frostburg State U; Furman U; Gannon U @; Geffen Academy at UCLA; George Fox U @; George Mason U @ @ @ @ @ @; George Washington U @; Georgetown U @ @; Georgia Southern U; Georgia Southwestern College; Georgia State U @; Georgia Tech @ @ @ @ @; Georgia, U of @; Gettysburg College @ @ @; Goucher College @; Grand Valley State U; Grinnell College @ @; Gustavus Adolphus College @ @ @; Hamilton College @; Hampshire College @; Hampton U; Hartford, U of; Hartwick College; Harvard U @ @ @ @ @ @; Harvey Mudd College @ @; Hawaii Pacific U; Hawaii, U of @ @ @; Hendrix College @; Hillsaps College; Hiram College @; Hofstra U; Houston Downtown, U of; Houston at Victoria, U of; Houston, U of @; Howard U; Hunter College; Huntingdon College; Huston Tillotson College; Idaho, U of @; Illinois Inst. of Tech. @; Illinois State U @ @; Illinois Wesleyan U @ @; Illinois at Chicago, U of @ @; Illinois at Urbana, U of @ @ @; Indian Inst. of Tech. Kharagpur @; Indiana U - Purdue U at Indianapolis (IUPUI); Indiana U @ @ @ @; Indiana U East; Indiana U Kokomo; Indiana U Purdue @; Indiana U Southeast; Indiana U at South Bend @; Indiana U of Pennsylvania; Iona College @; Iowa State U @ @ @; Iowa, U of @ @; Ivey Business School; Jackson State U @; Jacksonville State U @; James Madison U; Jamestown College; Jersey City State College; Jerusalem College of Engineering @; John Carroll U; Johns Hopkins U @ @ @; Kalamazoo College @; Kansas State U @ @; Kansas, U of; Kean U; Kennesaw State U @; Kentucky, U of @; Kenyon College; Kettering U; Knox College; Kutztown U @ @; Lafayette College; Lakeland U; Landmark College; Lawrence Tech. U; Lawrence U @; LeMoyne-Own College @; Lehigh U @ @ @; Lehman College; Lewis U; Lewis-Clark State College @; Lincoln U; Lindenwood College; Linfield College; Lock Haven U; Loughborough U; Louisiana State U; Louisiana Tech. U; Louisiana, U of @; Loyola College; Loyola Marymont U; Lycoming College @; MacAlester College @; Maine at Orono, U of @; Manhattanville College @; Mankato U; Mansfield State U; Marlboro College @; Marquette U @ @ @ @; Maryland at Baltimore County, U of @ @ @; Maryland at College Park, U of @ @ @ @; Marymount U @; Maryville College; Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. (MIT) @ @ @ @ @ @ @; Massachusetts at Amherst, U of @ @ @; Massachusetts at Boston, U of @ @; Massachusetts at Dartmouth, U of @ @; Massachusetts at Lowell, U of @; Memphis State U; Memphis, U of @; Mercer U; Mercy College; Messiah College @ @; Metropolitan State College of Denver @; Miami U of Ohio @; Miami, U of @; Michigan State U @; Michigan Technological U @; Michigan at Ann Arbor, U of @ @ @ @; Michigan at Flint, U of; Middle Tennessee State U @ @; Middlebury College; Millikan U; Mills College @; Minnesota State U, Mankato @; Minnesota at Duluth, U of; Minnesota, U of @ @ @ @; Mississippi College @; Mississippi State U @; Mississippi, U of @; Missouri Technical School; Missouri-Rolla, U of @; Mitchell College; Monmouth U @; Montana State U; Montana Tech.; Montana, U of; Morgan State U; Mount Mercy College; Mount Union College; Mount Vernon Nazarene College; Muhlenberg College @; Muskingum College @; Nairobi, U of @ @; National Technological U @; National U; Nebraska at Omaha, U of @; Nebraska-Lincoln, U of @; Nevada, Reno, U of; New England Inst. of Tech.; New Haven, U of; New Jersey Inst. of Tech. @; New Mexico State U @ @; New Orleans, U of @ @; New York U (NYU) @ @ @ @; Norfolk State U; North Carolina A&T State U; North Carolina State U @; North Carolina at Asheville, U of; North Carolina at Charlotte, U of; North Carolina, U of @; North Central College @; North Dakota State U; North Dakota, U of @ @; North Florida, U of; North Georgia, U of; North Texas, U of; Northeastern Illinois U; Northeastern State U; Northeastern U @ @ @; Northern Arizona U; Northern Illinois U @; Northern Iowa, U of; Northern Kentucky U; Northwest Missouri State U; Northwestern U @; Notre Dame, U of @ @; Nova Southeastern U @ @; Oakland U; Ohio Northern U at Columbus; Ohio State U @ @; Ohio U @; Ohio Wesleyan U; Oklahoma State U; Old Dominion U; Oregon Graduate Inst. @; Oregon State U @ @ @; Oregon, U of; Pace U @ @; Pacific Lutheran U; Pacific, U of @; Park College; Park U @; Parks College of St. Louis; Pennsylvania State U Behrend; Pennsylvania State U Great Valley; Pennsylvania State U at Harrisburg; Pennsylvania, U of @ @ @ @; Pensacola Christian College; Pittsburgh at Johnstown, U of; Pittsburgh, U of @ @ @ @ @ @ @; Pittsburgh, U of at Greensburg; Plymouth State College; Plymouth State U @; Point Loma Nazarene U @; Polytechnic Inst. of New York; Pomona College @ @; Portland State U @ @; Portland, U of @; Presbyterian College @; Princeton U @ @; Providence College; Puget Sound, U of @; Purdue U @ @ @; Purdue U Northwest; Queens College, CUNY @; Quincy U; Ramapo College (New Jersey) @; Redlands, U of @; Reed College; Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. (RPI) @ @; Rhode Island College; Rhode Island, U of @; Rhodes College; Rice U @ @; Richard Stockton U; Rivier College @; Rochester Community College; Rochester Inst. of Tech. @; Rochester, U of @ @; Rockhurst College; Roger Williams U; Rose Hulman Inst. of Tech. @; Rowan U; Rutgers U at New Brunswick @ @ @ @ @; Rutgers U at Newark; Saint Joseph's U @; Saint Mary's College; Salem State U; Salt Lake Community College; Sam Houston State U; San Francisco State U; San Francisco, U of @; San Jose State U @; Santa Clara U; Seattle U; Shippensburg U; Siena College; Simon's Rock College @; Simpson College; Sinclair Community College; Smith College @ @; Sonoma State U; South Alabama, U of @; South Carolina - Columbia, U of @ @ @ @; South Carolina, U of; South Florida, U of @ @; Southeastern U; Southern Adventist U; Southern California, U of (USC) @ @ @ @ @; Southern College of Tech.; Southern Connecticut State U; Southern Illinois U at Carbondale @; Southern Illinois U at Edwardsville; Southern Indiana, U of; Southern Methodist U @ @ @; Southern Mississippi, U of; Southern Oregon College; Southern Polytechnic State U; Southern U; Southern Utah U @; Southwest State U; Southwest Texas State U; Southwestern Louisiana, U of; Southwestern U; Spelman College; St. Bonaventure U; St. Cloud State U; St. Edwards U; St. Louis U; St. Paul's High School; St. Peters College - Jersey City; St. Peters U; St. Thomas, U @; Stanford U @ @ @ @ @; State U of New York at Albany; State U of New York at Binghamton; State U of New York at Buffalo @ @ @ @; State U of New York at Geneseo; State U of New York at New Paltz; State U of New York at Old Westbury; State U of New York at Oneonta; State U of New York at Plattsburgh @ @; State U of New York at Stony Brook @; State U of New York at Utica/Rome; Staten Island, College of; Stetson College @; Stevens Inst. of Tech. @ @; Stuyvesant High School @; Susquehanna U; Swarthmore College @; Temple U @; Tennessee, U of at Chattanooga; Tennessee, U of, Knoxville @; Texas A & M U @ @ @ @ @ @; Texas Christian U; Texas Southern U @; Texas State U @; Texas Tech U @; Texas at Arlington, U of @ @ @; Texas at Austin, U of @ @ @ @; Texas at El Paso, U of; Texas at San Antonio, U of @; Texas, U of Pan-American @ @; Texas, U of at Brownsville @; Texas, U of at Dallas @; Thomas Jefferson High School @; Toledo, U of @; Tompkins Cortland Community College; Tr-County Technical College @; Transylvania U; Tri-County Technical College @; Trinity College; Troy State U; Truman College @; Truman State U @; Tufts U @ @ @; Tulane U @; Tulsa, U of; Union College; United States Air Force Academy @; United States Military Academy; United States Naval Academy @ @ @; U of Akron; U of North Carolina Wilmington; U of Washington Bothell; Ursinus College; Utah State U @; Utah Valley State College; Utah, U of @ @; Valparaiso U; Vanderbilt U @ @ @; Vassar College @; Vermont, U of @; Vienna, U of @; Villanova U @; Virginia Commonwealth U; Virginia Tech - Blacksburg Campus; Virginia Tech - Northern Virginia Campus; Virginia, U of @; Virginia, U of Continuing Ed.; Vrije U Amsterdam @; Wake Forest U; Wartburg College; Washburn U @ @; Washington & Lee U @; Washington State U, Pullman; Washington State U, Vancouver @; Washington U at St. Louis @; Washington, U of @ @ @; Wayne State U @; Weber State U @; Webster U; West Florida, U of @; West Georgia, U of @; West Virginia Inst. of Tech.; West Virginia U; Westcliff U; Western Connecticut State U; Western Illinois U; Western Kentucky U; Western Washington U; Westminster College; Whittier College; Wichita State U; William Jessup U; William Paterson College; William and Mary; Williams College @; Windermere Preparatory School; Winona State U; Winston Salem State U @; Winthrop U; Wisconsin at La Crosse, U of; Wisconsin at Madison, U of @ @ @ @; Wisconsin at Milwaukee, U of; Wisconsin at Oshkosh, U of; Wisconsin, U of Parkside @; Wolverhampton, U of @; Worcester Polytechnic Inst. (WPI) @ @ @ @; Worcester State College; Wright State U @ @; Wyoming at Laramie, U of @ @ @; Yale U @ @; Youngstown State U
Uruguay (2)
Centro Regional de Nuevas Tec. de Informacion @; Republica, U de la @
Venezuela (4)
Andes, U de Los @; Metropolitana U; Oriente, U de; Simon Bolivar, U of
Vietnam (7)
Hanoi Agricultural U @; Ho Chi Minh City Inst. of Tech. @; Ho Chi Minh City U of Science; Ho Chih Minh City U of Economics; Ho Chih Minh City U of Technology and Education; National U; Nong Lam U
Wales (1)
Wales, U of
Yemen (3)
Hadhramout U @; Hodeidah U; U of Science and Tech. (UST)
Zambia (2)
ZCAS U; Zambia, U of @
Zimbabwe (1)
U of Zimbabwe