Ex. | Page | Description
2.7 | 57 | Environment simulator for vacuum world (partially implemented)
3.9 | 90 | Missionaries and Cannibals
3.10 | 91 | Successor function for 8-puzzle
3.11 | 91 | Iterative Lengthening Search
3.14 | 91 | Path connecting two web pages
3.15-16 | 91 | Shortest path in plane with polygonal obstacles
3.19 | 93 | Search agents for vacuum world
4.4 | 134 | Suboptimal admissible but inconsistent h(n)
4.8 | 135 | Travelling Salesperson via Minimum Spanning Tree
4.10 | 135 | Improved 8-puzzle heuristics
4.15 | 136 | Local search to solve Travelling Salesperson
4.16 | 136 | Compare hill-climbing, annealing on 8-puzzle, 8-queens
4.17 | 136 | Hill-climbing for robot navigation
4.18 | 136 | Compare A* and RBFS on 8-puzzle
5.7 | 159 | Compare CSP algorithms on map-coloring
5.12 | 159 | Find minimal cycle cutset
6.4 | 191 | Move generator and evaluation functions for board games
6.6 | 191 | Expectiminimax and *-alpha-beta for games with chance nodes
7.15 | 239 | Extend PL-Wumpus-Agent to track all facts within the KB
8.11 | 269 | Tell and Ask facts about family tre ein Fig. 8.5
8.17 | 270 | Define addition for n-bit numbers; verify adder is correct.
9.14 | 317 | Sorting in Prolog
9.15 | 318 | Recursive rewrite rules (demodulators) in Logic programming
12.16 | 460 | Modify And-Or-Graph-search to generate a cyclic plan
14.12 | 536 | Relational Probabilistic Model of Soccer League
16.5 | 611 | Determine utility of money for subjects
16.8 | 611 | Model of airport-siting problem
17.6 | 647 | Policy iteration on 4x3 (and larger) world
17.7 | 647 | Find threshold values for R(s)
18.12 | 677 | Decision-Tree-Learning with missing attribute values
19.5 | 711 | Inverse resolution in Logic Programming
20.15 | 761 | Perceptron and Decision-tree learning on a data set
21.1 | 788 | Compare algorithms for passive learning agent
21.7 | 789 | Exploring RL agent that uses direct utility estimation
21.11 | 789 | Two RL agents learning to play a game
21.12 | 789 | Reinforce and Pegasus algorithms for 4x3 world
22.10 | 832 | Chart-parsing with a packed tree representation
22.11 | 832 | Chart-parsing with a partial packed tree representation
23.1 | 861 | Stylometry: determining authorship
23.2 | 861 | Statistics of n-gram models
23.3 | 861 | Detection of spam email
23.7 | 862 | Regular expression or program to extract company names
25.2 | 943 | Monte Carlo localization
25.4 | 943 | Voronoi diagram