Page numbers in bold refer to definitions
of terms and algorithms; page numbers in italics refer to
items in the bibliography. The following key takes you to
immediately to the corresponding letter:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
A* decoder, 576
A* search, see search, A*
AAAI (American Association for AI), 30
Aarts, E. H. I., 456, 1039
Aarup, M., 455, 987
Abbott, L. F., 759, 998
ABC computer, 14
Abeille, A., 828, 1033
Abelson, R. P., 24, 829, 1033
ABO (Asymptotic Bounded Optimality), 973
Abramson, B., 88, 987
Absolver, 108
abstraction, 63
Abstrips, 456
AC-3, 146, 156
AC-4, 156
academy award, 458
accessible, 41
accusative case, 806
Acero, A., 580, 1010
Acharya, A., 131, 994
achieves, 389
Ackley, D. H., 133, 987
acoustic model, 568
in disambiguation, 821
ACT, 286
ACT*, 708
Action, 69, 72
action, 32, 87
decomposition (recursive), 427
applicable, 378
conditional, 457
decomposition, 422, 423--425
joint, 451
monitoring, 441, 441, 442, 443
primitive, 422
rational, 7, 28
schema, 377
sensing, 431, 439, 456, 600
action-utility table, 599
action-value function, 764
Actions, 123, 126
activation, 737
activation function, 737
active learning, 764
active sensing, 439, 440, 863
active vision, 952
actuator, 32, 39
acyclicity, 230
Ada programming language, 14
AdaBoost, 666, 667, 667, 674
adaline, 21
Adams, J., 340
adaptive control theory, 766
adaptive dynamic programming, 767, 788
add list (in Strips), 378
Add-Edge, 801, 801, 802
add-one smoothing, 835
Adelson-Velsky, G. M., 187, 987
adjunct, 809
ADL (Action Description Language), 379, 409
admissible heuristic, see heuristic, admissible
Adorf, H.-M., 456, 1012
ADP (Adaptive Dynamic Programming), 767
Advice Taker, 19, 23
agent, 4, 32, 54
active, 771
architecture, 27, 970--972
autonomous, 197
circuit-based, 227--232
components, 968--970
continuous planning, 445
decision-theoretic, 466, 584, 629--631
function, 33, 33, 615
goal-based, 49--50, 54, 55
greedy, 771
intelligent, 28, 962, 968
knowledge-based, 13, 194--197, 240, 968
learning, 51--54, 56
limited rational, 343
logical, 195, 225--232, 268
model-based, 48, 48--49
naive, 795
passive, 765
passive ADP, 788
passive learning, 788
problem-solving, 59, 59--64
program, 33, 44, 44, 54
rational, 4, 4--5, 32, 34, 34--36, 55, 607, 968
reflex, 46, 46--48, 54, 615
replanning, 455
software, 40
taxi-driving, 53, 971
utility-based, 51, 54, 629
vacuum, 35, 57--58
wumpus, 198, 258, 462, 863
aggregation, 420
Agmon, S., 757, 987
Agre, P. E., 458, 987
agreement (in a sentence), 806
Aho, A. V., 828, 983, 987
AI, see artificial intelligence
AI Winter, 24
aircraft carrier scheduling, 458
airport siting, 593, 597
airport, driving to, 462
AISB (Society for Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour),
Ait-Kaci, H., 313, 987
Aizerman, M., 759, 987
al-Khowarazmi, 8
albedo, 868
Alberti, L. B., 895
Albus, J. S., 786, 987
Aldiss, B., 964
Aldous, D., 132, 987
Alexandria, 15
algorithm, 8
algorithmic complexity, see Kolmogorov complexity
Alhazen, 895
Alice, 948
Align, 891, 892
alignment method, 891, 890--892
ALisp, 935
Allais, M., 592, 987
Allen, B., 455, 1003
Allen, J. F., 365, 412, 830, 987
Allen, W., 574
Almanac Game, 609
Almuallim, H., 709, 987
Almulla, M., 131, 1027
ALPAC., 860, 987
Alperin Resnick, L., 353, 367, 992
alpha--beta, see search, alpha--beta
alpha--beta pruning, 167, 191
Alpha-Beta-Search, 170, 173
Alshawi, H., 828, 987
Alterman, R., 456, 987
altruism, 465
Alvey report, 24
Alvinn, 27
AM, 710
Amarel, S., 88, 90, 363, 987
ambiguity, 242, 347, 794, 818--821
Ambros-Ingerson, J., 456, 458, 987
Amit, D., 757, 987
analogical reasoning, 709
Analogy, 19, 20, 30
analysis of algorithms, 977
Analytical Engine, 14
Anantharaman, T. S., 187, 1010
Anbulagan, 235, 1018
anchor text, 345
AND--OR graph, 218
And-Elimination, 211
And-Or-Graph-Search, 435, 436, 437, 460
And-Search, 435, 435
Andersen, S. K., 529, 987
Anderson, A. R., 965, 966, 988
Anderson, C. R., 411, 457, 1040
Anderson, C. W., 786, 989
Anderson, J. A., 30, 757, 988, 1009
Anderson, J. R., 14, 286, 530, 708, 988, 1028
Andre, D., 133, 787, 935, 988, 1016
Anshelevich, V. A., 189, 988
answer literal, 300
answer set programming, 357
answer sets, 357
antecedent, 205
Anthony, M., 675, 758, 988
anytime algorithm, 971
aortic coarctation, 605
apparent motion, 875
Appel, K., 156, 988
Appelt, D., 829, 860, 1009
Append, 119, 291, 291, 292
applicable action, 378
Apt, K. R., 157, 988
Apte, C., 860, 988
Arbuckle, T., 186, 990
arc consistency, 145
architecture, 44
agent, 27
blackboard, 580
cognitive, 286
for speech recognition, 26
hybrid, 971
parallel, 134
real-time, 314
rule-based, 286
subsumption, 458
Arentoft, M. M., 455, 987
Ares, M., 993
Args, 278
from disability, 948--949
from informality, 950--952
Aristotle, 4, 6, 7, 10, 55, 233, 267, 310, 363, 366, 895,
964, 965
arity, 246, 283
Arkin, R., 942, 988
Arlazarov, V. L., 187, 987
Armstrong, D. M., 965, 988
Arnauld, A., 7, 584, 607, 988
Arora, S., 88, 988
ARPAbet, 569
flight, 3
insemination, 953
sweeteners, 953
urea, 953
artificial intelligence, 1, 1--975
applications, 27--28
conferences, 30
definition, 1
foundations, 5--16, 776
future of, 974--975
goals of, 972--974
history, 16--27
journals, 30
philosophy of, 947--967
possibility of, 947--952
programming language, 18
as rational agent design, 5
real-time, 971
societies, 30
strong, 947
subfields, 1
as universal field, 1
weak, 947
Asada, M., 940, 1014
asbestos removal, 593
Ashby, W. R., 757, 988
Asimov, I., 939, 964, 988
Ask, 195, 196, 269, 278, 690, 796
assertion (logical), 253
assignment (in a CSP), 137
associative memory, 758
assumption, 362
Astrom, K. J., 645, 988
astronomer, 534
asymptotic analysis, 978, 977--978
Atanasoff, J., 14
Atkeson, C. G., 786, 1023
Atkin, L. R., 89, 1035
ATMS, see truth maintenance system, assumption-based
atomic event, 468, 468
atomic sentence, see sentence, atomic
atoms (in logic), 248
Audi, R., 966, 988
augmentation, 806, 827
augmented finite state machine, 932
Aura, 309, 314
Austin, G. A., 674, 993
Austin, J. L., 827, 988
Australia, 138, 144, 152, 376
Autoclass, 756
automata, 961, 965
automated debugging, 709
automated reasoners, see theorem provers
automatic pilot, 314
automatic sensing, 439
automobile insurance, 592
Auton, L. D., 235, 997
autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV), 901
autonomous vehicle, 27
autonomy, 37, 376
auxiliary variable (in a CSP), 140
average reward, 618
averaging over clairvoyancy, 179
Axelrod, R., 645, 988
axiom, 255
Strips, 411
action exclusion, 404
decomposability, 587
domain-specific, 322
effect, 330
frame, 331, 333
Kolmogorov's, 471
of Chinese room, 959
of number theory, 256
of probability, 471--474, 981
of set theory, 257
of utility, 587, 588
Peano, 256, 267, 283
possibility, 330
precondition, 404
situation calculus, 330
successor-state, 236, 332, 365, 403
unique action, 333
unique names, 333
usable (in Otter), 306
wumpus world, 258
axon, 11
b* (branching factor), 106
B* search, 188
Babbage, C., 14, 186
Bacchus, F., 143, 156, 158, 488, 531, 608, 988
bachelor, 324
Bachmann, P. G. H., 983, 988
Back-Prop-Learning, 746
back-propagation, 22, 25, 745, 744--748, 755, 757
backgammon, 175--177, 182, 189, 778
background, 951, 952
background assumptions, 874
background knowledge, 299, 687
backjumping, 157
backtracking, 898
chronological, 148
dynamic, 157
intelligent, 148--150
backtracking search, 76
Backtracking-Search, 142, 142, 148, 149, 208, 221
Backus, J. W., 827, 988
Backus--Naur form (BNF), 792, 984
backward chaining, 218, 220, 287--295, 310
backward search for planning, 384--385
Bacon, F., 6
Baeza-Yates, R., 859, 989, 1003
bag of words, 842
Baird, L. C. I., 644, 1041
Bajcsy, R., 896, 989
Baker, C. L., 29, 989
Baker, J., 580, 859, 989
Balashek, S., 580, 998
Baldwin, J. M., 120, 989
Ball, M., 411, 1039
Ballard, B. W., 189, 191, 989
Baluja, S., 133, 989
Bancilhon, F., 313, 989
bandit problem, 772
Banerji, R., 674, 686, 1023
bang-bang control, 780
Bar-Hillel, Y., 828, 860, 989
Bar-Shalom, Y., 579, 989
Barrett, A., 456, 989
Barry, M., 532, 1010
Bartak, R., 158, 989
Bartlett, F., 13
Bartlett, P., 675, 758, 787, 988, 989
Barto, A. G., 134, 644, 786, 788, 989, 992,
Barton, G. E., 833, 989
Barwise, J., 238, 989
Baseball, 828
baseline, 878
Basye, K., 940, 999
Bateman, J. A., 829, 989
Bates, E., 830, 1001
Bates, M. A., 14, 186, 1038
Batman, 458
bats, 458
Baum, E., 117, 188, 758, 989
Baum, L. E., 579, 756, 989
Baxter, J., 787, 989
Bayardo, R. J., 235, 990
Bayerl, S., 314, 1018
Bayes' rule, 9, 479, 479--481, 486, 490, 568
Bayes, T., 479, 487, 990
Bayes--Nash equilibrium, 640
Bayesian classifier, 482
Bayesian model merging, 840
Bayesian network, 26, 492, 492--499, 536
dynamic, 559, 559--568
hybrid, 501
inference, 504--510
learning, 722--724
learning hidden variables, 732--733
BDD, 439
Beal, D. F., 188, 990
Bear, J., 860, 1009
Beckert, B., 315, 990
beer factory scheduling, 458
Beeri, C., 157, 990
beetle, dung, 37, 56
beetles, 243
behavior language, 934
behaviorism, 13, 16, 55
belief, 341--343
and desires, 584--586
degree of, 474
function, 525
network, see Bayesian network
propagation, 531
revision, 360
state, 437, 466, 541, 626
update, 360
Bell Labs, 580
Bell, C., 430, 455, 990
Bell, D. A., 756, 995
Bell, J. L., 267, 990
Bell, T. C., 858, 859, 1041
Bellman equation, 620
Bellman update, 620
Bellman, R. E., 2, 10, 88, 89, 130, 620, 644, 990
Belongie, S., 758, 897, 990
Belsky, M. S., 186, 990
benchmarking, 977
Bender, E. A., 990
Bendix, P. B., 314, 1014
BenInq, 367
Bennett, B., 368, 996
Bennett, F. H., 133, 1016
Bennett, J., 309, 314, 1007
Bentham, J., 608, 990
Berger, H., 11
Berger, J. O., 759, 990
Berlekamp, E. R., 89, 990
Berleur, J., 960, 990
Berliner, H. J., 187--189, 990
Bernardo, J. M., 721, 990
Berners-Lee, T., 364, 990
Bernoulli, D., 590, 607, 990
Bernoulli, J., 9, 487, 610
Bernstein, A., 186, 990
Bernstein, P. L., 488, 648, 990
Berrou, C., 531, 990
Berry, C., 14
Berry, D. A., 786, 990
Bertele, U., 529, 990
Bertoli, P., 457, 990, 991
Bertsekas, D., 644, 788, 983, 991
Berwick, R. C., 833, 989
BESM, 186
best possible prize, 593
best-first search, 94, 129
Best-First-Search, 95
beta distribution, 561, 721
betting game, 474
Bezzel, M., 88
bias weight, 737
bias, declarative, 697
Bibel, W., 312, 314, 315, 991, 1018
Bickford, M., 309, 1036
biconditional, 205
Biddulph, R., 580, 998
bidirectional search, 87
Bidlack, C., 940, 996
Bigelow, J., 15, 1031
Biggs, N. L., 156, 991
bigram model, 568, 574
Bilmes, J., 580, 1030
binary decision diagram, 439
binary resolution, 297
Binder, J., 579, 756, 991, 1032
binding list, 254
Binford, T. O., 897, 991
Binmore, K., 645, 991
binocular stereopsis, 876, 876--895
binomial nomenclature, 363
bioinformatics, 858
biological naturalism, 954
biometrics, 885
bipartite matching, 889
Birnbaum, L., 860, 991
Biro, J. I., 966, 991
Birtwistle, G., 366, 991
Bishop, C. M., 132, 530, 758, 759, 991
Bishop, R. H., 55, 1000
Bistarelli, S., 156, 991
bit (of information), 659
Bitman, A. R., 187, 987
Bitner, J. R., 156, 991
BKG (backgammon program), 189
black box, 137
blackboard architecture, 580
Blackbox, 408, 411
Blake, A., 568, 579, 1011
Blei, D. M., 858, 991
blind search, see search, uninformed
Blinder, A. S., 648, 991
Block, N., 965, 966, 991
blocks world, 19, 24, 368, 381, 381--382, 445
Blum, A. L., 410, 991
Blumer, A., 675, 991
BNF (Backus--Naur form), 792, 984
BO, see bounded optimality
Bobick, A., 579, 1011
Bobrow, D. G., 19, 709, 860, 991
Boddy, M., 457, 971, 999, 1006
Boden, M. A., 233, 966, 991
body, 287
body (of a clause), 218
boid, 453, 458
Boltzmann machine, 759
Bonaparte, N., 186
Bonasso, R. P., 942, 1016
Boneh, D., 117, 989
Bonet, B., 411, 457, 991, 992
Boole, G., 7, 8, 234, 267, 992
CSP, 139
function, 738
keyword model, 841
logic, see logic, propositional
random variable, 467
Boolos, G. S., 315, 992
boosting, 673
Booth, A. D., 860, 1019
Booth, T. L., 858, 992
Borel, E., 645, 992
Borenstein, J., 940, 941, 992
Borgida, A., 353, 367, 992
Boser, B., 758, 1017
Boser, B. E., 675, 759, 992
bottom-up parsing, 798
Bottou, L., 758, 897, 1017
boundary set, 683
bounded optimality, 973
asymptotic (ABO), 973
bounded rationality, 973
Boutilier, C., 365, 458, 644, 992
Bowden, B. V., 14, 186, 1038
Bower, G. H., 785, 1009
Box, G. E. P., 132, 992
Boxes, 780, 781
Boyan, J. A., 132, 786, 992
Boyen, X., 580, 992
Boyer, R. S., 309, 314, 992
Boyer--Moore theorem prover, 309, 314
Boyle, J., 315, 1042
Brachman, R. J., 353, 367, 369, 992, 1018
Bradshaw, G. L., 710, 1017
Bradtke, S. J., 134, 644, 786, 989, 992
Brady, J. M., 579, 1025
Brafman, R. I., 458, 786, 992
Brahmagupta, 156
brain, 16
computational power, 12
damage, optimal, 748
prosthesis, 956--958, 967
states, 954
super, 9
in a vat, 955
vs. computer, 12
brains cause minds, 12, 955
Braitenberg, V., 942, 992
branching factor, 72, 693
effective, 106, 130, 169
Brandeis, L., 962
Bransford, J., 833, 992
Bratko, I., 131, 314, 703, 992, 993
Bratman, M. E., 56, 966, 993
Braverman, E., 759, 987
breadth-first search, 73, 87
Breese, J. S., 56, 529, 531, 532, 609, 972, 993,
1010, 1040
Breiman, L., 674, 993
Brelaz, D., 156, 993
Brent, R. P., 132, 993
Bresnan, J., 828, 993
Brewka, G., 367, 993
bridge (card game), 31
Bridge Baron, 185
Bridle, J. S., 758, 993
Briggs, R., 363, 993
brightness, 867
Brin, S., 859, 993
Brioschi, F., 529, 990
Britain, 22, 24
Broadbent, D. E., 13, 993
Broca, P., 10
Brooks, M. J., 896, 1010
Brooks, R. A., 55, 233, 236, 458, 932, 934, 941, 942,
Brouwer, P. S., 786, 989
Brown, J. S., 368, 710, 998, 1018
Brown, M., 757, 993
Brown, P. F., 854, 860, 993
Brownston, L., 312, 993
Brudno, A. L., 187, 993
Brunelleschi, F., 895
Bruner, J. S., 674, 993
Brunnstein, K., 960, 990
Brunot, A., 758, 897, 1017
Bryant, R. E., 439, 457, 993
Bryson, A. E., 22, 757, 993
Buchanan, B. G., 22, 23, 56, 363, 531, 674, 686,
993, 994, 1002, 1019
buffalo, 833
Bugs, 530, 755
Build, 368
Bulfin, R., 646, 1030
bunch, 325
Bundy, A., 315, 708, 994, 1039
Bunt, H. C., 366, 994
Buntine, W., 709, 1024
Burgard, W., 940, 994, 1003
burglar alarm, 493--495
Burns, C., 532, 1024
Buro, M., 182, 994
Burstall, R. M., 315, 364, 994
Burstein, J., 949, 994
Bylander, T., 387, 409, 994
C-Buridan, 457
Cajal, S., 11
calculus, 119
Calera, J., 830, 994
Califf, M. E., 830, 1023
Call, 291, 292
Calvanese, D., 367, 994
Cambefort, Y., 56, 1007
Cambridge, 13
Cameron-Jones, R. M., 703, 1030
Campbell, M. S., 181, 187, 188, 994, 1010
can machines think, 948
candidate definition, 679
candidate elimination, 683
Canny edge detection, 753, 872, 897
Canny, J., 897, 941, 994
canonical distribution, 500
Cantu-Paz, E., 133, 1028
Capek, K., 939, 962
Carbonell, J. G., 456, 675, 708, 994, 1022,
Carbonell, J. R., 709, 994
Cardano, G., 9, 487
Carlin, J. B., 759, 1005
Carmel, 940
Carnap, R., 6, 7, 472, 475, 487, 488, 531, 994
Carnegie Mellon University, 17
Carpenter, M., 456, 999
Carrasco, R. C., 830, 994
Carson, D., 314, 1042
cart--pole problem, 780
cascaded finite state transducers, 849
case (linguistics), 806
case folding, 844
case statement (in condition plans), 435
case-based reasoning, 708
Cassandra, 457
Cassandra, A. R., 645, 994, 1013
category, 322, 322--328
Caterpillar English, 851
causal influence, 497
causal link, 389
causal network, see Bayesian network
causal rules, 260
causation, 207, 260, 481
caveman, 687
CCD (charge-coupled device), 865, 899
cell decomposition, 916, 919
exact, 921
cell layout, 68
central limit theorem, 982
cerebral cortex, 11
Ceri, S., 312, 994
certainty equivalent, 591
certainty factor, 23, 525, 531
CES, 935
CFG, see grammar, context-free
CGP, 457
Chaff, 222, 224, 235
chain rule, 496
Chakrabarti, P. P., 131, 134, 994, 998
Chambers, R. A., 780, 785, 1022
Chan, W. P., 896, 994
chance node (decision network), 598
chance node (game tree), 177
chance of winning, 171
Chandra, A. K., 312, 313, 995
Chang, C.-L., 315, 995
Chang, K. C., 530, 1004
channel routing, 68
Chapman, D., 410, 458, 987, 995
charge-coupled device, 865, 899
Charniak, E., 2, 24, 312, 829, 859, 861, 995,
chart, 800
Chart-Parse, 801, 804, 805
chatbot, 948
Chateau Latour, 953
Chatfield, C., 579, 995
Chatila, R., 940, 1024
checkers, 18, 56, 181--182, 189, 192
checkmate, 81
Cheeseman, P., 9, 26, 157, 235, 532, 756, 940, 995,
Chekaluk, R., 940, 999
chemistry, 23
Chen, R., 579, 1019
Cheng, J., 530, 756, 995
Cheng, J.-F., 531, 1021
Chervonenkis, A. Y., 675, 1039
chess, 14, 21, 42, 89, 162, 172--173, 180--181, 186
automaton, 186
Chess 4.5, 89
Chess 4.6, 187
chi-square pruning, 663
Chickering, D. M., 188, 756, 1008, 1015
Chien, S., 455, 1004
Chierchia, G., 29, 828, 995
Chill, 826, 830
chimpanzees, 790
Chinese room, 958--960, 967
Chinook, 182, 192
choice point, 290
Chomsky normal form, 840
Chomsky, C., 828, 1007
Chomsky, N., 13, 16, 793, 827, 830, 858, 995
Choose-Attribute, 658--660
Choose-Literal, 702, 703
Choset, H., 941, 995
Christmas, 953
chronological backtracking, 148
cHUGIN, 530
Chung, K. L., 488, 983, 995
Church, A., 8, 275, 311, 995
Church, K., 804, 828, 858, 995
Churchland, P. M., 965, 995
Churchland, P. S., 958, 965, 995, 996
Cigol, 709
Cimatti, A., 411, 457, 990, 991, 996
circuit verification, 265
circuit-based agent, 227
circumscription, 358, 363, 367
prioritized, 359
city block distance, 106
Clamp, S. E., 488, 998
Clark completion, 367
Clark Normal Form, 355
Clark, K. L., 367, 996
Clark, P., 709, 996
Clark, S., 940, 1000
Clarke, A. C., 529, 961, 996
Clarke, E., 315, 411, 996
Clarke, M. R. B., 189, 996
class probability, 676
Classic, 353, 354
classical planning, 375, 430, 432
classification (in description logic), 353
clause, 214
Clearwater, S. H., 646, 996
Clint, 709
Clinton, W. J., 885
CLIPS, 312
Clocksin, W. F., 314, 996
closed class, 796
closed world, 354--356
closed-world assumption, 362, 377, 439
Clowes, M. B., 882, 897, 996
CLP, see logic programming, constraint
CLP(R), 313
clustering, 529, 725, 726
clustering (in Bayesian networks), 510, 510
CMU, 27, 181, 187, 580
CN2, 709
CNLP, 457
co-NP-complete, 210, 235, 979
coarticulation, 572, 572
coastal navigation, 924
Cobham, A., 8, 996
Cobley, P., 827, 996
Cocke, J., 860, 993
coercion, 431, 432, 456
architecture, 286
modeling, 3--4
psychology, 13
science, 3, 29
Cohen, B., 235, 1034
Cohen, C., 940, 996
Cohen, J., 313, 996
Cohen, P. R., 26, 29, 458, 827, 996
Cohen, W. W., 709, 996
coherence relations, 823
Cohn, A. G., 368, 996
coin flip, 524, 525, 610, 659
Colbert, 942
Collins, A. M., 709, 994
Collins, G., 457, 1029
Collins, M., 757, 996
Collins, M. J., 859, 996
Colmerauer, A., 267, 313, 827, 996
Colombano, S. P., 133, 1019
color, 868--869
combinatorial explosion, 22
epistemological, 244, 266
ontological, 242, 464, 524
common sense, 523
communication, 790--827
commutativity (in search problems), 141
competition, 454, 454
compilation, 292, 429
complement (of a verb), 808
complementary literals, 214
complete data, 716
of a proof procedure, 295
of a proof procedure, 203, 233
of resolution, 300--303
of a search algorithm, 71, 87
theorem, 295
Completer, 802
completion (of a data base), 355
complex sentence, 204, 249, 266
complex term, 266
complexity, 977--979
sample, 670
space, 71, 87
time, 71, 87
complexity analysis, 74, 978
compliant motion, 916
component (of mixture distribution), 725
Compose, 288
composite decision process, 131
composite object, see object, composite
composition (of substitutions), 288, 288
compositionality, 241, 810
Compound?, 278
compression, 777
computability, 8
computational learning, 137, 668
computational learning theory, 668, 672, 675, 758
computational neuroscience, 737
computer, 14--15
vs. brain, 12
computer graphics, 864
computer vision, see vision
conclusion (of an implication), 205
concurrent action list, 451
conditional distributions, 500--504
conditional effects, 433
conditional Gaussian, 503
conditional independence, 481, 485, 486, 490, 499--504,
528, 545
conditional planning, 431--440, 454, 604
conditional probability, see probability, conditional
conditional probability table, 494
conditional steps, 433
conditioning, 476
conditioning case, 494
Condon, J. H., 187, 996
configuration space, 917
confirmation theory, 6, 488
conflict-directed backjumping, 149
conformant planning, 431, 455, 457
Congdon, C. B., 940, 996
conjugate prior, 721
conjunct, 205
conjunct ordering, 284
conjunction (logic), 205
conjunctive normal form, 215, 215, 295--297
connection method, 312
connectionism, 25, see neural network
logical, 16, 204, 249
Connell, J., 942, 996
consciousness, 10, 952, 955, 956, 957, 960
consequent, 205
consistency, 353, 679
condition, 130
of a heuristic, 99
of actions, 385
consistent estimation, 512
consistent plan, see plan, consistent
Consistent-Det?, 696, 696
Console, L., 55, 1007
conspiracy number, 188
constant symbol, 246, 248, 266
binary, 140
entailment, 700
graph, 138, 153
nonlinear, 139
ordering, 392
preference, 140
propagation, 145, 144--147
recording, 157
resource, 148
special, 147
unary, 140
constraint logic programming, see logic programming
constraint satisfaction, 19
problem, 137, 137--141
constructive induction, 700
Contents, 796
context-free grammar, see grammar, context-free
context-sensitive grammar,
see grammar, context-sensitive
contingency problem, see problem, contingency
continuation, 292
continuity (of preferences), 587
continuous change, 337
continuous planning, 431, 432, 445--449, 455, 458
continuous speech, 574
Continuous-POP-Agent, 449, 449, 458
contour, 874, 881--884
contour (of a state space), 100
contrapositive, 308
lateral, 893
longitudinal, 894
control theory, 15, 55, 132, 409, 757, 780, 928
adaptive, 766, 785
control uncertainty, 925
controller, 55, 927
convention, 452
conversion to normal form, 296--297
Convince, 529
convolution, 869, 899
Conway, J. H., 89, 990
Cook, P. J., 961, 1003
Cook, S. A., 9, 235, 983, 996
Cooper, G., 530, 756, 997, 1035
cooperation, 450--451
coordinate frame, 874
coordination, 451, 452--454
coordination game, 635
Copeland, J., 365, 966, 997
Copernicus., 961, 997
Core Language Engine, 828
Cormen, T. H., 983, 997
corpus-based, 834
Cortes, C., 757, 758, 897, 997, 1017
count noun, 328
Cournot, A., 645, 997
Covington, M. A., 830, 997
Cowan, J. D., 20, 757, 997, 1041
Cowell, R., 755, 1036
Cox, I., 579, 940, 997
Cox, R. T., 475, 487, 997
CPCS, 501
CPT, see conditional probability table
crack, 883
Craig, J., 941, 997
Craik, K. J., 13, 997
Crawford, J. M., 235, 997
creativity, 16
Cremers, A. B., 940, 994
Crick, F. H. C., 120, 1040
Cristianini, N., 757, 759, 993, 997
critic (in learning), 52
critical path method, 418
critical point, 224
Crocker, S. D., 187, 1007
Crockett, L., 365, 997
Croft, W. B., 859, 1029, 1038
Cross, S. E., 28, 997
cross-correlation, 875
cross-validation, 663, 748, 762
crossover, 118
crossword puzzle, 28, 42, 158
Cruse, D. A., 844, 997
cryptarithmetic, 140
Csorba, M., 940, 1000
CSP, see constraint satisfaction problem
Culberson, J., 131, 997
Cullingford, R. E., 24, 829, 997
cult of computationalism, 947
cumulative learning, 700, 707
cumulative probability density function, 982
curiosity, 774
current-best-hypothesis, 674, 680
Current-Best-Learning, 681, 681, 682
Currie, K. W., 455, 1004
Cussens, J., 830, 997
Cutoff-Test, 173
Cybenko, G., 758, 997
cybernetics, 15, 15
CYC, 363--365
cyclic solution, 436
Cypress, 458
D'Ambrosio, B., 529, 1034
d-separation, 499
Dzeroski, S., 705, 709
DAG, see directed acyclic graph
Daganzo, C., 530, 997
Dagum, P., 530, 997
Dahl, O.-J., 366, 991, 997
Dale, R., 829, 830, 997, 1030
Dalton, 710
Damerau, F., 860, 988
Daniels, C. J., 134, 1020
Dantzig, G. B., 132, 998, 1041
DarkThought, 188
Darlington, J., 315, 994
DARPA, 28, 580
DART, 28
Dartmouth workshop, 17
Darwiche, A., 530, 532, 998
Darwin, C., 120, 961, 998
Dasgupta, P., 134, 998
data complexity, see complexity
data mining, 26
data-driven, 219
Datalog, 281, 310, 312
dative case, 806
Daun, B., 456, 999
Davidson, D., 365, 998
Davies, T. R., 694, 708, 709, 998
Davis, E., 364, 366, 368, 369, 998
Davis, G., 456, 999
Davis, K. H., 580, 998
Davis, M., 221, 234, 235, 300, 311, 998
Davis, R., 710, 998
Davis--Putnam algorithm, 221
Dawid, A., 529, 1017
Dawid, P., 755, 1036
Dayan, P., 759, 786, 998, 1023, 1033
da Vinci, L., 6, 895
DBN, see dynamic Bayesian network
DCG, see grammar, definite clause
DDN, see decision network, dynamic
de Morgan rules, 252
Deacon, T. W., 25, 999
Deale, M., 456, 999
Dean, M. E., 309, 1026
Dean, T., 455, 579, 644, 645, 940, 941, 971, 999
Dearden, R., 644, 992
Debevec, P., 896, 999
Debreu, G., 596, 999
debugging, 262
Dechter, R., 130, 156--158, 529, 999
one-shot, 586
problem, 8
rational, 463, 584, 604
sequential, 586, 600, 613
under uncertainty, 465
decision analysis, 604
decision analyst, 604
decision list, 670
decision maker, 604
decision network, 492, 584, 597, 597--600, 607, 608, 629
dynamic, 629, 644
evaluation, 599
decision node, 598
decision stump, 666
decision theory, 9, 26, 465, 607
decision tree, 608, 653, 653
expressiveness, 655
pruning, 662
Decision-List-Learning, 671, 672, 672
Decision-Tree-Learning, 656--658, 658, 661--663,
672, 676, 677, 679, 696, 697, 700
declarative bias, 697
declarativism, 197
decomposability (of lotteries), 588
decomposition (of plans), 459
DeCoste, D., 757, 758, 999
Dedekind, R., 267, 999
deduction, see logical inference
deduction theorem, 210
deductive databases, 310
Deep Blue, 27, 180, 181, 188
Deep Space One, 55, 407, 456
Deep Thought, 181, 187
Deerwester, S. C., 858, 999
default logic, 359, 363, 367
default reasoning, 354--360
default value, 352
definite clause grammar, see grammar, definite clause
definite clauses, 218, 280--281
definition (logical), 255
deformable matching, 888
degree heuristic, 144
degree of belief, 464
interval-valued, 523
degree of freedom, 904
controllable, 905
effective, 905
degree of truth, 244
DeGroot, M. H., 488, 759, 999
DeJong, G., 708, 860, 999, 1000
delay line, 228
delete list (in Strips), 378
deleted interpolation smoothing, 858
deliberate layer, 934
Dellaert, F., 940, 1003
Della Pietra, S. A., 854, 860, 993
Della Pietra, V. J., 854, 860, 993
delta rule, 778
Del Favero, B. A., 529, 1034
demodulation, 304, 304, 314
demodulator, 306, 318
Dempster's rule, 526
Dempster, A. P., 526, 531, 579, 756, 1000
Dempster--Shafer theory, 523, 525--526, 531
Den (denotation), 342
Dendral, 22, 23, 363
dendrite, 11
Denes, P., 580, 1000
Deng, X., 133, 1000
Denis, F., 830, 1000
Denker, J., 758, 897, 1017
Dennett, D. C., 951, 953, 966, 1000
Deo, N., 89, 1000
Depth, 69, 72, 77
depth limit, 173
depth of field, 866
depth-first search, 75, 87
Depth-Limited-Search, 77, 78
derivational analogy, 708
derived sentences, 203
DeSarkar, S. C., 134, 998
Descartes, R., 6, 895, 965, 1000
descendant (in Bayesian networks), 499
Descotte, Y., 455, 1000
description logic, 349, 353, 353--354, 362, 367
descriptive theory, 592
detachment, 524, 524
detailed balance, 518
determination, 694, 709, 710
minimal, 696
deterministic environment, 41
deterministic node, 500
Deville, Y., 157, 1039
Deviser, 455
Devroye, L., 755, 756, 1000
Dewey Decimal system, 323
de Bruin, A., 188, 1028
de Dombal, F. T., 488, 998
de Finetti, B., 474, 487, 998
de Freitas, J. F. G., 568, 998
de Kleer, J., 157, 312, 368, 998, 1003,
de Marcken, C., 830, 833, 998
De Morgan, A., 267, 998
De Raedt, L., 709, 830, 998, 1024
de Sarkar, S. C., 131, 994
de Saussure, F., 827, 999
diachronic, 258
diagnosis, 463
dental, 463
medical, 260, 498, 525, 600, 962
diagnostic rule, 259
diameter (of a graph), 77
Dickinson, M. H., 896, 994
Dickmanns, E. D., 897, 1000
dictionary, 21
Dietterich, T., 675, 708, 709, 787, 987, 1000,
difference engine, 14
differential drive, 905
differential equation, 927
differentiation, 690
diffuse reflection, 867
DiGioia, A. M., 28, 1000
digit recognition, 752--754
Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), 24, 286
Dijkstra, E. W., 89, 130, 965, 1000
Dill, D. L., 309, 1026
Dimopoulos, Y., 411, 1014
Diophantine equations, 156
Diophantus, 156
Diorio, C., 580, 1030
Diplomacy, 166
directed acyclic graph (DAG), 493, 529
disabilities, 967
Disambiguate, 796
disambiguation, 795, 815, 818--821, 827
discontinuities, 870
discount factor, 617, 644
discourse, 821
coherent, 823--824
understanding, 821--824
discrete event, see event, discrete
discretization, 121, 501
discrimination net, 674
disjoint sets, 324
disjunct, 205
disjunction, 205
disjunctive effects, 433
disparity, 877, 878
Dissanayake, G., 940, 1000
beta, 721
mixture, 725
divide-and-conquer, 407, 581
Dix, J., 367, 993
Dixon, J. K., 187, 1035
Dizdarevic, S., 133, 136, 1017
dlv, 367
Do, M. B., 455, 1000
document classification, 845
document clustering, 845
DOF, see degree of freedom
dolphin, 10, 790
Domain, 146
element, 245
in a CSP, 137
in first-order logic, 245
in knowledge representation, 253
independence, 376
of a random variable, 467
stochastic, 594
strict, 594
dominant strategy, 633
dominant strategy equilibrium, 633
domination (of heuristics), 106
Domingos, P., 488, 755, 1000
Donskoy, M. V., 187, 987
Doran, C., 828, 1000
Doran, J., 130, 131, 1000
Dorf, R. C., 55, 1000
Doucet, A., 580, 1000
Dow, R. J. F., 758, 1035
Dowling, W. F., 235, 1000
Dowty, D., 828, 1000
Doyle, J., 55, 157, 367, 368, 608, 1000, 1001,
1021, 1040
DPLL, 221, 222, 222, 224--226, 231, 235, 238, 239,
DPLL-Satisfiable?, 222
Drabble, B., 455, 1001
Dragon, 580
Draper, D., 457, 1001, 1002
Drebbel, C., 15
Dreussi, J., 456, 1035
Dreyfus, H. L., 365, 951, 972, 1001
Dreyfus, S. E., 88, 89, 644, 951, 990, 1001
drilling rights, 600
drone, 937
dropping conditions, 682
Drucker, H., 1017
Druzdzel, M. J., 530, 995
DT-Agent, 466
du Pont, 24
Du, D., 236, 1001
dualism, 6, 954, 964
Dubois, D., 532, 1001
Dubois, O., 235, 1035
duck, mechanical, 939
Duda, R. O., 488, 531, 755, 759, 1001
Dudek, G., 942, 1001
Duffy, K., 757, 996
Dumais, S. T., 532, 858, 999, 1032
dung beetle, 37
Dunham, B., 22, 1004
Duration, 459
Durer, A., 895
Durfee, E. H., 458, 1001
Durrant-Whyte, H., 940, 1000, 1018
Dzeroski, S., 1017
Dyer, M., 24, 829, 1001
Dyna, 786
dynamic backtracking, see backtracking, dynamic
dynamic Bayesian network, 537, 559, 559--568, 578, 579,
614, 629
dynamic decision network, see decision network, dynamic
dynamic environment, 42
dynamic programming, 131, 293, 546, 644
adaptive, 767, 767, 788
nonserial, 529
dynamic stability, 906
dynamic state, 904
dynamic weighting, 130
dynamical systems, 578
dystopia, 975
Dzeroski, S., 709, 830, 997, 1001,
E(cat,i) (event), 337
E0 (English fragment), 795
Earley, J., 828, 1001
earthquake, 493
Eastlake, D. E., 187, 1007
Ebeling, C., 187, 990, 1001
EBL, see explanation-based learning
Eckert, J., 14
Eco, U., 827, 1001
economics, 9--10, 55, 589
edge (in a chart), 800
edge (in a scene), 870, 882
edge detection, 870--872
Edinburgh, 709, 941
Edmonds, D., 17
Edmonds, J., 8, 1001
Edwards, D. J., 187, 1008
Edwards, P., 966, 1001
Edwards, W., 608, 1039
EEG, 11
Effect, 433
effect, 377
axioms, 330
external, 423
internal, 425
negative, 413
positive, 385
primary, 423
secondary, 423
effector, 901
Effects, 449
Egedi, D., 828, 1000
egomotion, 876
Ehrenfeucht, A., 675, 991
8-puzzle, 64, 88, 89, 91, 105, 107, 130
8-queens problem, 66, 88
Einstein, A., 1
Eiter, T., 367, 1001
EKF, see extended Kalman filter
electric motor, 906
electronic circuits domain, 262--266
Elfes, A., 940, 1024
Elhadad, M., 829, 1001
Elimination-Ask, 509
Eliza, 948, 961
Elkan, C., 527, 755, 1001
Elliot, G. L., 156, 1008
Elman, J., 830, 1001
EM algorithm, 542, 725, 724--733
structural, 732
emergent behavior, 453, 931
EMNLP, 861
empiricism, 6
Empson, W., 829, 1001
Empty?, 71
EMV, see expected monetary value
End, 801
Enderton, H. B., 267, 311, 1001
English, 21, 31
fragment, 795
English auction, 641
ensemble learning, 664--668
entailment, 201
inverse, 705
entailment constraint, 687, 700, 707
Entscheidungsproblem, 8
Enumerate-All, 506, 506
Enumerate-Joint, 477, 477
Enumeration-Ask, 505, 506
environment, 32, 38--44
artificial, 39
class, 44
competitive, 42
continuous, 42
cooperative, 42
deterministic, 41
discrete, 42
dynamic, 42
game-playing, 192, 789
generator, 44
history, 614
multiagent, 42, 341, 449
observable, 41
one-shot, 41
properties, 41
semidynamic, 42
sequential, 41, 41
single agent, 42
static, 42
stochastic, 41
strategic, 41
taxi, 38, 39
EPAM (Elementary Perceiver And Memorizer), 674
Ephrati, E., 458, 1016
epiphenomenalism, 957
episodic environment, 41
epistemological commitment, 244, 244, 266
epoch, 742
EQP, 309
equality (in logic), 253
equality symbol, 253
equilibrium, 633, 769
equivalence (logical), 210
Erdmann, M. A., 89, 1001
ergodic, 517
Erman, L. D., 580, 1001
Ernst, G., 130, 1025
Ernst, H. A., 941, 1002
Ernst, M., 411, 1002
Erol, K., 456, 1002
error, 720
sum of squared, 720
error (of a hypothesis), 669
error function, 982
Eskimos, 243
Essig, A., 488, 1006
Etchemendy, J., 238, 989
ethics, 960--964
Etzioni, O., 56, 457, 962, 973, 1002, 1040
EU, see utility, expected
Euclid, 8, 895
Eurisko, 710
Europe, 24
European Space Agency, 455
Eval, 171, 173
evaluation function, 94, 162, 171--173
accuracy, 171
linear, 110
Evans, T. G., 19, 30, 1002
event, 320, 335--340
calculus, 334, 334--335, 365, 812
category, 370
discrete, 337
generalized, 335
in probability, 504
liquid, 337
Everett, B., 940, 992
evidence, 464
evidence variable, 504
evolution, 31, 120, 243
machine, 22
example, 651
exceptions, 321
exclusive or, 207, 761
execution, 60
execution monitoring, 431, 431, 441--445, 455, 457
executive layer, 933
exhaustive decomposition, 324
existential graph, 350
Existential Instantiation, 273
Existential Introduction, 315
Expand, 72, 72, 77, 83, 102
Expand-Graph, 399, 400
expansion (of states), 69
expectation--maximization, see EM
expected monetary value, 589
expected utility, see utility, expected
expected value (in a game tree), 177
Expectiminimax, 631
expectiminimax, 177, 189
complexity of, 177
expert system, 363, 604, 607, 710, 962
commercial, 286
decision-theoretic, 604--607
first, 23
first commercial, 24
HPP (Heuristic Programming Project), 23
logical, 523
medical, 28, 531
Prolog-based, 289
with uncertainty, 26
explaining away, 525
explanation, 361, 691
explanation-based learning, 688, 690--694, 707, 708
exploration, 37, 122--129, 786
exploration function, 774, 776
exploration problem, 123
Extend, 209, 222
extended Kalman filter (EKF), 557, 912
Extender, 801, 801, 802, 803, 805
extension (of a causal link), 447
extension (of a concept), 679
extension (of default theory), 359
externalities, 641
Extract-Solution, 399, 400, 402, 403
extrinsic property, 328
eyes, 863, 866, 867, 895
face detection, 887
fact, 218
factor (in variable elimination), 507
factoring, 214, 297
Fagin, R., 157, 366, 990, 1002
Fahlman, S. E., 20, 367, 368, 1002
failure model, 562
false negative, 679
false positive, 680
family tree, 699
Farrell, R., 312, 993
FastForward, 411
FASTUS, 849, 860
Faugeras, O., 896, 897, 1002
Fearing, R. S., 941, 1002
Featherstone, R., 941, 1002
feature (of a state), 110
feature (speech), 570
feed-forward network, 738
feedback loop, 525
Feigenbaum, E. A., 22, 23, 29, 363, 674, 994,
1002, 1019
Feinstein, M. H., 29, 1036
Feldman, J., 29, 609, 1002
Feldman, R., 708, 1037
Fellbaum, C., 828, 1002
Feller, W., 983, 1002
Felner, A., 131, 1016
Feng, C., 709, 1024
Feng, L., 940, 992
Fermat, P., 9, 487
Ferraris, P., 457, 1002
fertility, 855, 856
Fetch, 278, 316
FF (FastForward planner), 411
FIFO-Queue, 73
Fifth Generation project, 24
figure of speech, 819
Fikes, R. E., 55, 267, 314, 367, 409, 456, 457, 708, 940,
992, 1002, 1032
Filter, 307
filtering, 360, 541, 542--544, 578, 627
Find-Pure-Symbol, 222
Find-Transform, 891, 892, 899
Find-Unit-Clause, 222
Findlay, J. N., 364, 1002
finite domain, 294
finite horizon, 616
finite-state machine, 793
Finney, D. J., 530, 1002
Firby, J., 934, 1003
Firby, R. J., 455, 458, 999, 1003
First, 71, 278, 288
first-order logic, see logic, first-order
first-order probabilistic logic, 519--522
Fischer, M. J., 364, 1003
Fisher, R. A., 487, 1003
Fitness-Fn, 119
Fix, E., 756, 1003
fixation, 878
fixed point, 218, 282
fixed-lag smoothing, 547
Fixed-Lag-Smoothing, 552
Flannery, B. P., 132, 1029
flaw (in a plan), 448
floor-planning, 159
fluent, 329, 339--340, 817
fluent calculus, 333, 338, 365
fly eyes, 876, 893
FMP, see planning, fine-motion
fMRI, 11
Focus, 709
focus, 867
focus of expansion, 876
focus spaces, 824
Fogel, D. B., 133, 1003
Fogel, L. J., 133, 1003
Foil, 701, 702, 703, 709, 711
FOL, see logic, first-order
FOL-BC-Ask, 287, 288, 288, 290
FOL-FC-Ask, 281, 282, 283, 287
folk psychology, 13, 369, 966
FOPC, see predicate calculus
Forbes, J., 786, 1003
Forbin, 455
Forbus, K. D., 312, 368, 1003
force sensor, 904
Ford, K. M., 29, 965, 1003
foreshortening, 879
Forestier, J.-P., 787, 1003
Forgy, C., 312, 1003
formal language, 791
formulate, search, execute, 60
Formulate-Goal, 61
Formulate-Problem, 61
Forrest, S., 133, 1023
Forsyth, D., 897, 1003
Fortescue, M. D., 243, 1003
Fortmann, T. E., 579, 989
Forward, 553, 554
forward chaining, 218, 218--220, 235, 280--287
forward checking, 144--145
forward pruning, 174
forward search for planning, 382--384
Forward-Backward, 546
Foster, D. W., 861, 1003
four-color map problem, 156, 950
Fourier, J., 156, 1003
Fox, D., 940, 994, 1003
Fox, M. S., 411, 455, 1003
Frakes, W., 859, 1003
axiom, 331, 333
in representation, 24, 366
in speech, 570
problem, 331, 364, 365, 378
inferential, 331, 333--335
representational, 331, 332--333
Francis, S., 859, 1003
Franco, J., 235, 1003
Frank, M., 158, 1006
Frank, R. H., 961, 1003
Frankenstein, 962
Freddy, 68, 456, 941
Fredkin Prize, 188
free space, 918
free will, 6, 955
Freeman, W., 531, 1042
Frege, G., 8, 234, 267, 311, 1003
frequentism, 472
Freuder, E. C., 157, 158, 1003, 1004, 1032
Freund, Y., 674, 1004
Friedberg, R. M., 22, 133, 1004
Friedman, G. J., 132, 1004
Friedman, J., 674, 759, 993, 1004,
Friedman, N., 580, 756, 992, 1004
fringe, 70
Fristedt, B., 786, 990
Fritz, 181
Frost, D., 158, 999
Frump, 860
Fry, D. B., 580, 1004
Fuchs, J. J., 455, 1004
Fudenberg, D., 646, 1004
FUF (generation program), 829
Fukunaga, A. S., 455, 1004
function, 242
total, 246
function approximation, 777
function approximator, 778
function symbol, 246, 248, 266
functional dependency, 694, 709
functional programming, 314
functional specification theory, 965
functionalism, 55, 954, 958, 965
Fung, R., 530, 1004
Furey, T., 757, 993
Furnas, G. W., 858, 999
Furst, M., 410, 991
futility pruning, 181
fuzzy control, 527
fuzzy set, 526, 532
G-set, 684
Gabor, Z. Z., 610
Gaifman, H., 531, 1004
gain parameter, 928
gain ratio, 663, 677
Gale, W. A., 858, 995
Galileo, G., 1, 53, 706
Gallaire, H., 312, 1004
Gallier, J. H., 235, 267, 311, 1000, 1004
Gallo, G., 89, 1004
Gamba, A., 757, 1004
Gamberini, L., 757, 1004
gambling, 9, 588
game, 10, 161
against nature, 434
bridge, 179
card, 179
constant--sum, 635
dice, 179
inspection, 632
minesweeper, 235
multiplayer, 165--167
of chance, 175--180
Othello, 162, 182
partial information, 640
playing, 161--162, 186
poker, 489
programs, 180--183
Qubic, 182
repeated, 638
robot (with humans), 945
theory, 10, 613, 631, 631--640
zero-sum, 192, 635
game show, 589
Garcia, P., 830, 1026
Garding, J., 896, 1004
Gardner, M., 234, 1004
Garey, M. R., 983, 1004
Garfield, J. L., 29, 1036
Gari, 455
Garrett, C., 117, 989
Gaschnig, J., 130, 135, 156, 157, 531, 1001,
Gasquet, A., 455, 1004
Gasser, R., 131, 182, 1004
Gat, E., 942, 1004
gate (logic), 263
Gauss, C. F., 88
Gauss, K. F., 156, 578, 1004
Gauss--Jordan elimination, 980
Gaussian distribution, 982
Gaussian error model, 561
Gaussian filter, 869
Gawande, A., 962, 1004
Gawron, J. M., 580, 1013
Ge, N., 829, 1005
Gee, A. H., 568, 998
Geffner, H., 411, 455, 457, 991, 992, 1008
Geiger, D., 529, 756, 1005, 1008
Gelatt, C. D., 132, 157, 1014
Gelb, A., 579, 1005
Gelernter, H., 18, 314, 1005
Gelfond, M., 367, 1005
Gelman, A., 759, 1005
Geman, D., 530, 1005
Geman, S., 530, 1005
general ontology, 344
General Problem Solver, 3, 409
generality, 693
generalization, 680, 681
generalization hierarchy, 686
generalized cylinder, 897
generalized event, 335
Generate-Description, 796
generation (of states), 69
generative capacity, 793, 809
generic robot language, 934
Genesereth, M. R., 55, 89, 197, 267, 268, 295, 300, 313, 314,
317, 945, 1005, 1035
genetic algorithm, 22, 116, 116--119, 132--133, 773
genetic programming, 133
Genetic-Algorithm, 119
Gentner, D., 708, 1005
Gentzen, G., 311, 1005
Geometry Theorem Prover, 18
Georgeff, M. P., 458, 1005
Gerbault, F., 756, 1006
Gerevini, A., 410, 411, 1005
Germann, U., 856, 1005
Gershwin, G., 572, 1005
Gestalt school, 896
Ghahramani, Z., 531, 579, 580, 1005, 1012,
Ghallab, M., 409, 411, 455, 1005
Ghose, S., 131, 994
Giacomo, G. D., 365, 1005
GIB, 183
Gibbs sampler, 518, 530
Gibson, J. J., 896, 1005
Gift of the Magi, 428
Gilks, W. R., 530, 755, 1005
Gilmore, P. C., 311, 1005
Gini, M., 457, 1026
Ginsberg, M. L., 157, 158, 183, 313, 317, 458, 532,
998, 1006, 1035
Gittins, J. C., 773, 786, 1006
Giunchiglia, E., 457, 1002
Givan, R., 828, 1021
Glanc, A., 939, 1006
Glauber, 710
Glavieux, A., 531, 990
global localization, 908
Global Positioning System (GPS), 904
differential, 904
Global-Trail-Pointer, 291
Glover, F., 132, 1006
Glymour, C., 755, 1036
Go (game), 182
Go-Moku, 182
Go4++, 183
Goal, 799
goal, 49, 59, 60, 87
based agent, 49--50, 54
directed reasoning, 185, 220
formulation, 60, 431
inferential, 254
predicate, 654
serializable, 407
test, 62, 87, 139, 384, 799
Goal-Test, 72, 77, 83, 102, 126, 128, 435
Goals, 399
God, existence of, 487
Godel, K., 8, 295, 311, 1006
Goebel, J., 756, 1006
Goebel, R., 2, 27, 55, 1029
Goemate, 183
GOFAI, see good old-fashioned AI
gold, 197
gold standard, 605
Gold, B., 580, 1006
Gold, E. M., 674, 830, 1006
Goldbach's conjecture, 710
Goldberg, D. E., 133, 1028
Golden, K., 458, 1006
Goldman, N., 829, 1006
Goldman, R., 457, 531, 829, 995, 1006,
Goldszmidt, M., 644, 756, 992, 1004
Golem, 709
Golgi, C., 10
Golog, 365, 934, 935
Gomard, C. K., 708, 1012
Gomes, C., 132, 1006
good and evil, 584
good old-fashioned AI, 951, 966
Good, I. J., 186, 528, 963, 1006
Good--Turing smoothing, 858
Gooday, J. M., 368, 996
Goodman, D., 27, 1006
Goodman, N., 365, 708, 1006, 1018
Goodnow, J. J., 674, 993
Gordon, M. J., 267, 1006
Gordon, N. J., 579, 1006
Gorry, G. A., 488, 1006
Gottlob, G., 158, 312, 313, 994, 1006
Gotts, N., 368, 996
GPS, see Global Positioning System
GPS, 3, 7, 18, 409
graceful degradation, 631
gradient descent, 115
Graham, S. L., 828, 1006
grammar, 792, 984
attribute, 827
augmented, 806--809
categorial, 828
context-free, 793, 826, 827
probabilistic (PCFG), 836, 836--840, 858
context-sensitive, 793
definite clause (DCG), 806, 827
dependency, 828
English, 795--798
formal, 795
induction, 824, 830
learning, 824--834
lexical-functional (LFG), 828
phrase structure, 826
probabilistic, 834--840
recursively enumerable, 793
regular, 793
tree-adjoining (TAG), 828
grammatical formalism, 793
Grand Prix, 180
Graph-Search, 82, 83, 83, 87, 91, 94, 99, 101, 129,
134, 171, 460
graphical model, 492
Graphplan, 395, 398, 399, 399, 401, 402, 407--412,
414, 457
Grassmann, H., 267, 1007
Grayson, C. J., 590, 1007
Greece, 233, 310, 363, 365
greedy search, 113
Green, B., 828, 1007
Green, C., 19, 267, 309, 312, 315, 364, 409, 1007
Greenbaum, S., 828, 1030
Greenblatt, R. D., 187, 1007, 1024
Greenstreet, M. R., 315, 1014
Greiner, R., 708, 756, 995, 1007
Grice, H. P., 827, 1007
grid, rectangular, 81
GRL, 942
Grosof, B., 709, 1032
Grosz, B. J., 641, 646, 824, 830, 1007, 1011
Grosz, b. J., 830, 1007
ground resolution theorem, 217, 300
ground term, 249, 273
grounding, 204
Grove, A., 488, 608, 988
Grove, W., 949, 1007
Grumberg, O., 315, 411, 996
Grundy, W., 757, 993
GSAT, 235
Gu, J., 157, 235, 236, 1001, 1007,
Guard, J., 309, 314, 1007
Guha, R. V., 363, 1018
Guibas, L. J., 941, 1007
Gus, 860
Gutfreund, H., 757, 987
Guy, R. K., 89, 990
Guyon, I., 758, 897, 1017
Guyon, I. M., 675, 759, 992
Gyorfi, L., 755, 1000
Godel, K., 234, 311, 949
Hmap (MAP hypothesis), 714
Hml (ML hypothesis), 715
Haas, A., 366, 1007
Hacker, 410
Hacking, I., 488, 1007
Hahnel, D., 994
Haken, W., 156, 988
HAL 9000 computer, 529
Hald, A., 488, 1007
Hale, J., 829, 1005
Halpern, J. Y., 366, 488, 531, 988, 1002,
Halpin, M. P., 158, 1006
halting problem, 275
ham sandwich, 819
Hamming distance, 735
Hamming, R. W., 488, 1007
Hammond, K., 456, 1007
Hamscher, W., 55, 1007
hand--eye machine, 941
Handschin, J. E., 579, 1007
handwriting recognition, 885
handwritten digit recognition, 752--754, 885, 886
Hanks, S., 457, 1001, 1002
Hanna, F. K., 710, 1031
Hansard, 853, 862
Hansen, E., 131, 457, 645, 1007, 1043
Hansen, P., 235, 1007
Hanski, I., 56, 1007
Hansson, O., 131, 135, 1007, 1008
happy graph, 661
Harada, D., 787, 1025
Haralick, R. M., 156, 1008
Hardin, G., 646, 1008
Harel, D., 312, 364, 995, 1008
Harman, G. H., 966, 1008
Harpy, 132, 580
Harrison, M. A., 828, 1006
Harsanyi, J., 645, 1008
Harshman, R. A., 858, 999
Hart, P. E., 130, 456, 457, 488, 531, 708, 755, 759,
1001, 1002, 1008
Hart, T. P., 187, 1008
Hartley, R., 896, 1008
Harvard, 592
hash table, 279
Haslum, P., 455, 1008
Hastie, T., 674, 756, 759, 1004, 1008
Haugeland, J., 2, 29, 951, 966, 1008
Haussler, D., 675, 709, 757, 758, 989, 991,
993, 1008
Havelund, K., 309, 1008
Hayes, P. J., 29, 364, 365, 367, 368, 965, 1003,
1008, 1021
Hayes-Roth, F., 580, 1001
head (of a clause), 218, 287
hearer, 790
Hearsay-II, 580
Hearst, M. A., 858, 861, 1026, 1033
Heath Robinson, 14
heavy-tailed distribution, 132
Heawood, P., 950
Hebb, D. O., 16, 20, 785, 1008
Heckerman, D., 26, 28, 525, 529, 531, 532, 579, 609, 755, 756,
993, 1008, 1010,
1032, 1036
hedonic calculus, 608
Heim, I., 828, 1008
Heinz, E. A., 188, 1008
Held, M., 131, 1008
Helmert, M., 411, 1008
Helmholtz, H., 12, 895
Hempel, C., 6
Henderson, T. C., 146, 156, 1023
Hendler, J., 364, 412, 456, 987, 990,
Hendrix, G. G., 352, 1009
Henrion, M., 56, 501, 530, 609, 1009, 1010,
Henry, O., 428
Henzinger, M., 847, 859, 1035
Henzinger, T. A., 55, 1009
Hephaistos, 939
Herbrand base, 301
Herbrand universe, 301, 311
Herbrand's theorem, 301, 311
Herbrand, J., 234, 274, 301, 311, 1009
Herskovits, E., 756, 997
heuristic, 129
admissible, 97
composite, 108
degree, 144, 156
domain-independent, 376
empty-delete-list, 387
for planning, 386--387
function, 95, 105--110, 376
least-constraining-value, 144
Manhattan, 106
min-conflicts, 150
minimum remaining values, 143, 156
search, see search, heuristic
straight-line, 95
Heuristic Programming Project (HPP), 23
Hewitt, C., 312, 313, 1009
Hex, 189
hexapod, 930
hidden Markov model, 26, 537, 549, 549--551, 559, 578, 579,
hidden unit, 739
hidden variable, 504
hierarchical decomposition, 422
hierarchical task network (HTN), 422
Hierholzer, C., 133, 1009
High, 698
higher-order logic, 244
Hilbert, D., 8
Hilgard, E. R., 785, 1009
hill climbing, 111, 136
random-restart, 114
Hill-Climbing, 112, 222
hindsight, 542
Hingorani, S. L., 579, 997
Hintikka, J., 366, 1009
Hinton, G. E., 25, 133, 757, 759, 1009, 1031
HipNav, 28
Hirsh, H., 708, 1009
Hirst, G., 829, 1009
hit list, 846
Hitachi, 430
Hitech, 187
HMM, 549, 559, 580
Ho, Y.-C., 22, 757, 993
Hoane, A. J., 181, 188, 994
Hobbs, J. R., 369, 822, 823, 829, 860, 1009
Hobbs, T., 6
Hockey, B. A., 828, 1000
Hodges, J. L., 756, 1003
Hoff, M. E., 20, 766, 785, 1041
Hoffman, J., 411, 1014
Hoffmann, J., 411, 1009
Hogan, N., 941, 1009
holistic context, 951
Holland, J. H., 132, 133, 1009, 1023
Holldobler, S., 365, 1009
Hollerbach, J. M., 941, 1002
Holloway, J., 187, 1024
Holzmann, G. J., 309, 1009
homeostatic, 757
Homo sapiens, 1
homophone, 568
Hon, H., 580, 1010
Honavar, V., 830, 1027
Hong, J., 674, 1022
Hood, A., 10, 1009
Hopcroft, J., 941, 983, 987, 1033
Hopfield network, 758
Hopfield, J. J., 25, 758, 1009
Hopkins Beast, 940
horizon, 865
horizon effect, 174
Horn clause, 217, 306, 701
Horn form, 218, 234
Horn, A., 234, 1009
Horn, B. K. P., 896, 897, 1010
Horning, J. J., 1010
Horowitz, E., 89, 1010
Horowitz, M., 309, 1026
Horrocks, J. C., 488, 998
horse, 954
Horswill, I., 934, 942, 1010
Horvitz, E. J., 26, 56, 529, 532, 609, 971, 972, 1010,
Hovel, D., 529, 532, 1010
Hovy, E., 829, 1010
Howard, R. A., 597, 608, 609, 644, 1010, 1022
Howe, A., 409, 1005
HSCP, 457
Hsu, F.-H., 181, 187, 188, 994, 1010
HTML, 849
HTN, see hierarchical task network
Huang, T., 579, 1010
Huang, X. D., 580, 1010
Hubble Space Telescope, 140, 150, 417, 456
Hubel, D. H., 897, 1010
Huber, M., 940, 996
Huddleston, R. D., 828, 1010
Huffman, D. A., 19, 882, 897, 1010
Huffman, S., 940, 996
Hughes, B. D., 126, 1011
Hugin, 529, 579
Huhns, M. N., 56, 1011
human judgment, 523, 531, 592
human performance, 1
human preference, 617
humanoid robot, 902
Hume, D., 6, 1011
Hungarian algorithm, 889
Hunsberger, L., 641, 646, 1011
Hunt, E. B., 674, 1011
Hunter, L., 756, 1011
Hurwicz, L., 646, 1011
Hutchins, W. J., 860, 1011
Huttenlocher, D. P., 897, 1011
Huygens, C., 487, 645, 1011
Hwa, R., 859, 1011
Hwang, C. H., 364, 828, 1011
hybrid architecture, 932
hyperparameter, 721
hypertree width, 510
hypothesis, 651
approximately correct, 669
null, 662
space, 679
Hyun, S., 940, 999
Hahnel, D., 940
i.i.d. (independently and identically distributed), 713
IBM, 17, 18, 27, 181, 580, 855
IBM 704 computer, 182
ice cream, 465
ID3, 709
IDA*, see search, iterative deepening A*
identification in the limit, 672
identity theory, 965
IEEE, 364
ignorance, 523, 525
practical, 464
theoretical, 464
IJCAI (International Joint Conference on AI), 30
ILP, see logic programming, inductive
image, 865
formation, 865--869, 894
processing, 894
retrieval, 885
segmentation, 872--873, 885
imaging sensor, 904
implementation level, 196
implication, 205
implicit effect, 332
importance sampling, 530
theorem, 8, 302, 949
inconsistent support, 397
incorporation, 795
incremental learning, 683
independence, 478, 477--479, 481, 486
absolute, 478
conditional, 499
marginal, 478
independent subproblems, 152
bounded, 430
unbounded, 431
indexical, 817
indexing, 279, 278--279
India, 16, 156, 363
indicator variable, 743
indifference, principle of, 472, 487
individuation, 327
induction, 6, 651
constructive, 700
mathematical, 8
inductive inference
pure, 651
inductive learning, see learning
inductive logic programming (ILP), 709
Indyk, P., 756, 1011
inequality constraints, 394
Infer, 307, 307
inference, 195, 272
probabilistic, 475, 475--477, 492
procedure, 262
rule, 211, 233
inferential equivalence, 274
infinite horizon, 616
infinite horizon problems, 644
influence diagram, see decision network
extraction, 848--850, 858
gain, 660, 662
gathering, 37, 924
retrieval, 346, 840--848, 859
theory, 659, 659--660, 674
value, 600, 609
information value, see value of information
Information-Gathering-Agent, 603
informed search, see search, informed
Ingerman, P. Z., 827, 1011
inheritance, 323, 323, 350, 373
multiple, 350
Init, 799
initial state, 62, 87, 162
Initial-Planning-Graph, 399
Initial-State, 72, 77, 83, 102, 112, 116, 435
Initializer, 803
Inoue, K., 705, 1011
input resolution, 305
Insert, 71, 72, 83
Insert-All, 71, 72, 83
inside--outside algorithm, 839
insurance premium, 591
integrability, 881
integrity constraints, 218
intelligence, 1, 32
intention (discourse), 792
intentional stance, 966
intentional state, 955
intentionality, 953, 965, 966
intercausal reasoning, see reasoning
interleaving (search and action), 87
interlingua, 852
intermediate form, 814
internal state, 48
Internet, 26
Internet search, 346
Internet shopping, 344--349
Interplan, 410
Interpret-Input, 47
interpretation, 246
pragmatic, 794, 815--817
semantic, 794
interreflections, 881
interval, 335, 338--339
Intille, S., 579, 1011
intractability, 8, 21, 30
intrinsic property, 328
introspection, 3, 13
inverse entailment, see entailment, inverse
inverse game theory, 640
inverse kinematics, 917
inverse link, 351
inverse method, 312
inverse resolution, see resolution, inverse
inverted pendulum, 780
Inza, I., 133, 136, 1017
Ipem, 458
IPL, 17
IPP, 411
IQ test, 19, 30
irrationality, 2, 587, 608
IS-A links, 366
Isard, M., 568, 579, 1011
Isis, 455
Israel, D., 860, 1009
Italian, 851
Italy, 487
ITEP chess program, 187
iterative deepening, see search, iterative deepening
iterative expansion, 131
Iterative-Deepening-Search, 78, 107
Itou, 709
IxTeT, 411
Jaakkola, T., 530, 531, 580, 787, 1011, 1012,
Jackel, L., 758, 897, 1017
Jacquard loom, 14
Jacquard, J., 14
Jaffar, J., 313, 1011
Jaguar, 455
Jahr, M., 856, 1005
James, H., 13
James, W., 13
janitorial science, 35
Japan, 24
Jaskowski, S., 1011
Jaumard, B., 235, 1007
Jeavons, P., 158, 1027
Jefferson, G., 952, 1011
Jeffrey, R. C., 315, 487, 608, 992, 1011
Jeffreys, H., 858, 1011
Jelinek, F., 580, 858, 860, 993, 1011, 1012
Jenkin, M., 942, 1001
Jennings, H. S., 13, 1012
Jensen, F., 529, 987
Jensen, F. V., 529, 532, 987, 1012
Jespersen, O., 828, 1012
Jevons, W. S., 234, 709, 1012
Jimenez, P., 457, 1012
Joachims, T., 757, 860, 1012
job shop scheduling, 417, 417
Johnson, C. R., 56, 993
Johnson, D. S., 983, 1004
Johnson, M., 829, 830, 833, 992, 1001,
Johnson, W. W., 88, 1012
Johnson-Laird, P. N., 29, 1012
Johnston, M. D., 132, 157, 456, 1012, 1023
join tree, 510
joint action, 451
joint intention, 454
joint plan, 450
joint probability distribution, 469
full, 469, 486, 492, 495--498
Jones, M., 897, 1039
Jones, N. D., 708, 1012
Jones, R., 312, 1012
Jonsson, A., 27, 55, 455, 1012
Jordan, M. I., 530--532, 579, 580, 645, 758, 783, 787, 858,
991, 1005, 1011, 1012,
1024, 1025, 1033, 1036
Joshi, A. K., 828, 830, 1007, 1012,
Joskowicz, L., 368, 1032
Joslin, D., 410, 1012
Jouannaud, J.-P., 314, 1012
Joule, J., 706
JTMS, see truth maintenance system, justification-based
Juang, B.-H., 580, 1030
Judd, J. S., 758, 1012
Juels, A., 133, 1012
Julesz, B., 896, 1012
junction type, 883
Jurafsky, D., 29, 580, 829, 830, 861, 1012
justification, 357
Jaskowski, S., 311
Kdl (decision list), 671
Kdt (decision tree), 671
Kadane, J. B., 645, 1012
Kaelbling, L. P., 236, 644, 645, 788, 942, 994,
999, 1013
Kager, R., 829, 1013
Kahneman, D., 2, 498, 592, 1013, 1038
Kaindl, H., 131, 1013
Kalah, 187
Kalman filter, 537, 551, 551--559, 578, 579
switching, 558
Kalman gain matrix, 556
Kalman, R., 551, 578, 1013
Kambhampati, S., 410, 411, 455, 456, 1000,
1013, 1025
Kameya, Y., 531, 1033
Kameyama, M., 860, 1009
Kan, A., 88, 421, 1017
Kanade, T., 28, 876, 896, 1000, 1038
Kanal, L. N., 131, 532, 1013, 1016,
Kanazawa, K., 579, 645, 756, 940, 991, 999,
1013, 1032
Kanefsky, B., 9, 157, 235, 995
Kanoui, H., 267, 313, 996
Kant, E., 312, 993
Kaplan, D., 366, 1013
Kaplan, R., 805, 828, 860, 991, 1021
Karmarkar, N., 132, 1013
Karmiloff-Smith, A., 830, 1001
Karp, R. M., 9, 88, 131, 983, 1008, 1013
Karypis, G., 846, 1036
Kasami, T., 828, 1013
Kasparov, G., 27, 180, 181, 1013
Kasper, R. T., 829, 989, 1013
Kassirer, J. P., 488, 1006
Kaufmann, M., 315, 1013
Kautz, D., 456, 999
Kautz, H., 132, 235, 411, 1006, 1013,
Kavraki, L., 941, 1013
Kay, A. R., 11, 1026
Kay, M., 580, 851, 860, 991, 1013
Kaye, R., 235, 1013
KB, see knowledge base
KB-Agent, 196
KBIL, see inductive learning, knowledge-based
Keane, M. A., 133, 1016
Kearns, M., 645, 675, 786, 1013
Kedar-Cabelli, S., 708, 1023
Keene, R., 27, 1006
Keeney, R. L., 592, 597, 608, 1014
Kehler, A., 829, 1014
Keil, F. C., 3, 29, 966, 1041
Keim, G. A., 28, 158, 1019
Keller, R., 708, 1023
Kelly, J., 756, 995
Kemp, M., 895, 1014
Kempe, A. B., 950
Kenley, C. R., 529, 1034
Kent, C., 341
Kepler, J., 895
Kern, C., 315, 1014
kernel function, 735, 751
polynomial, 751
kernel machine, 749, 749--752
kernel model, 735, 735--736
kernelization, 752
Kernighan, B. W., 88, 1019
Keynes, J. M., 487, 1014
Khatib, O., 941, 1014
Khorsand, A., 131, 1013
kidnapping problem, 908
Kids, 315
Kietz, J.-U., 709, 1014
Kilimanjaro, 790
Kim, J. H., 529, 1014
kinematic state, 904
kinematics, 917
King, R. D., 706, 707, 1014, 1036
kinship domain, 254--256
Kirby, M., 897, 1035
Kirchner, C., 314, 1012
Kirkpatrick, S., 132, 157, 235, 1014
Kirman, J., 644, 999
Kirousis, L. M., 897, 1014
Kitano, H., 940, 1014
Kjaerulff, U., 579, 1014
KL-One, 367
Kleer, J. D., 55, 1007
Klein, D., 859, 1014
Kleinberg, J. M., 859, 1014
Klempner, G., 532, 1024
Knight, K., 2, 856, 860--862, 1005, 1014,
1030, 1042
Knoblock, C. A., 88, 409, 456, 994, 1005,
knowing that, 343
knowing what, 343
knowing whether, 343
acquisition, 23, 261
and action, 7, 344
background, 196
base, 195, 232, 268
based system, 22--24, 776
commonsense, 19
diagnostic, 480
effect, 344
engineering, 260, 260--266, 320, 496
for decision-theoretic systems, 605
level, 196, 233
map, see Bayesian network
model-based, 481
precondition, 344
prior, 37
proposition, 230
representation, 3, 16, 19, 24, 240--244, 320--374
analogical, 268
language, 195, 232, 240
source, 580
knowledge representation
uncertain, 492--495
Knuth, D. E., 187, 314, 827, 941, 983, 1007,
Koditschek, D., 941, 1014
Koehler, J., 411, 1014
Koenderink, J. J., 896, 897, 1015
Koenig, S., 89, 134, 644, 940, 1015, 1035
Kohn, W., 314, 1015
Koller, D., 488, 531, 579, 580, 646, 756, 860, 940,
988, 991, 992, 1010,
1013, 1015, 1023,
Kolmogorov complexity, 675
Kolmogorov's axioms, 471
Kolmogorov, A. N., 487, 578, 675, 1015
Kolodner, J., 24, 708, 829, 1015
Kondrak, G., 157, 158, 1015
Konolige, K., 366, 367, 458, 942, 993, 1015
Koopmans, T. C., 644, 1015
Koren., Y., 941, 992
Korf, R. E., 89, 131, 134, 188, 410, 1015, 1016,
Kortenkamp, D., 940, 942, 996, 1016
Koss, F., 940, 996
Kotok, A., 187, 1016
Koutsoupias, E., 132, 235, 1016
Kowalski form, 295
Kowalski, R., 267, 289, 295, 313, 314, 364, 365, 367,
1016, 1032, 1039
Koza, J. R., 133, 1016
KPML (generation program), 829
Kramnik, V., 181
Kratzer, A., 828, 1008
Kraus, S., 458, 1016
Kraus, W. F., 133, 1019
Krauss, P., 531, 1034
Kripke, S. A., 366, 1016
Krishnan, T., 756, 1022
Krovetz, R., 859, 1016
Kruppa, E., 895, 1016
Krypton, 367
Ktesibios, 15
Kucera, H., 859, 1003
Kuehner, D., 313, 1016
Kuhn, H. W., 646, 1016
Kuhns, J.-L., 859, 1020
Kuijpers, C., 133, 136, 1017
Kuipers, B. J., 940, 1016
Kukich, K., 859, 1016
Kulikowski, C. A., 675, 1040
Kumar, P. R., 55, 1016
Kumar, V., 131, 158, 846, 1013, 1016,
1025, 1036
Kuniyoshi, Y., 940, 1014
Kuper, G. M., 313, 1016
Kurzweil, R., 2, 963, 1016
Kyburg, H. E., 488, 1016, 1017
label (in plans), 436, 460
Ladkin, P., 365, 1017
Ladner, R. E., 364, 1003
Lafferty, J., 859, 1017
Laguna, M., 132, 1006
Laird, J. E., 27, 286, 312, 456, 708, 971, 1012,
Laird, N., 579, 756, 1000
Laird, P., 132, 157, 1023
Lakemeyer, G., 940, 994
Lakoff, G., 363, 829, 1017
Lamarck, J. B., 120, 1017
Lambertian surface, 868, 880, 898
Landauer, T. K., 858, 999
landmark, 909
Langley, P., 710, 1017
Langlotz, C. P., 26, 1010
Langton, C., 133, 1017
language, 790, 791--792
abhors synonymy, 844
as action, 827
analysis, 794
formal, 791
generation, 792
model, 568, 841, 854, 856
in disambiguation, 821
natural, 5, 241, 791
perception, 794
processing, 16, 790--862
situated, 826
and thought, 243
translation, 21, 694, 850--857
understanding, 19, 23
Lansky, A. L., 458, 1005
Laplace, P., 9, 472, 487, 523, 1017
Lappin, S., 829, 1017
Lari, K., 859, 1017
Larkey, P. D., 645, 1012
Larranaga, P., 133, 136, 1017
Larsen, B., 529, 1017
Larson, G., 687
Laruelle, H., 411, 455, 1005
Lassez, J.-L., 313, 1011
Lassila, O., 364, 990
latent Dirichlet allocation, 858
latent semantic indexing, 858
latent variable, 724
Latombe, J.-C., 455, 941, 1000, 1013,
1017, 1043
lattice theory, 309
Laugherty, K., 828, 1007
Lauritzen, S., 529, 532, 608, 755, 756, 1017,
1025, 1036
Lavrac, N., 674, 705, 709, 1017, 1022
Lawaly, 456
Lawler, E. L., 88, 131, 421, 1017
laws of thought, 4
layers, 739
Lazanas, A., 941, 1017
laziness, 463
La Mettrie, J. O., 961, 965, 1017
La Mura, P., 608, 1017
LCF, 267
Leacock, C., 949, 994
leaf node, 70
leak node, 500
LeanTaP, 315
Leaper, D. J., 488, 998
leaping to conclusions, 687
learning, 37, 54, 197, 649, 949, 952
action-value, 764
active, 764
assessing performance, 660--661
Bayesian, 713, 713--714, 754
Bayesian network, 722--724
blocks-world, 19
cart--pole problem, 780
checkers, 18
computational theory, 137, 668
curve, 660
decision lists, 670--671
decision trees, 653--659
determinations, 695
element, 52
ensemble, 664--668
explanation-based, 690--694
game-playing, 780
grammar, 824--834
heuristics, 109--110
hidden Markov model, 731
hidden variables, 730
with hidden variables, 727
incremental, 683, 687
inductive, 651--653, 673
knowledge-based, 689, 698, 707
instance-based, 733, 733
knowledge in, 686--690
linearly separable functions, 741--743
logical, 678--686
MAP, 714--715
maximum likelihood, 716--720
naive Bayes, 718
neural network, 748
new predicates, 700, 706
noise, 661--663
nonparametric, 733
online, 778
PAC, 668, 675, 694
parameter, 716, 720--722, 733
passive, 764
Q, 776, 782
rate, 769, 776
reinforcement, 763--789
relevance-based, 694--697
restaurant problem, 654
statistical, 712--715
supervised, 885
temporal difference, 767--771
to search, 104--105
top-down, 701--703
unsupervised, 650, 725--727
utility functions, 764
Leass, H. J., 829, 1017
least commitment, 387, 683
least-constraining-value heuristic, 144
LeCun, Y., 758, 897, 1017
Lederberg, J., 23, 363, 1002, 1019
Lee, K.-F., 580, 1039
Lee, R. C.-T., 315, 995
Lee, T.-M., 11, 1026
Leech, G., 828, 859, 1018, 1030
Lefkovitz, D., 189, 1018
left-corner parser, 802
left-recursive rules, 799
legal reasoning, 31
Legal-Actions, 89
Lehmann, D., 458, 1016
Leibniz, G. W., 6, 119, 234, 487, 645
Leimer, H., 529, 1017
Leipzig, 12
Leiserson, C. E., 983, 997
Lemmer, J. F., 532, 1013
Lenat, D. B., 363, 372, 710, 998, 1018
Length, 119, 399, 643, 801, 977
lens, 866
lens system, 866--867
Lenstra, J. K., 88, 421, 456, 1017, 1039
Lenzerini, M., 367, 994
Leonard, H. S., 365, 1018
Leonard, J. J., 940, 1018
Leone, N., 158, 313, 367, 1001, 1006
Lesh, N., 457, 1002
Lesniewski, S., 1018
Lesperance, Y., 365, 934, 1005, 1018
Lesser, V. R., 458, 580, 1001
Lettvin, J. Y., 893, 1018
Letz, R., 314, 1018
level (in planning graphs), 395
leveled off (planning graph), 397
Levesque, H. J., 132, 235, 365, 367, 369, 458, 934,
992, 996, 1005,
1018, 1034
Levitt, G. M., 186, 1018
Levitt, T. S., 940, 1016
Levy, D. N. L., 189, 1018
Lewis, D. D., 860, 1018
Lewis, D. K., 55, 828, 965, 1018
Lewis, R. A., 707, 1014
Lex, 674, 686
lexicalized PCFG, 837, 859
lexicon, 795, 828
Lesniewski, S., 365
Le Cun, Y., 758, 1017
LFG, see grammar, lexical-functional
Li, C. M., 235, 1018
Li, M., 675, 1018
liability, 962
Lieberman, L., 896, 989
Life, 314
life insurance, 592
LIFO queue, 75
Lifschitz, V., 367, 368, 409, 1005, 1018
lifting, 276, 275--279
lifting lemma, 300, 303
light, 867--868
Lighthill report, 22, 24
Lighthill, J., 22, 1018
likelihood, 541
likelihood weighting, 514, 528, 530, 565
Likelihood-Weighting, 514, 515
limb (in a scene), 882
limited rationality, 5
Lin, D., 757, 993
Lin, F., 365, 934, 1018
Lin, S., 88, 130, 1018, 1019
Linden, T. A., 457, 1019
Lindsay, R. K., 363, 860, 1019
line labeling, 882
line search, 121
algebra, 979--981
constraint, 139
Gaussian, 502, 529, 552
input resolution, 308
interpolation smoothing, 835
programming, 132, 638
regression, 720
resolution, 305, 705
separability, 741, 755
separator, 740, 749
optimal, 749
linearization, 388, 912
Linguistic String Project, 828
linguistics, 16, 29
computational, 16
linkage constraints, 917
Links, 424
Linnaeus, 363
Linus, 705
Lipkis, T. A., 367, 1033
liquid event, see event, liquid
liquids, 368
Lisp, 18, 248, 343, 670, 934
List?, 278
lists, 257
literal (sentence), 204
Littman, M. L., 28, 133, 158, 457, 645, 646, 788, 987,
994, 1013, 1019, 1020
Liu, J. S., 579, 1019
Liu, W., 756, 995
lizard toasting, 688
Lloyd, E. K., 156, 991
Lloyd, J. W., 313, 1019
local beam search, 115
local search, 110, 223
locality, 230, 524
localization, 908
Markov, 940
locally structured system, 496
Locke, J., 6, 827, 1019
Locke, W. N., 860, 1019
locking, 308
Lodge, D., 974, 1019
Loebner prize, 30
log likelihood, 716
Logemann, G., 221, 235, 998
logic, 4, 7, 200--204
atoms, 248
default, 359
dynamic, 364
equality, 253
first-order, 240, 240--271
inference, 272--275
semantics, 245
syntax, 245
fuzzy, 464, 524, 526--527, 532
higher-order, 244
inductive, 472, 488, 488
interpretations, 246--247
modal, 342, 366
models, 245--246
nonmonotonic, 358
notation, 4
propositional, 195, 204--211, 241
inference, 208--223
semantics, 206--207
syntax, 204--206
quantifier, 249--252
resolution, 213--217
sampling, 530
temporal, 244, 364
terms, 248
variable, 290
logic programming, 267, 289--295, 313
constraint, 294, 294--295, 313
inductive (ILP), 689, 697--703, 707
tabled, 294, 294, 313
Logic Theorist, 17, 234
logic Theorist, 17
agent, 195
connective, 16, 204, 249
inference, 202, 272--319
omniscience, 343
piano, 234
positivism, 6
reasoning, 211--224
logicism, 4
Logistello, 182
logistic function, 738
logit distribution, 503, 530
Lohn, J. D., 133, 1019
London, 14
long compound names, 264
Long, D., 411, 1003
long-distance dependencies, 817
long-term memory, 286
Longuet-Higgins, H. C., 1019
Look ma, no hands, 18
Lookup, 45
lookup table, 748
loopy propagation, 531
Lotem, A., 411, 1039
lottery, 586, 610
standard, 593
love, 949
Lovejoy, W. S., 645, 1019
Lovelace, A., 14
Loveland, D., 221, 235, 313--315, 998, 1019
Lowe, D. G., 897, 1019
Lowenheim, L., 267, 1019
Lowerre, B. T., 132, 580, 1019
Lowrance, J. D., 458, 532, 1032, 1041
Lowry, M., 309, 1008
Lowry, M. R., 315, 1019
Loyd, S., 88, 1019
Lozano-Perez, T., 941, 993, 1019,
LPG, 411
LRTA*, 127, 134
LRTA*-Agent, 128, 128
LRTA*-Cost, 128, 128
LSTD, 786
LT, 17
Luby, M., 114, 530, 580, 997, 1019
Lucas, J. R., 949, 950, 1019
Lucas, P., 532, 605, 1019
Luce, D. R., 10, 646, 1019
Luger, G. F., 30, 1019
Lugosi, G., 755, 1000
Lull, R., 6
Lunar, 828
Luong, Q.-T., 896, 1002
Lusk, E., 315, 1042
Mezard, M., 758
MA*, see search, memory-bounded A*
MAC, 146, 149, 157
MacHack 6, 187
machine evolution, 22
machine learning, 3, 5
machine translation, see language, translation
statistical, 853--857
Machover, M., 267, 990
MacKay, D. J. C., 531, 758, 1020, 1021
Mackworth, A. K., 2, 27, 55, 146, 156, 158, 897, 1004,
1020, 1029
macrop (macro operator), 456
Madigan, C. F., 235, 1024
magic set, 287
Mahalanobis distance, 735
Mahanti, A., 134, 1020
Mahaviracarya, 487
Maier, D., 157, 313, 989, 990
Majercik, S. M., 457, 1020
majority function, 655, 740
Majority-Value, 658
Make-Action-Query, 196
Make-Action-Sentence, 196
Make-Node, 72, 77, 83, 102, 112, 116
Make-Percept-Sentence, 196
Make-Queue, 71
Makov, U. E., 756, 1038
Mali, A. D., 456, 1013
Malik, J., 579, 758, 873, 875, 880, 896, 897, 990,
999, 1010, 1020,
Malik, S., 235, 1024
Mandela, N., 885
Manhattan, see heuristic, Manhattan
manipulator, 901
Mann, W. C., 829, 1020
Manna, Z., 267, 314, 315, 1020
Manning, C. D., 859, 861, 1014, 1020
Manolios, P., 315, 1013
Mansour, Y., 645, 787, 1013, 1037
MAP (maximum a posteriori), 714
Marais, H., 847, 859, 1035
Marbach, P., 787, 1020
Marcinkiewicz, M. A., 859, 1020
Marcu, D., 856, 1005
Marcus, M. P., 859, 1020
marginalization, 475
Marin, J., 674, 1011
assumption, 539, 578
blanket, 499, 536
chain, 517, 539
chain Monte Carlo, 516, 516--519, 528, 530, 565
decision process
partially observable (POMDP), 626, 625--628, 645
decision process (MDP), 10, 615, 643, 645, 763
process, 539
property, 547, 578, 614
Markov, A. A., 578, 858, 1020
Maron, M. E., 488, 859, 1020
Marr, D., 897, 1020
Marriott, K., 157, 158, 314, 1020
Marsland, A. T., 189, 1020
Martelli, A., 131, 314, 1020
Marthi, B., 580, 1020
Martin, J. H., 29, 580, 829, 830, 861, 1012,
Martin, N., 312, 993
Martin, P., 456, 829, 1009, 1020
Maslov, S. Y., 312, 1020, 1021
Mason, M., 89, 456, 941, 942, 1001, 1019,
mass noun, 328
mass spectrometer, 22
Mataric, M. J., 942, 1021
Mateis, C., 367, 1001
material advantage, 173
material value, 172
materialism, 6, 954, 965
eliminative, 965
Mates, B., 234, 1021
mathematical induction schema, 302
mathematics, 7--9, 18, 29
Matheson, J. E., 597, 608, 1010, 1022
matrix, 980
Maturana, H. R., 893, 1018
Mauchly, J., 14
Max, 166, 170
max norm, 622
Max-Value, 166, 166, 170, 170
maximin, 635
maximin equilibrium, 636
maximum a posteriori, 714
maximum expected utility, 585, 588, 607
maximum likelihood, 715, 716--720
Maxwell, J., 523, 805, 828, 895, 1021
Mayer, A., 131, 135, 1007, 1008
Mayne, D. Q., 579, 1007
Mazumder, P., 88, 1034
McAllester, D. A., 25, 188, 308, 368, 410, 411, 787, 828,
1013, 1021, 1037
MCC, 24
McCarthy, J., 17, 18, 55, 233, 267, 311, 341, 364, 367, 959,
McCartney, R. D., 315, 1019
McCawley, J. D., 828, 1021
McClelland, J. L., 25, 1032
McConnell-Ginet, S., 29, 828, 995
McCulloch, W. S., 15, 16, 20, 236, 737, 738, 757, 893,
1018, 1021
McCune, W., 306, 309, 314, 1021
McDermott, D., 2, 312, 350, 367, 409, 411, 456, 457,
995, 1005, 1021
McDermott, J., 24, 286, 312, 1021
McDonald, R., 242
McEliece, R. J., 531, 1021
McGill, M. J., 755, 859, 1033
McGregor, J. J., 156, 1022
McGuinness, D. L., 353, 367, 992
McKeown, K., 829, 1022
McLachlan, G. J., 756, 1022
MCMC, see Markov chain Monte Carlo
MCMC-Ask, 517, 518
McMillan, K. L., 411, 1022
McNealy, S., 962
MDL, see minimum description length
MDP, see Markov decision process
measure, 325
measurement, 325--327
mechanism, 641
mechanism design, 640, 640--643
medical diagnosis, 23, 28, 488, 530
Meehan, J., 312, 995
Meehl, P., 949, 1007, 1022
Meet (interval relation), 339
Megarian school, 234, 364
megavariable, 549
Meggido, N., 646, 1015
Melcuk, I. A., 828, 1022
Mellish, C. S., 314, 996
memoization, 293, 310, 690
memory, 243
memory requirements, 74, 78
memory-based translation, 852
MEMS, 969
Mendel, G., 120, 1022
meningitis, 480--490
mental model, in disambiguation, 821
mental objects, 341--344
mental states, 954
Mercer, J., 751, 1022
Mercer, R. L., 854, 858, 860, 993, 1012
mereology, 365
Merkhofer, M. M., 608, 1022
Merlin, 366
Merlin, P. M., 313, 995
Meta-Dendral, 674, 686
metadata, 844
metalevel state space, 104
metaphor, 819, 829
metaphysics, 6
metareasoning, 184
decision-theoretic, 971
metarule, 295
metonymy, 819, 829
Metropolis algorithm, 132, 530
Metropolis, N., 132, 530, 1022
MEU, see maximum expected utility
Mezard, M., 1022
Mgonz, 948
MGSS*, 188
MGU (most general unifier), 277, 279, 303, 316
Michalski, R. S., 674, 675, 1022
Michaylov, S., 313, 1011
Michel, S., 861, 1022
Michie, D., 29, 68, 130, 131, 189, 456, 675, 780, 785, 941,
1000, 1022
Micro-Planner, 312
micromort, 593, 608, 611
Microsoft, 529, 532, 848
microworld, 19, 19, 21
Middleton, B., 501, 1029
Milgrom, P., 646, 1022
Mill, J. S., 7, 674, 680, 1022
Miller, A. C., 608, 1022
Miller, D., 455, 999
million queens problem, 150
Millstein, T., 411, 1002
Milner, A. J., 267, 1006
Min, 166, 170
Min-Conflicts, 151, 151, 223
min-conflicts, see heuristic, min-conflicts
Min-Value, 166, 166, 170, 170
mind, 2, 964
dualistic view, 965
and mysticism, 12
philosophy of, 964, 966
as physical system, 6
theory of, 3
mind--body problem, 954, 954--956
minesweeper, 235, 238
minimal model, 355, 359
Minimal-Consistent-Det, 696, 696
Minimax, 170
minimax, see search, minimax
minimax algorithm, 165, 434, 635
minimax decision, 165
Minimax-Decision, 166, 171
minimum description length, 675, 715
minimum remaining values, 143
minimum slack, 421
minimum spanning tree, 131, 135
Minker, J., 312, 1004
Minsky, M. L., 17, 19, 22, 24, 29, 366, 529, 757,
1021, 1022
Minton, S., 132, 157, 456, 708, 994, 1023
missing attribute values, 663
missionaries and cannibals, 88, 90, 363
MIT, 17--19, 941
Mitchell, D., 132, 235, 996, 1034
Mitchell, M., 133, 1023
Mitchell, T. M., 56, 674, 675, 686, 708, 971, 993,
1022, 1023
Mitkov, R., 829, 1023
mixed strategy, 632
mixing time, 544
distribution, 725
of Gaussians, 571, 726, 728, 729
ML, see maximum likelihood
modal logic, 366
modal operator, 342, 364
model, 48, 201, 266, 519
causal, 498
kernel, 735
language, 856
(in representation), 13
sensor, 549, 554, 578
theory, 267
transition, 614
model checking, 202
model-based reasoning, 260
Modus Ponens, 211, 234, 305, 310, 316, 342
Generalized, 276, 276
Moffat, A., 859, 1041
Mohr, R., 146, 156, 1023
Mohri, M., 793, 1023
Moisl, H., 830, 997
monism, 954
monitoring, 541
monkey and bananas, 90, 412
monotone condition, 130
monotonicity, 212, 358
monotonicity (of a heuristic), 99
monotonicity (of preferences), 588
Montague, P. R., 786, 1023, 1033
Montague, R., 365, 366, 828, 1013, 1023
Montanari, U., 131, 156, 314, 991, 1020,
Monte Carlo algorithm, 511
Monte Carlo localization, 910
Montemerlo, M., 940, 1023
Mooney, R., 708, 830, 1000, 1023
Mooney, R. J., 826, 830, 1023, 1042
Moore's Law, 963
Moore, A. W., 132, 786, 788, 992, 1013,
Moore, E. F., 89, 1023
Moore, J. D., 456, 829, 989, 1042
Moore, J. S., 309, 314, 315, 366, 992, 1013,
Moore, R. C., 366, 369, 1009, 1023
Moravec, H. P., 940, 956, 963, 1023, 1024
More, T., 17
Morgan, J., 458, 827, 996
Morgan, N., 580, 1006
Morgenstern, L., 366, 368, 1024
Morgenstern, O., 9, 186, 608, 1039
Moricz, M., 847, 859, 1035
Morjaria, M. A., 532, 1024
morphing, 889
Morris, P., 27, 55, 455, 1012
Morrison, E., 186, 1024
Morrison, P., 186, 1024
Moses, Y., 366, 1002
Moskewicz, M. W., 235, 1024
most constrained variable, 284
most general unifier (MGU), 277, 279, 303, 316
most likely explanation, 578
most likely state, 923
Mosteller, F., 861, 1024
Mostow, J., 131, 135, 1024
motion, 874--876
compliant, 924
guarded, 924
motion model, 908
motion parallax, 877, 895
Motzkin, T. S., 757, 1024
Moussouris, J., 187, 1024
Moutarlier, P., 940, 1024
2001: A Space Odyssey, 529
A.I., 964
Attack of the Cat People, 819
Take the Money and Run, 574
The Matrix, 962
The Terminator, 962
Mozetic, I., 674, 1022
MPI, see mutual preferential independence
MRS (metalevel reasoning system), 295
MST (minimum spanning tree), 135
Muggleton, S. H., 698, 705--707, 709, 830, 1001,
1014, 1024, 1036,
Muller, M., 1024
Muller, U., 758, 897, 1017
multiagent planning, 450, 449--454
multiagent systems, 632
multiattribute utility theory, 593, 608, 617
multibody planning, 451--452
multiply connected network, 509
Mundy, J., 896, 1024
Munin, 529
Murakami, T., 182
Murga, R., 133, 136, 1017
Murphy's Law, 86, 93
Murphy, K., 531, 579, 940, 991, 1024
Murphy, R., 942, 1016, 1024
Muscettola, N., 27, 55, 455, 456, 1012, 1024
music, 14
mutagenicity, 706
Mutate, 119
mutation, 22, 118
mutex, 396
mutual exclusion, 396
mutual preferential independence (MPI), 596
mutual utility independence (MUI), 597
Mycin, 23, 525, 531
Myers, K. L., 458, 1041
Myerson, R. B., 646, 1024
myopic policy, 603
Myrhaug, B., 366, 991, 997
mysticism, 12
Muller, M., 189
n-armed bandit, 773
Nadal, J.-P., 758, 1022
Nagel, T., 965, 1024
naive Bayes, 482, 486, 488, 718, 728, 729, 842
Nalwa, V. S., 12, 897, 1024
Nardi, D., 367, 994
narrow content, 956
NASA, 27, 312, 368, 407, 456, 532, 902
Nash equilibrium, 634
Nash, J., 1025
Nasl, 457
natural deduction, 311
natural kind, 326
natural language, see language, natural
natural numbers, 256
natural stupidity, 350
Nau, D. S., 131, 183, 188, 411, 456, 1002,
1016, 1025, 1036,
Naur, P., 827, 1025
navigation function, 924
NavLab, 27, 901
Nayak, P., 55, 368, 456, 1024, 1025
Neal, R., 758, 1025
Nealy, R., 182
nearest-neighbor, 733, 888, 890
nearest-neighbor model, 733--735
neat vs. scruffy, 25
Nebel, B., 409, 411, 1014, 1025
needle in a haystack, 203
negated literal, 307
negation, 204
negation as failure, 290, 357, 356--358
negative example, 653
negligence, 962
Neighbors, 146
Nelson, G., 314, 1025
Netl, 367
Netto, E., 88, 1025
neural computation, see neural network
neural network, 16, 20, 25, 182, 736, 736--748
expressiveness, 16
feed-forward, 738
hardware, 17
learning, 16, 748
multilayer, 22, 744--748, 755
perceptron, 740--743
probabilistic interpretation of, 743
radial basis function, 758
single layer, see perceptron
Neural-Net-Hypothesis, 742, 746
neurobiology, 898
Neurogammon, 189, 780
neuron, 10, 16, 957
neuroscience, 10--12, 737
Nevill-Manning, C. G., 824, 830, 1025
Nevins, A. J., 312, 1025
New-Clause, 702
New-Literals, 702, 703
New-Variable, 291
Newborn, M. M., 131, 1027
Newell, A., 3, 17, 18, 27, 56, 88, 130, 186, 187, 233, 234, 286,
312, 366, 409, 456, 708, 971, 1017,
1023, 1025, 1035,
Newman, P., 940, 1000
Newton, I., 1, 45, 119, 122, 132, 541, 1025
Newton--Raphson method, 122
Ng, A. Y., 645, 783, 787, 858, 991, 1013,
Nguyen, X., 410, 411, 1025
Niblett, T., 709, 996
Nicholson, A., 579, 644, 999, 1025
Nielsen, P. E., 312, 1012
Niemela, I., 367, 1025
Nigenda, R. S., 411, 1025
Nilsson, D., 608, 1025
Nilsson, N. J., 2, 27, 29, 55, 89, 130, 135, 187, 233, 267, 268,
300, 314, 409, 456, 457, 531, 708, 757, 940, 945,
1002, 1005, 1008,
1026, 1040
Nine-Men's Morris, 182
Niranjan, M., 568, 998
NIST, 752
nitroaromatic compounds, 706
Nixon diamond, 359
Nixon, R., 359, 820
NLP (natural language processing), 2, 790--862
No-Solution-Possible, 399
Noah, 410, 456
Nobel prize, 10, 11, 22
Noda, I., 940, 1014
Node, 72
node, search, 69
noise, 657, 661--663, 686, 697, 712
noisy-OR, 500
nominative case, 806
noncomputability, 8
nondeterministic, see environment, stochastic
nonepisodic, 41
nonholonomic, 905
Nonlin, 410
Nonlin+, 455
nonlinear plan, 410
nonmonotonic logic, 358--360, 367
nonmonotonicity, 358
Nono, 280
nonterminal symbol, 792, 793, 984
normal distribution, 982
normalization, 476
Normalize, 477, 506, 509, 515, 517
Norman, D. A., 860, 991
normative theory, 592
North, O., 280
North, T., 22, 1004
Norvig, P., 27, 312, 327, 499, 580, 829, 1013,
1026, 1032
arithmetic, 4
logical, 4
noughts and crosses, see tic-tac-toe
noun phrase, 792
Nourbakhsh, I., 89, 1005
Nowatzyk, A., 187, 1010
Nowick, S. M., 309, 1026
Nowlan, S. J., 133, 1009
NP (hard problems), 978--979
NP (Noun Phrase), 792
NP-complete, 9, 66, 88, 139, 211, 212, 235, 367, 509, 696, 758,
807, 884, 897, 979, 979, 983
NSS chess program, 186
nuclear power, 533
number theory, 710
Nunberg, G., 829, 1026
Nussbaum, M. C., 7, 965, 1026
Nygaard, K., 366, 991, 997
O() notation, 978
O'Brien, S., 860, 1029
O'Reilly, U.-M., 133, 1026
O'Rorke, P., 709, 1041
O-Plan, 430, 455, 456
object, 248
composite, 324
object recognition, 873, 885--892
object-oriented programming, 15, 351
objective case, 806
objective function, 110, 137
objectivism, 472
objects, 242
observable, 41
observation model, 539, 626
observation sentences, 6
occupied space, 918
occur check, 277, 290
Occur-Check?, 278
Ockham's razor, 652, 673--675, 687, 703, 715
Ockham, W., 652, 674
octant, 883
odometry, 904
Office Assistant, 529
offline search, 122
Ogasawara, G., 579, 1010
Ogawa, S., 11, 1026
Oglesby, F., 309, 314, 1007
Olalainty, B., 455, 1004
Olawsky, D., 457, 1026
Olesen, K. G., 529, 530, 987, 1026
Oliver, R. M., 609, 1026
Olshen, R. A., 674, 993
Olson, C. F., 897, 1026
Olum, P., 896, 1005
omniscience, 36
logical, 343
Omohundro, S., 859, 1037
Oncina, J., 830, 994, 1026
one-shot decision, see decision, one-shot
online search, 122, 124
Online-DFS-Agent, 125, 126, 127, 129
Ontic, 308
ontological commitment, 242, 266, 464, 524
ontological engineering, 320, 320--322
ontology, 261, 264
upper, 321, 362
Op, 278
opacity, 342
open class, 796
Open Mind Initiative, 364
open preconditions, 389, 448
open world assumption, 403
open-coding, 291
open-loop, 61
open-world assumption, 439
operationality, 693, 693
operations research, 10, 55, 89, 131, 456
Oppacher, F., 133, 1026
Oppen, D. C., 314, 1025
Ops-5, 286, 312
optical character recognition, 794
optical flow, 875, 894, 896
optimal brain damage, 748
optimal control theory, 132
optimal controllers, 927
optimal solution, see solution, optimal
optimality (of a search algorithm), 71, 87
optimality theory (Linguistics), 829
optimally efficient algorithm, 101
optimistic prior, 774
optimizer, peephole, 429
Optimum-AIV, 455
Or-Search, 435, 435, 461
orderability, 587
ordering constraint, 389
Orderings, 424
ordinal utility, see utility, ordinal
Organon, 233, 363
Ormoneit, D., 786, 1026
Ortony, A., 829, 1026
Osawa, E., 940, 1014
Osborne, M. J., 646, 1026
Oscar, 458
Osherson, D. N., 675, 1026
Ostland, M., 579, 1027
Othello, 162, 182
Otter, 306, 307, 307, 309, 314, 318
Overbeek, R., 315, 1042
overfitting, 662, 661--663, 712, 748
overgeneration, 798
Overmars, M., 941, 1013
overriding, 352
Owens, A. J., 133, 1003
P (probability vector), 469
P controller, 928
PAC, see probably approximately correct
packed forest, 805
packed tree, 833
Page, C. D., 709, 996, 1026
Page, L., 859, 993
PageRank, 859
Pak, I., 580, 1026
Palay, A. J., 188, 1026
Pallottino, S., 89, 1004
Palmer, D. A., 861, 1026
Palmer, S., 897, 1026
Palmieri, G., 757, 1004
Pang, C.-Y., 89, 1000
Panini, 16, 827
Papadimitriou, C. H., 132, 133, 235, 644, 858, 897, 983,
1000, 1014, 1016,
1026, 1027
Papadopoulo, T., 896, 1002
Papavassiliou, V., 786, 1027
Papert, S., 22, 757, 1022
Paradise, 185
paradox, 366, 607, 610
parallel distributed processing, see neural network
parallel lines, 865
parallel search, 134
AND-, 292
OR-, 292
parameter, 501, 716
parameter independence, 722
paramodulation, 304, 314
Pardalos, P. M., 236, 1001
Parekh, R., 830, 1027
parent node, 69
Parent-Node, 69, 70, 72
Pareto dominated, 633
Pareto optimal, 633
Parisi, D., 830, 1001
Parisi, G., 530, 1027
parity function, 655
Park, S., 309, 1008
Parker, D. B., 757, 1027
Parker, L. E., 942, 1027
Parr, R., 787, 973, 1027, 1032
Parrod, Y., 455, 987
Parse, 796, 798
parse tree, 794
parsing, 794, 798--805
bottom-up, 798
chart, 800
top-down, 798
part of, 324
partial-order planning, 388, 387--395
particle filtering, 566, 566, 578, 579
Particle-Filtering, 566
partition, 324
Parzen window, 756
Parzen, E., 756, 1027
Pascal's wager, 487, 607
Pascal, B., 6, 9, 487
Pasero, R., 267, 313, 996
Passive-ADP-Agent, 768, 771
Passive-TD-Agent, 769
Pasula, H., 531, 579, 580, 1020, 1027
Paterson, M. S., 314, 1027
path, 62, 87
path consistency, 156
path cost, 62, 87, 139
path planning, 916
Path-Cost, 69, 72
Pathfinder, 529
Patil, R., 367, 804, 828, 995, 1001
Patrick, B. G., 131, 1027
Patten, T., 829, 1027
pattern database, 108, 131
disjoint, 109
pattern matching, 283
Paul, R. P., 941, 1027
Paull, M., 235, 1003
payoff function, 163, 465
Pazzani, M., 488, 755, 1000
PCFG, see grammar, context-free
PD controller, 928
PDDL, 379, 409
PDP, see parallel distributed processing
Peano axioms, 256, 267, 283
Peano, G., 267, 1027
Pearl, J., 26, 56, 95, 130--132, 158, 187, 188, 491, 493, 499,
529--532, 611, 755, 756, 999, 1005,
1014, 1027, 1034
Pearson, J., 158, 1027
PEAS description, 38, 40
Pecheur, C., 309, 1008
Pednault, E. P. D., 409, 458, 1027
Pegasus, 783, 784, 787, 789
Peirce, C. S., 156, 267, 350, 366, 827, 828,
1027, 1028
Peled, D., 315, 996
Pelikan, M., 133, 1028
Pell, B., 55, 456, 1024
Pemberton, J. C., 134, 1028
Penberthy, J. S., 410, 1028
Peng, J., 786, 1028
Pengi, 458
penguin, 458
Penix, J., 309, 1008
Penman, 829
Pennsylvania, U. of, 14
Penrose, R., 950, 1028
Peot, M., 457, 530, 1028, 1034
percept, 32
percept sequence, 32, 35
perception, 31, 32, 258, 863--894
perceptron, 21, 740, 755, 757
convergence theorem, 21
representational power, 22, 761
threshold, 740
Perceptron-Learning, 742
Pereira, F., 289, 291, 793, 827, 830, 1023,
1028, 1040
Pereira, L. M., 291, 1040
Peres, Y., 580, 1020
performance element, 52, 53
performance measure, 35, 35, 38, 463, 585
Perl, 343
perpetual punishment, 639
perplexity, 836
Perrault, C. R., 827, 996
persistence action, 396
persistence arc, 562
persistent failure model, 562
Person, C., 786, 1023
perspective, 895
perspective projection, 865, 874
Peters, S., 828, 1000
Peterson, C., 530, 1028
Petrie, T., 579, 756, 989
Pfeffer, A., 531, 646, 1015, 1028
Pfeifer, G., 367, 1001
phase transition, 235
phenomenology, 953
Philips, A. B., 132, 157, 1023
Philo of Megara, 234
philosophy, 5--7, 55, 947--967
phone (speech), 568
phone model, 572
phone number, 343
phoneme, 568
phonetic alphabet, 569
phonology, 568
photogrammetry, 895, 896
photometry, 867, 867--868
photosensitive spot, 893
phrase, 792
phrase structure, 792, 827
Picasso, P., 953
Pickwick, Mr., 953
PID controller, 929
pigeons, 13
Pijls, W., 188, 1028
ping-pong, 31, 763
pinhole camera, 865, 865--866
Pinker, S., 242, 830, 1028
Pisa, tower of, 53
pit, bottomless, 197
Pitts, W., 15, 16, 20, 236, 737, 738, 757, 1021
Pitts, W. H., 893, 1018
pixel, 865
PL-FC-Entails?, 218, 219
PL-Resolution, 216, 216, 217
PL-Resolve, 216
PL-True?, 206, 209, 236, 237
PL-Wumpus-Agent, 226, 226, 231, 239
Plaat, A., 188, 1028
Place, U. T., 965, 1028
Plamondon, P., 861, 1022
conditional, 454
consistent, 390
continuous, 446
flaw, 448
joint, 450
library, 423
monitoring, 441, 443
nonlinear, 410
recognition, 453
Plan-ERS1, 455
planetary rover, 901
Planex, 457
Plankalkul, 14
Planner, 24, 312, 313, 442, 443, 796
planning, 50, 185, 330, 375, 375--461
and acting, 430--432
as satisfiability, 402--406
blocks world, 20
case-based, 456
classical, 375
conditional, 431, 462
conformant, 431
contingency, 431
continuous, 431, 445
and execution, 445--449
fine-motion, 924
graph, 395, 395--402, 409
serial, 397
heuristics, 394--395
hierarchical, 422--430, 454
hierarchical task network, 422
history of, 409
linear, 410
multiagent, 449, 450
multibody, 451, 451--452
non-interleaved, 414
partial-order, 388
progression, 382
reactive, 458
regression, 385, 410
route, 19
search space, 382--387
sensorless, 431
Plato, 233, 365, 964
Plotkin, G., 314, 709, 1028
Plunkett, K., 830, 1001
ply, 163
pneumatic actuation, 906
Pnueli, A., 364, 1028
Podelski, A., 313, 987
poetry, 1
Pohl, I., 89, 130, 1028
point-to-point motion, 916
pointwise product, 507
Pointwise-Product, 509
poker hands, 489
Poland, 365
Polguere, A., 828, 1022
policy, 458, 615, 643
iteration, 624, 624--625, 644
asynchronous, 625
modified, 625
loss, 623
optimal, 615
proper, 618
search, 781, 781--783
Policy-Evaluation, 624
Policy-Iteration, 624
polite convention, 953
Pollack, M. E., 410, 456, 458, 827, 996, 1012,
polytree, 509, 528, 546
Pomerleau, D. A., 897, 1028
Ponte, J. M., 859, 1029
Poole, D., 2, 27, 55, 529, 531, 1029, 1043
POP, 388, 390, 391, 393, 394, 408, 410, 425, 427, 428,
448, 451, 452
POP-Con, 445
Popper, K. R., 487, 675, 1029
Porphyry, 366
Port-Royal Logic, 584, 607
Porter, M. F., 859, 1029
Portuguese, 688
pose, 873, 890
pose estimation, 890--892
Posegga, J., 315, 990
positive example, 653
positivism, logical, 6
possibility axiom, 330
possibility theory, 532, 532
possible world, 201, 266, 366, 519
Post, E. L., 234, 1029
posterior probability, see probability, conditional
potential field, 921
Prade, H., 532, 1001
Pradhan, M., 501, 1029
pragmatic interpretation, 794, 815--817
Pragmatics, 796
pragmatics, 792
Pratt, V. R., 364, 1029
Prawitz, D., 311, 1029
precision, 843
precondition, 377
external, 423
precondition axiom, 404
predecessor, 80, 384
predicate, 812
predicate calculus, see logic, first-order
predicate indexing, 279
predicate symbol, 246, 266
Predict, 833
predicting the future, 668
prediction, 544, 578
Predictor, 801, 801, 802, 803
preference, 465, 586, 588
monotonic, 589
preference independence, 596, 611
premise, 205
president, 340
Presley, E., 339
Press, W. H., 132, 1029
Prete, F., 896, 994
Price Waterhouse, 455
Price, B., 644, 992
Prieditis, A. E., 108, 131, 135, 1024, 1029
Princeton, 17
Principia Mathematica, 17
Prinz, D. G., 186, 1029
prior knowledge, 651, 678, 688, 697
prior probability, see probability, prior
Prior, A. N., 364, 1029
Prior-Sample, 511, 512, 513
prioritized sweeping, 770, 786
priority queue, 94, 788, 847
prismatic joint, 905
prisoner's dilemma, 633
prisoners, three, 491
probabilistic context-free grammar,
see grammar, context-free, probabilistic
probabilistic language model, 834
probabilistic network, see Bayesian network
probabilistic roadmap, 923
probability, 9, 26, 462--471, 492--536, 981--982
alternatives to, 523
assessment, 472
axioms of, 471--473
conditional, 465, 470, 470--471, 486, 496
conjunctive, 496
density function, 469, 982
distribution, 184, 469, 504
history, 488
judgments, 498
marginal, 475
prior, 465, 468, 468--470, 486
ranking principle, 841
theory, 244, 464, 607
probably approximately correct, 668, 671, 675
probit distribution, 503, 527, 530
problem, 62, 87
n queens, 224
airport-siting, 611
assembly sequencing, 68
bandit, 786
contingency, 86
8-queens, 66, 88
8-puzzle, 105, 107, 130
formulation, 60, 62--64
frame, 365
generator, 52
halting, 275
inherently hard, 978--979
million queens, 150, 157
missionaries and cannibals, 90
monkey and bananas, 90, 412
real-world, 64
relaxed, 107, 107, 108, 386, 394
robot navigation, 68
solving, 22
touring, 67
toy, 64
traveling salesperson, 68
VLSI layout, 68, 115
procedural approach, 197
procedural attachment, 348, 352
Process, 307, 307
process, 337
processes, 337--338
Prodigy, 456
product rule, 470
production, 46
production system, 272, 286, 310
Progol, 698, 705, 706, 709
program synthesis, 457
programming language, 240
projection, 330
Prolog, 24, 289, 310, 410, 703, 827, 830
parallel, 292
Prolog Technology Theorem Prover (PTTP), 307, 314
pronunciation, 569
pronunciation model, 572
proof, 212
checker, 308
procedure, 8
property (unary relation), 242
proposition, 467
probabilistic, 467--468
symbol, 204
propositional attitude, 341
propositional logic, see logic, propositional
propositionalization, 274
proprioceptive sensor, 904
Prospector, 531
Prosser, P., 157, 1029
Protagoras, 827
protection interval, see causal link
Proust, M., 854
Provan, G. M., 501, 1029
Proverb, 28
PRS (Procedural Reasoning System), 458
pruning, 100, 162, 662
forward, 174
futility, 181
in contingency problems, 178
in EBL, 693
Pryor, L., 457, 1029
pseudo-experience, 770
pseudocode, 985
PSPACE-complete, 401, 409
psychological reasoning, 369
psychology, 12--14
experimental, 3, 12
psychophysics, 898
public key encryption, 309
Puccini, 458
Puget, J.-F., 709, 1031
Pullum, G. K., 243, 793, 828, 830, 1010, 1029
pure strategy, 632
pure symbol, 221
Puterman, M. L., 55, 644, 1029
Putnam, H., 55, 221, 235, 300, 311, 488, 965, 998,
Puzicha, J., 758, 897, 990
puzzle, zebra, 159
Pylyshyn, Z. W., 966, 1029
Q(a,s) (value of action in state), 775
Q learning, see learning, Q
Q-Learning-Agent, 776
QA3, 267, 364, 409
QALY, 593, 608
Qlisp, 314
qualia, 956, 957, 966
qualification problem, 431, 462, 951, 952
qualitative physics, 327, 368
qualitative probabilistic network, 532, 596
quantified term, 814, 814
quantifier, 249, 267
existential, 250--251
in logic, 249--252
nested, 251--252
scope, 828
universal, 249--250
quantization factor, 570
quasi-logical form, 814, 828
Qubic, 182
query, 840
query (logical), 254
query language, 840
query variable, 504
queue, 71
FIFO, 73
LIFO, 75
priority, 94, 788, 847
Quevedo, T., 186
quiescence, 174, 186
Quillian, M. R., 366, 1029
Quine, W. V., 267, 326, 363, 366, 1029
Quinlan, E., 860, 1029
Quinlan, J. R., 674, 677, 701, 703, 709, 1029, 1030
Quirk, R., 828, 1030
R1, 24, 286, 312
Rabani, Y., 133, 1030
Rabideau, G., 455, 1004
Rabiner, L. R., 580, 1030
Rabinovich, Y., 133, 1030
racing cars, 974
radar, 10
radial basis function, 758
Radio Rex, 580
Raghavan, P., 858, 1026
Raiffa, H., 10, 592, 597, 608, 646, 1014,
Rajan, K., 27, 55, 455, 1012
Ramakrishnan, R., 312, 1030
ramification, 380
ramification problem, 332
Ramsey, F. P., 9, 487, 608, 1030
random restart, 136
random set, 527
random variable, 467, 497
continuous, 501, 529
random walk, 540, 554
Random-Selection, 119
randomization, 33, 48
range finder, 903
laser, 904
Rao, A., 56, 1042
Rao, B., 579, 1010
RAP, 458
Raphael, B., 130, 312, 709, 991, 1007, 1008
Raphson, J., 122, 132, 1030
rapid prototyping, 289
Raschke, U., 940, 996
Rassenti, S., 646, 1030
Ratio Club, 757
rational agent, see agent, rational
rational thought, 4
rationality, 1, 34--36
calculative, 972
limited, 5
perfect, 5, 972, 972
Ratner, D., 88, 1030
rats, 13
Rauch, H. E., 578, 579, 1030
ray tracing, 868
Rayner, M., 694, 1033
Rayson, P., 859, 1018
RBDTL, 697, 709
RBFS, 101--103
RBL, see relevance-based learning
reactive layer, 933
reactive planning, 458
real-time AI, see artificial intelligence, real-time
real-world problem, see problem, real-world
reasoning, 19
default, 354--360, 523
goal-directed, 185
intercausal, 525
logical, 211--239
uncertain, 26, 795
Reboh, R., 314, 1032
recall, 843
Rechenberg, I., 132, 1030
reciprocal rank (in IR), 844
brightness-based, 887
feature-based, 888--890
recurrent network, 738, 758
recursive definition, 703
recursive estimation, 542
Recursive-Backtracking, 142, 142
Recursive-Best-First-Search, 102
Recursive-DLS, 77, 77
Reddy, R., 580, 1001, 1019
reduct, 357
reduction, 983
redundant step, 447
reference class, 472, 488
reference controller, 927
reference path, 927
reference resolution, 821
referential opacity, 366
referential transparency, 342
reflectance, 867, 880
reflectance map, 881
Reflex-Agent-With-State, 49
Reflex-Vacuum-Agent, 46
refutation, 211, 307, 311
refutation completeness, 214, 300
Regin, J., 157, 1030
regression planner, see planning
regression, linear, 720
regret, 592
Reichenbach, H., 488, 1030
Reif, J., 941, 994, 1030
reification, 323, 341
Reinforce, 783, 787, 789
reinforcement, 650, 650, 763
reinforcement learning, 650, 763--789, 952
active, 771--777
generalization in, 777--781
Reingold, E. M., 156, 991
Reiss, M., 183
Reiter, E., 829, 1030
Reiter, R., 236, 365, 367, 644, 934, 992,
1018, 1030
Reitman, W., 189, 1030
rejection sampling, 512
Rejection-Sampling, 512, 513
relation, 242
relational probability model, 519
relaxed problem, see problem, relaxed
relevance, 207, 384, 689, 709
relevance feedback, 845
relevance-based learning, 689, 694--697, 707
Remote Agent, 27, 55, 309, 407, 456
Remove-First, 71, 72, 83, 146
Remove-Flaw, 449
Remus, H., 189, 1030
renaming, 281
Renyi, A., 1030
repeated game, 638, see game, repeated
repeated state, 81
replanning, 431, 432, 441--445, 457
Replanning-Agent, 442
RePOP, 410
representation, see knowledge representation
representation theorem, 596
Reproduce, 119, 119
Request, 603
Rescher, N., 364, 1030
Reset-Trail, 291, 292
resolution, 19, 21, 214, 213--217, 267, 295--311, 711
closure, 217, 301
completeness proof for, 300
input, 305
inverse, 703, 703--707, 709
linear, 305
strategies, 304--306
resolution closure, 217
resolvent, 703
constraints, 420--422
consumable, 420
reusable, 420
resource (in planning), 420, 454
resources, 417--422
response, 13
Rest, 278, 288
restaurant hygiene inspector, 180
Result, 89
rete, 286
retina, 863
Retract, 360, 361
Reversi, 182
revolute joint, 905
reward, 54, 614, 643, 650, 763
rewrite rule, 306, 318, 792, 984
Rewrites-For, 801
Reynolds, C. W., 458, 1030
rhetorical structure theory, 829
Ribeiro-Neto, B., 859, 989
Rice, T. R., 1022
Rich, E., 2, 1030
Richardson, M., 580, 1030
Richardson, S., 530, 1005
Rieger, C., 24, 829, 1031
Riesbeck, C., 24, 312, 829, 995, 1033
right association, 820
right thing, doing the, 1, 5, 972
Riley, M., 793, 1023
Ringle, M., 966, 1031
Rink, F. J., 532, 1024
Rintanen, J., 457, 1031
Ripley, B. D., 759, 1031
risk aversion, 591
risk neutrality, 591
risk seeking, 591
Rissanen, J., 675, 1031
Rissland, E. L., 29, 1036
Ristad, E. S., 833, 989
Ritchie, G. D., 710, 1031
Ritov, Y., 579, 1027
Rivest, R., 675, 983, 997, 1031
Robbins algebra, 309
Roberts, L. G., 897, 1031
Roberts, M., 186, 990
Robertson, N., 158, 1031
Robertson, S. E., 488, 859, 1031
Robinson, A., 311
Robinson, G., 314, 1042
Robinson, J. A., 19, 235, 267, 295, 300, 312, 1031
robot, 939
game (with humans), 945
mobile, 901
navigation, 68
soccer, 57, 162, 458, 938
robotics, 3, 561
cognitive, 365
ROC curve, 843
Roche, E., 860, 1031
Rochester, N., 17, 18, 1021
Rock, I., 897, 1031
Rockefeller Foundation, 860
Romania, 59, 138
Roossin, P., 860, 993
Rorty, R., 965, 1031
Rosenblatt, F., 21, 742, 757, 896, 1005, 1031
Rosenblatt, M., 756, 1031
Rosenblitt, D., 410, 1021
Rosenbloom, P. S., 27, 286, 312, 456, 708, 971, 1017,
Rosenblueth, A., 15, 1031
Rosenbluth, A., 132, 530, 1022
Rosenbluth, M., 132, 530, 1022
Rosenfeld, E., 30, 988
Rosenholtz, R., 880, 896, 1020
Rosenschein, J. S., 646, 1031
Rosenschein, S. J., 55, 236, 942, 1013, 1031
Rosenthal, D. M., 966, 1031
Ross, S. M., 488, 983, 1031
Rossi, F., 156, 991
rotation, 874
Roussel, P., 267, 313, 996, 1031
route finding, 67
Rouveirol, C., 709, 1031
Roveri, M., 411, 457, 990, 991, 996
Rowat, P. F., 941, 1031
Roweis, S. T., 579, 1031
Rozonoer, L., 759, 987
RPM, see relational probability model
RSA (Rivest, Shamir, and Adelman), 309
Rubik's cube, 88, 108, 875
Rubin, D., 579, 756, 759, 1000, 1005,
Rubinstein, A., 646, 1026
condition--action, 46, 189
default, 359
dotted, 800
if--then, 46, 205
implication, 205
schema, 809
situation--action, 46
uncertain, 524
Rule-Action, 47, 49
rule-based system, 523, 951
with uncertainty, 524--525
Rule-Match, 47, 49
Rumelhart, D. E., 25, 757, 1031, 1032
Ruspini, E. H., 532, 1032
Russell, B., 6, 16, 17, 311, 1041
Russell, J. G. B., 608, 1032
Russell, S. J., 27, 131, 188, 295, 327, 499, 531, 579, 580,
644, 645, 708, 709, 756, 786, 787, 935, 940, 971--973,
988, 991, 998,
1001, 1010, 1013,
1020, 1024, 1025, 1027,
1032, 1037, 1043
Russia, 21, 187, 471, 578
Rustagi, J. S., 530, 1032
Ruzzo, W. L., 828, 1006
Ryder, J. L., 189, 1032
S-set, 684
Sabin, D., 157, 1032
Sacerdoti, E. D., 314, 410, 456, 1032
Sackinger, E., 758, 897, 1017
Sacks, E., 368, 1032
Sadri, F., 365, 1032
Sag, I., 828, 830, 1012, 1032
Sagalowicz, D., 314, 1032
Sager, N., 828, 1032
Sagiv, Y., 313, 989
Sahami, M., 532, 858, 860, 1015, 1032, 1033
Sahni, S., 89, 1010
Saint, 19
St. Petersburg paradox, 607, 610
Salisbury, J., 941, 1021
Salmond, D. J., 579, 1006
Salomaa, A., 858, 1033
Salton, G., 755, 859, 1033
Sam, 309, 314
sample complexity, see complexity, sample
sample points, 468
sampling, 511--516
sampling rate, 570
Samuel, A. L., 17, 18, 56, 181, 187, 780, 785, 786,
Samuelsson, C., 694, 1033
Sanna, R., 757, 1004
Sanskrit, 363, 827
Santorini, B., 859, 1020
Sapa, 455
Sapir--Whorf hypothesis, 243
Saraswat, V., 157, 1039
Sastry, S., 55, 1009
SAT-Solver, 403
satisfiability, 211, 235, 402
satisficing, 10
Sato, T., 313, 531, 1033, 1037
SATplan, 403, 403, 407--409, 411, 412, 416, 457,
saturation, 301
Saul, L. K., 530, 531, 580, 1012, 1033
Saund, E., 858, 1033
Savage, L. J., 474, 487, 608, 1033
Say, 796
Sayre, K., 947, 1033
scaled orthographic projection, 866
Scanner, 801, 801, 802, 803
Scarcello, F., 158, 313, 367, 1001, 1006
scene, 865
Schutze, H., 830, 859, 861
Schabes, Y., 828, 860, 1031, 1033
Schaeffer, J., 131, 182, 188, 189, 997, 1020,
1028, 1033
Schank, R. C., 24, 829, 1033
Schapire, R. E., 674, 1004, 1033
Scharir, M., 941, 1033
schedule, 418
scheduling, 417--422
Scheines, R., 755, 1036
schema (in a genetic algorithm), 118
Scherl, R., 365, 934, 1018
Schickard, W., 6
Schmolze, J. G., 367, 1033
Schneeberger, J., 365, 1009
Schnitzius, D., 456, 999
Schoenberg, I. J., 757, 1024
Schofield, P. D. A., 88, 1033
Scholkopf, B., 757--759, 999, 1033
Scholkopf, B., 997
Schoning, T., 1033
Schoppers, M. J., 458, 1033
Schrag, R. C., 235, 990
Schroder, E., 234, 1033
Schubert, L. K., 364, 410, 828, 1005, 1011
Schultz, W., 786, 1033
Schulz, D., 994
Schumann, J., 314, 1018
Schwartz, J. T., 941, 1033
Schwartz, S. P., 363, 1033
Schwartz, W. B., 488, 1006
scientific discovery, 675
Scott, D., 531, 1034
Scriven, M., 965, 1034
scruffy vs. neat, 25
search, 22, 50, 60, 87
A*, 97--101
alpha--beta, 167--171, 185, 186
B*, 188
backtracking, 141, 148--151, 156, 898
beam, 115
bidirectional, 79--131
breadth-first, 73
continuous space, 119--122, 132
current-best-hypothesis, 680
cutting off, 173--174
depth-first, 75--77
depth-limited, 77, 77
for translations, 856
general, 87
greedy, 113
greedy best-first, 95, 95
heuristic, 73, 130
hill-climbing, 111--114, 126
in a CSP, 141--150
informed, 73, 94, 94--105
Internet, 346
iterative deepening, 78, 78--79, 87, 89, 173, 307
iterative deepening A*, 101, 131
learning to, 104
local, 110--119, 131--132, 157, 222--223, 235
local beam, 115, 116
local, for CSPs, 150--151
memory-bounded, 101--104, 131
memory-bounded A*, 103, 103--104, 131
minimax, 165--168, 183, 185
node, 69
online, 123--129, 133--134
parallel, 134
partial information, 83, 87
policy, 781, 781--783
quiescence, 174
real-time, 134, 171--175
recursive best-first (RBFS), 101--103, 131
repeated states, 81--83
simulated annealing, 115
stochastic beam, 116
strategy, 69
tabu, 132
tree, 69
uniform-cost, 75
uninformed, 73, 73--74, 87, 89
Viterbi, 576
search, backtracking, 76
Searle, J. R., 12, 827, 954, 956--960, 965, 1034
segmentation (of a sentence), 836
segmentation (of an image), 873
segmentation (of speech), 574
Sejnowski, T., 759, 780, 786, 1009, 1023,
Select-Unassigned-Variable, 144
Self, M., 756, 995
Selfridge, M., 860, 991
Selfridge, O. G., 17
Selman, B., 132, 235, 367, 411, 1006,
1013, 1014, 1034
semantic interpretation, 810--815, 828, 831
semantic networks, 349--352, 362, 366
Semantic Web, 364
Semantics, 796
semantics, 29, 201
compositional, 810
logical, 232
preference, 829
semidecidable, 310
semidecidable problem, 275
semidynamic environment, 42
semiotics, 827
Sen, S., 786, 1026
action, 431, 439
active, 439, 440
automatic, 439
sensitivity analysis, 606
sensor, 32, 39, 863
active, 903
failure, 561
model, 539, 549, 554, 578, 626, 908
passive, 903
tactile, 863
sensorless planner, 431
atomic, 204, 248, 253, 266
complex, 204, 249, 266
in a KB, 195, 232
in a language, 792
as physical configuration, 203
quantified, 266
separator (in Bayes net), 482
circuit, 227
decision problem, 613--618, 644
environment, 41, 41
importance-sampling resampling, 579
Sequitur, 824, 825, 830, 840
serendipity, 444
Sergot, M., 365, 1016
serializable subgoals, 407
Serina, I., 411, 1005
Sestoft, P., 708, 1012
set (in first-order logic), 256
set of support, 305, 306
Settle, L., 309, 314, 1007
Seymour, P. D., 158, 1031
SGP, 411, 457
Shachter, R. D., 499, 529, 530, 593, 608, 645, 1034,
shading, 874, 880--881
Shafer, G., 531, 532, 1034
shaft decoder, 904
Shahan, R. W., 966, 991
Shahookar, K., 88, 1034
Shakey, 19, 55, 409, 414, 457, 940
Shalla, L., 314, 1042
Shanahan, M., 365, 1034
Shankar, N., 309, 1034
Shannon, C. E., 17, 162, 186, 659, 674, 858, 1021,
shape, 874
context, 889
from shading, 896
from texture, 896
Shapiro, E., 709, 1034
Shapiro, S. C., 30, 1034
Shapley, S., 646, 1034
Sharir, M., 941, 1007
Sharp, D. H., 757, 997
Shavlik, J., 675, 1034
Shaw, J. C., 88, 186, 234, 1025
Shawe-Taylor, J., 757, 759, 997
Shazeer, N. M., 28, 158, 1019
Shelley, M., 962, 1034
Shenoy, P. P., 532, 1034
Shewchuk, J., 940, 999
Shi, J., 873, 1034
Shieber, S. M., 830, 1028
Shimelevich, L. I., 579, 1042
Shin, M. C., 644, 1029
Shmoys, D. B., 88, 421, 456, 1017, 1020
Shoham, Y., 55, 314, 365, 608, 1017,
1034, 1035
short-term memory, 286
shortest path, 91
Shortliffe, E. H., 23, 531, 994, 1035
Shrdlu, 20, 23, 312, 381
Shwe, M., 530, 1035
Sidner, C. L., 824, 830, 1007
Siekmann, J., 315, 1035
Sietsma, J., 758, 1035
SIGIR, 861
sigmoid function, 503, 738
signal processing, 569, 570
signs, 790
Siklossy, L., 456, 1035
Silverstein, C., 847, 859, 1035
Simard, P., 758, 897, 1017
Simmons, R., 89, 829, 940, 1015, 1035
Simon's predictions, 21
Simon, H. A., 3, 10, 17, 18, 29, 56, 88, 130, 180, 186, 187,
234, 309, 315, 409, 710, 973, 1017,
1025, 1035
Simon, J. C., 235, 1035
Simons, P., 367, 1025
Simple-Reflex-Agent, 47
simplex algorithm, 132
Simplify, 307
simulated annealing, 115, 132, 136, 157, 519
Simulated-Annealing, 116, 222
simulation of world, 955
simultaneous localization and mapping, 913
Sinclair, A., 114, 133, 1019, 1030
Singh, M. P., 56, 1011
Singh, S. P., 134, 644, 786, 787, 989, 1011,
1013, 1037
singly connected network, 509
singular extension, 174
technological, 963
sins, seven deadly, 113
Sipe, 455--458
Sirovitch, L., 897, 1035
situated agent, 952
situatedness, 27
situation, 329, 585
situation calculus, 329, 328--335, 364
Size, 119
skeletonization, 916, 922
Sketchpad, 156
Skinner, B. F., 16, 55, 1035
Skolem constant, 273, 311
Skolem function, 296, 311
Skolem, T., 267, 311, 1035
skolemization, 273, 296
slack, 418
Slagle, J. R., 19, 187, 1035
slant, 874
Slate, D. J., 89, 1035
Slater, E., 186, 1035
Sleator, D., 828, 1035
sliding-block puzzle, 66
Slocum, J., 829, 1035
Sloman, A., 966, 1035
Slovic, P., 2, 1013
Smallwood, R. D., 645, 1035
Smith, A., 9
Smith, A. F. M., 579, 721, 756, 990, 1006,
Smith, B., 27, 55, 455, 1012
Smith, D. E., 295, 313, 317, 411, 457, 1005,
1028, 1035, 1036, 1040
Smith, D. R., 315, 1036
Smith, J. M., 133, 1036
Smith, J. Q., 608, 609, 1026, 1036
Smith, R. C., 940, 1036
Smith, R. G., 56, 993
Smith, S. J. J., 183, 1036
Smith, V., 646, 1030
Smith, W. D., 188, 532, 989, 1024
Smodels, 367
Smola, A. J., 759, 1033
Smolensky, P., 25, 1036
smoothing, 544--547, 575, 578, 835, 871
online, 550
Smyth, P., 579, 1036
Snarc, 17
SNLP, 410
snow, words for, 243
Soar, 27, 286, 312, 456, 708, 971
social law, 452
Socrates, 4
Socratic reasoning, 308
Soderland, S., 410, 1036
softbot, 40
softmax function, 782
software agent, 40
software architecture, 932
Solomonoff, R. J., 17, 675, 1036
Solution, 72, 77, 83
solution, 60, 62, 87, 390, 633
in planning, 378
optimal, 62
solving games, 162--167
soma, 11
Somers, H., 830, 860, 997, 1011
Sompolinsky, H., 757, 987
sonar sensor, 903
Sondik, E. J., 645, 1035, 1036
sonnet, 952
Sosic, R., 157, 1036
soul, 964
sound (inference), 233
soundness (of inference), 203
sour grapes, 35
Soutchanski, M., 365, 992
Sowa, J., 369, 1036
space complexity, see complexity
spacecraft assembly, 455
spam email, 861
Sparck Jones, K., 488, 830, 859, 1007, 1031
sparse system, 496
Spass, 314
spatial reasoning, 368
spatial substance, see substance
speaker, 790
speaker identification, 571
specialization, 680, 681
spectrophotometry, 868--869
specular reflection, 867
speech act, 790, 790--791, 826, 827
indirect, 791
speech recognition, 26, 549, 568, 568--577, 580, 794
speech understanding, 568
Speech-Part, 796
spelling correction, 844, 859
sphex wasp, 37, 444
SPI (Symbolic Probabilistic Inference), 529
Spiegelhalter, D. J., 529, 530, 675, 755, 1005,
1017, 1022, 1036
Spielberg, S., 964, 1036
Spike, 456
Spin, 309
spin glass, 757
Spirtes, P., 755, 1036
Springsteen, B., 961, 1036
Sproull, R. F., 609, 1002
Sputnik, 21
SQL, 354
square roots, 45
SRI, 19, 267, 409, 608
Srinivas, B., 828, 1000
Srinivasan, A., 706, 709, 1026, 1036
Srivas, M., 309, 1036
Srivastava, B., 456, 1013
SSD, see sum of squared differences
SSS* algorithm, 188
of a controller, 928
static, 906
strict, 928
stable model, 357, 356--358
stack, 75
stack decoding, 858
Stader, J., 455, 987
Stage, 132
Stahl, 710
Stallman, R. M., 157, 1036
Stan, 411
standardizing apart, 277, 316
Stanfill, C., 756, 1036
Stanford University, 17, 19, 22, 23, 267
Stanhope Demonstrator, 234
Staniland, J. R., 488, 998
start symbol, 984
State, 69, 72, 77, 83, 112
belief, 437
constraint, 380, 405
current, in local search, 110
initial, 139
process, 337
set, 437
space, 62, 87
space, metalevel, 104
world, 60
state constraints, 405
States, D. J., 756, 1011
static (variable), 985
static environment, 42
stationarity, 541
stationarity (for preferences), 617
stationarity (in PAC learning), 668
stationary distribution, 517, 544
stationary process, 539, 538--542
stationary processes, 538
statistical mechanics, 25, 757
Statlog, 675
Steel, S., 456, 458, 987
Stefik, M., 369, 531, 1036
Stein, J., 532, 1024
Stein, L. A., 974, 1036
Steinbach, M., 846, 1036
Steiner, W., 940, 994
stemming, 844
step cost, 62
Step-Cost, 72
Steps, 424
stereogram, random dot, 896
stereopsis, binocular, 874
Stern, H. S., 759, 1005
Sternberg, M. J. E., 706, 707, 1014, 1036,
Stevens, K. A., 896, 1036
Stickel, M. E., 307, 314, 829, 860, 1009,
stiff neck, 480
Stiller, L. B., 182, 1036
Stillings, N. A., 29, 1036
stimulus, 13
Stob, M., 675, 1026
stochastic beam search, 116
stochastic dominance, see dominance, stochastic
stochastic environment, see environment, stochastic
stochastic gradient, 742
stochastic hill-climbing, 113
Stockman, G., 188, 1037
Stoic school, 234, 364
Stokes, I., 455, 987
Stolcke, A., 859, 1037
Stone, P., 458, 1037
Stone, P. J., 674, 993
Stone, P. T., 674, 1011
stop word, 846
Store, 278, 316
Stork, D. G., 759, 1001
Story, W. E., 88, 1012
Strachey, C., 14, 186, 189, 1037, 1038
straight-line distance, 95
Strat, T. M., 532, 1032
strategic environment, 41
strategy (in a game), 163, 632
strategy profile, 632
strawberries, enjoy, 949
Striebel, C. T., 578, 579, 1030
string (in a language), 791
string (in logic), 342
string theory, 335
Strips, 377--379, 405, 409, 412--415, 417, 423, 425, 451,
456--458, 644, 708
Strips assumption, 378
Strohm, G., 455, 1003
strong AI, 947, 952--960
strong domination, 633
Stuckey, P. J., 157, 158, 313, 314, 1011,
Student, 19
stuff, 327
stupid pet tricks, 37
Stutz, J., 756, 995
stylometry, 861
subcat, see subcategorization list
subcategorization, 808, 808--809
list, 808
subevent, 335
subgoal independence, 386
subjective case, 806
subjectivism, 472
Subramanian, D., 368, 708, 973, 1032, 1037
Subst, 273, 288, 425
substance, 327--328
spatial, 337
temporal, 337
substitutability (of lotteries), 588
substitution, 254, 273
Substring, 119
subsumption, 306
in description logic, 353
in resolution, 306
lattice, 279
subsumption architecture, 458, 932
subtask sharing, 426
successor function, 62, 139, 162
Successor-Fn, 62, 72, 89
successor-state axiom, 332
successor-state axioms, 236, 365
Successors, 166, 170, 435
Sugihara, K., 897, 1037
Sugnet, C., 757, 993
Sulawesi, 152
sum of squared differences, 875
sum of squared errors, 720
Summation, 977, 977, 978
summer's day, 953
summing out, 508
Sun Microsystems, 962
Superman, 241, 341
supervised learning, 650, 952
support vector, 750, 751
machine, 675, 749, 749--753, 759
virtual, 753
sure thing, 591
surface patches, 882
Sussman anomaly, 410, 414
Sussman, G. J., 157, 312, 410, 1036, 1037
Sutherland, G. L., 22, 994
Sutherland, I., 156, 1037
Sutton, R. S., 644, 786--788, 989, 1037
Svartvik, J., 828, 1030
Svestka, P., 941, 1013
Svetnik, V. B., 579, 1042
SVM, see support vector machine
Swade, D. D., 14, 1037
Swartz, R., 949, 994
Swedish, 31
Swerling, P., 578, 1037
Swift, T., 313, 1037
syllogism, 4, 310
symbol splitting, 406
symbolic differentiation, 318
symbolic integration, 686
synapse, 11
synchro drive, 905
synchronic knowledge, 258
synchronization, 451
synonymy, 347, 844
syntactic ambiguity, 828
syntactic sugar, 256
syntactic theory (of knowledge), 342
syntax, 24, 200
logical, 232
synthesis, 309
deductive, 309
synthesis of algorithms, 309
Syrjanen, T., 367, 1025, 1037
systemic grammar, 818
systems reply, 959
Systran, 851, 860
Szathmary, E., 133, 1036
Szeliski, R., 875
T(s, a, s') (transition model), 614, 765
T(cat,i) (liquid event), 337
T-Sched, 455
T4, 455
table tennis, see ping-pong
Table-Driven-Agent, 45, 45
tabu search, 132
TacAir-Soar, 312
tactile sensors, 904
Tadepalli, P., 709, 1037
TAG (Tree-Adjoining Grammar), 828
Tait, P. G., 88, 1037
Take the Money and Run, 574
Talos, 939
Tamaki, H., 313, 858, 1026, 1037
Tambe, M., 708, 1037
Tanca, L., 312, 994
Tank, D. W., 11, 1026
Tarjan, R. E., 983, 1037
Tarski, A., 8, 267, 828, 1037
Tash, J. K., 644, 1037
task environment, 38, 38
task network, 410
Tasmania, 152
Tate, A., 410, 412, 430, 455, 456, 987, 990,
Tatman, J. A., 645, 1038
Taum-Meteo, 851, 860
taxi, 38, 39
in Athens, 491
automated, 53
taxonomic hierarchy, 24, 323
taxonomy, 323, 347, 363
Taylor expansion, 912
Taylor, C., 675, 896, 999, 1022
Taylor, R., 941, 1019
Taylor, W., 9, 157, 235, 995
TD, see temporal difference learning
TD-Gammon, 182, 189
teacher, 650
telephone number, 343
telescope, 534
television, 790
Tell, 195--197, 219, 269, 278, 361, 823
Teller, A., 132, 530, 1022
Teller, E., 132, 530, 1022
Temperley, D., 828, 1035
temporal difference learning, 767--771, 785
temporal inference, 541--549
temporal logic, 244, 364
temporal probability models, 521
temporal reasoning, 537--583
temporal substance, see substance
temporal-difference equation, 769
Tennenholtz, M., 786, 992
tennis, 450, 453
term (in logic), 248, 248
term rewriting, 314
terminal state, 163
terminal symbol, 791, 984
terminal test, 163
Terminal-Test, 166, 170, 173
Terminal?, 768, 769, 776
termination condition, 925
Tesauro, G., 182, 189, 778, 780, 786, 1038
test set, 660, 660
Tetrad, 756
Teukolsky, S. A., 132, 1029
texel, 879
texture, 874, 879, 879
texture gradient, 879, 896
Thagard, P., 29, 1038
Thaler, R., 608, 1038
thee and thou, 796
Theo, 971
theorem, 255
incompleteness, 8
theorem prover, 3, 306--310
as assistants, 308
theorem proving, 409, 457
mathematical, 21, 31
theory resolution, 314
Theseus, 674
Thielscher, M., 365, 1038
thingification, 341
thinking rationally, 4
Thitimajshima, P., 531, 990
Thomas, A., 530, 755, 1005
Thomason, R. H., 828, 1038
Thompson, D. W., 888, 1038
Thompson, H., 860, 991
Thompson, K., 187, 996
Thompson, S. A., 829, 1020
thought, see reasoning
laws of, 4
thrashing, 104
3SAT, 139
threshold, 738
Throop, T. A., 183, 1036
Thrun, S., 365, 935, 940, 992, 994,
1003, 1023, 1038
Tibshirani, R., 674, 756, 759, 1004, 1008
tic-tac-toe, 163, 186, 189
tiling, 748
tilt, 874
time, 364
time complexity, see complexity
time expressions, 862
time interval, 365, 370
time slice (in DBNs), 538
time to answer (in IR), 844
Tinsley, M., 182
Tirole, J., 646, 1004
tit for tat, 639
Titterington, D. M., 756, 1038
TMS, see truth maintenance system
Toffler, A., 961, 1038
tokenization, 849
Tomasi, C., 876, 896, 1038
tomato, 572
top-down parsing, 798
torque sensor, 904
Torrance, M. C., 158, 1006
Torras, C., 457, 1012
total cost, 72
Touretzky, D. S., 367, 1038
touring problem, 67
toy problem, see problem, toy
tracking, 908
tractability of inference, 353
trading, 371
tragedy of the commons, 641
trail, 291
curve, 748
set, 656, 660, 673
replicated, 665
weighted, 665
on test set, 661
transfer model (in MT), 852
transhumanism, 963
transient failure, 561
transition matrix, 536
transition model, 539, 566, 578, 614, 643
transition probability, 517
transitivity (of preferences), 586, 587
Translate-To-SAT, 403
translation model, 854
transposition table, 171
traveling salesperson problem, 68, 68, 88, 131, 135
Traverso, P., 411, 457, 991, 996
TREC, 847
tree decomposition, 154
tree width, 155, 158
Tree-Search, 70, 72, 73, 75, 82, 87, 94, 97,
99, 129
treebank, 859
trial, 765
triangle tables, 457
trichromatic perception, 869
trigram, 575
trihedral solid, 882
Triplets, 892
Troyanskii, P., 860
Trucco, E., 897, 1038
truth, 201, 248
functionality, 524, 528
preserving inference, 203
table, 206, 234
truth maintenance system, 157, 360, 360--362, 368, 966
assumption-based, 361, 368
justification-based, 361
Tsang, E., 158, 1038
Tsitsiklis, J. N., 644, 779, 786--788, 983, 991,
1020, 1027, 1038
TSP, see traveling salesperson problem
TT-Check-All, 209, 209
TT-Entails?, 208, 209, 221, 222, 226, 237
Tumer, K., 646, 1038
Tung, F., 578, 579, 1030
tuple, 245
turbo decoding, 531
Turcotte, M., 706, 1038
Turing award, 983
Turing machine, 8, 675
Turing Test, 2, 2--3, 5, 29, 30, 790, 948
total, 3
Turing, A., 2, 8, 14, 16--18, 30, 51, 162, 186, 275, 311, 529,
757, 785, 853, 948--950, 953, 958, 965, 967, 975,
Turk, 186
Turtle, H. R., 859, 1038
Tversky, A., 2, 498, 592, 1013, 1038
Tweak, 410
2001: A Space Odyssey, 529
two-finger Morra, 632
Type, 796
typical instance, 326
Tyson, M., 860, 1009
U (utility), 585
UCPOP, 410
Ullman, J. D., 312, 313, 828, 983, 987, 989,
1030, 1039
Ullman, S., 896, 897, 1011, 1039
ultraintelligent machine, 963
uncertainty, 23, 26, 321, 462, 462--491, 525, 952
identity, 521
reasoning with, see reasoning
relational, 521
rule-based approach to, 523
summarizing, 464
and time, 537--541
unconditional probability, see probability, prior
undecidability, 8, 30
undergeneration, 798
unicorn, 238
unification, 276, 276--277, 279, 310
and equality, 303
unifier, most general (MGU), 277, 277, 279, 303, 316
uniform convergence theory, 675
uniform prior, 715
uniform resource locator (URL), 345
uniform-cost search, 75, 87
Unify, 277, 278, 278, 282, 288, 291, 292, 304
Unify-Var, 278, 278, 291
uninformed search, see search, uninformed
unique action axiom, 333
unique names assumption, 333, 333, 355, 520
unit clause, 214, 305
unit preference, 305
unit propagation, 222
unit resolution, 214
United States, 13, 27, 143, 580, 600, 609, 752, 753, 960, 962
units function, 325
universal grammar, 830
Universal Instantiation, 273
universal plan, 458
unmanned air vehicle (UAV), 901
unmanned land vehicle (ULV), 901
UnPOP, 411
unsupervised learning, see learning, unsupervised
Uosat-II, 455
Update-State, 49, 61, 796
upper ontology, see ontology, upper
URP, 608
Urquhart, A., 364, 1030
Uskov, A. V., 187, 987
Utgoff, P. E., 674, 686, 1023
utilitarianism, 7
Utility, 165, 166, 170
utility, 51, 162, 465
expected, 56, 466, 584, 585, 590
function, 51, 163, 584, 588--593, 778
independence, 597
maximum expected, 466
of money, 589--591
multi-attribute, 593--597
multiplicative, 597
node, 598
normalized, 593
ordinal, 591
principle, 588
scale, 591--593
theory, 465, 586--589, 607
multiattribute, 607
utility function, 51
utopia, 975
utterance, 790
UWL, 457
vacuum tube, 17
vacuum world, 33--35, 57, 93, 433, 437, 788
double Murphy, 434, 439
triple Murphy, 436
Vaessens, R. J. M., 456, 1039
vagueness, 524
Valiant, L., 675, 1039
validity, 210
Value, 112, 116
value determination, 788
value function, 591
additive, 597
value iteration, 618, 618--623, 643, 644
value node, see utility node
value of computation, 972
value of information, 600--604, 607, 612, 627, 772, 952, 972
value of perfect information, 601
Value-Determination, 768
Value-Iteration, 620, 621, 623, 920
van Beek, P., 156--158, 988, 1015
van Benthem, J., 364, 1039
van Doorn, A. J., 896, 1015
van Harmelen, F., 708, 1039
van Heijenoort, J., 315, 1039
van Nunen, J. A. E. E., 644, 1039
van Roy, B., 787, 1039
van Run, P., 143, 158, 988
vanishing point, 865
Van Emden, M. H., 313, 367, 1039
Van Hentenryck, P., 157, 1039
Van Roy, B., 779, 786, 1038
Van Roy, P. L., 289, 292, 313, 1039
Vapnik, V. N., 675, 757--759, 897, 992, 997,
1017, 1039
Varaiya, P., 55, 787, 1003, 1016
Vardi, M. Y., 313, 366, 1002, 1016
variabilization (in EBL), 691
elimination, 507, 507--509, 528, 529, 564
indicator, 727
in logic, 249
ordering, 143
Variable?, 278
Varian, H. R., 646, 1039
Vaucanson, J., 939
Vazirani, U., 132, 675, 987, 1013
Vecchi, M. P., 132, 157, 1014
vector, 979
vector quantization, 571
vector space model, 847, 859
Veloso, M., 708, 1039
Vempala, S., 858, 1026
verb phrase, 792
Vere, S. A., 455, 1039
verification, 309
hardware, 265
Verma, T., 529, 755, 1005, 1027
Verri, A., 897, 1038
version space, 683, 684
version space collapse, 685
Version-Space-Learning, 683, 686
Version-Space-Update, 683, 683, 685
vertex (of a chart), 800
vertex (polyhedron), 882
vervet monkeys, 790
Vetterling, W. T., 132, 1029
Vickrey auction, 642
Vienna, 954
Vigoda, E., 580, 1019
Vinge, V., 963, 1039
Viola, P., 897, 1039
virtual counts, 722
visibility graph, 941
vision, 3, 5, 12, 19, 156, 865--894
Visser, W., 309, 1008
Vitanyi, P. M. B., 675, 1018
Viterbi algorithm, 549
Viterbi equation, 836
Viterbi-Segmentation, 837
VLSI layout, 68, 88, 115
vocal tract, 571
Volk, K., 756, 1006
von Mises, R., 487, 1039
von Neumann, J., 9, 186, 608, 645, 1039
von Stengel, B., 646, 1015
von Winterfeldt, D., 608, 1039
von Kempelen, W., 186
von Linne, C., 363
von Neumann, J., 9, 15, 17
Voorhees, E. M., 860, 1039
Voronoi graph, 922
Vossen, T., 411, 1039
voted perceptron, 757
VP (verb phrase), 792
VPI, see value of perfect information
Wadsworth, C. P., 267, 1006
Waibel, A., 580, 1039
Waldinger, R., 267, 314, 315, 410, 1020, 1032,
Walker, E., 28, 997
Walker, H., 756, 1006
WalkSAT, 150, 223, 223, 224--226, 235, 357, 363,
406, 408, 411, 416
Wall, R., 828, 1000
Wallace, D. L., 861, 1024
Walras, L., 9
Walsh, M. J., 133, 1003
Walter, G., 940
Waltz, D., 19, 156, 756, 884, 1036, 1039
WAM, see Warren Abstract Machine
Wang, E., 368, 1037
Wanner, E., 243, 1039
Warmuth, M., 88, 675, 991, 1030
Warplan, 410, 457
Warplan-C, 457
Warren Abstract Machine, 291, 313
Warren, D. H. D., 289, 291, 313, 410, 457, 793, 827,
1028, 1040
Warren, D. S., 313, 1037
washing clothes, 833
Washington, G., 340
Wasow, T., 828, 1032
wasp, sphex, 37
Watkins, C. J., 644, 786, 1040
Watson, J., 13
Watson, J. D., 120, 1040
Watt, J., 15
Wattenberg, M., 133, 1012
wavelength, 868
weak AI, 947
weak domination, 633
weak method, 22
weather reports, 851
Weaver, W., 659, 674, 858, 860, 1034
Webber, B. L., 29, 830, 1007, 1012,
Weber, J., 579, 875, 1010
Wefald, E. H., 131, 188, 972, 1032
Wegbreit, B., 940, 1023
Wegman, M. N., 314, 1027
Weidenbach, C., 314, 1040
weighted linear function, 172
Weighted-Majority, 667
Weighted-Sample, 514, 515, 515
Weiner, N., 860
Weinstein, S., 675, 830, 1007, 1026
Weisler, S., 29, 1036
Weiss, G., 56, 458, 1040
Weiss, S., 675, 860, 988, 1040
Weiss, Y., 531, 1024, 1042
Weizenbaum, J., 961, 966, 1040
Weld, D. S., 56, 368, 410--412, 456, 457, 962, 989,
1001, 1002, 1028, 1036,
Wellman, M. P., 10, 531, 532, 608, 644, 645, 941, 999,
Wells, P., 28, 1000
Werbos, P., 644, 757, 786, 1040
Wermuth, N., 529, 1017
Wertheimer, M., 896
Wesley, L. P., 458, 1041
Wesley, M. A., 941, 1040
West, Col., 280
Westinghouse, 455
Weymouth, T., 940, 996
Wheatstone, C., 895, 1040
White, J. L., 309, 1008
Whitehead, A. N., 16, 311, 690, 1040, 1041
Whiter, A. M., 455, 1038
Whitney, R. A., 829, 989
Whorf, B., 243, 1041
wide content, 956
Widrow, B., 20, 757, 766, 785, 1041
Widrow--Hoff rule, 778
Wiener, N., 15, 162, 186, 578, 757, 1031,
Wilber, B. M., 314, 1032
Wilcox, B., 189, 1030
Wilczek, F., 758, 989
Wilensky, R., 24, 827, 829, 959, 1041
Wilfong, G. T., 940, 997
Wilkins, D. E., 185, 455, 457, 458, 1041
Wilks, Y., 829, 1041
Williams, B., 55, 368, 456, 1024, 1025
Williams, R., 610
Williams, R. J., 644, 757, 783, 786, 787, 1028,
1031, 1041
Williamson, M., 457, 1002
Wilson, A., 859, 1018
Wilson, R. A., 3, 29, 966, 1041
Wilson, R. J., 156, 991
Windows, 529
Winker, S., 309, 314, 1042
Winograd, S., 20, 1041
Winograd, T., 20, 23, 312, 860, 991, 1037,
Winston, P. H., 2, 19, 674, 682, 1041
Wirth, R., 709, 1041
Witten, I. H., 824, 830, 858, 859, 1025, 1041
Wittgenstein, L., 6, 203, 234, 326, 363, 827, 1041
Wizard, 529
Wohler, F., 953
Wojciechowski, W. S., 309, 1041
Wojcik, A. S., 309, 1041
Wolf, A., 828, 1007
Wolpert, D., 646, 1038
Wong, A., 859, 1033
Wood, D. E., 131, 1017
Wood, M. K., 132, 1041
Woods, T., 821
Woods, W. A., 366, 828, 1041, 1042
Wooldridge, M., 56, 1042
Woolsey, K., 780
word, 791
word alignment vector, 857
Wordnet, 860
working memory, 708
workspace, 917
world model, in disambiguation, 821
world state, see state, world
World War II, 10, 529, 578
World Wide Web, 27, 344, 834, 840, 843, 845, 862
worst possible catastrophe, 593
Wos, L., 309, 314, 315, 1042
wrapper (for Internet site), 348
Wright, O. and W., 3
Wright, S., 132, 528, 1042
Wrightson, G., 315, 1035
Wu, D., 829, 1042
wumpus world, 197, 197--200, 208, 236, 258--260, 322,
483--486, 491, 791
Wundt, W., 12, 895
Wygant, R. M., 312, 1042
Xcon, 286
Xerox, 851
XML, 364, 849
xor, see exclusive or
XTAG, 828
Yakimovsky, Y., 609, 1002
Yale, 24
Yamada, K., 856, 861, 1005, 1042
Yan, D., 455, 1004
Yang, C. S., 859, 1033
Yang, Q., 412, 456, 1042
Yannakakis, M., 133, 157, 990, 1027
Yap, R. H. C., 313, 1011
Yedidia, J., 531, 1042
Yip, K. M.-K., 368, 1042
Yngve, V., 828, 1042
Yob, G., 236, 1042
Yoshikawa, T., 941, 1042
Young, R. M., 456, 1042
Young, S. J., 859, 1017
Young, T., 868
Younger, D. H., 828, 1042
Yung, M., 88, 135, 987, 1008
Yvanovich, M., 456, 999
Z-3, 14
Zadeh, L. A., 532, 1042
Zaidel, M., 828, 1000
Zapp, A., 897, 1000
Zaritskii, V. S., 579, 1042
zebra puzzle, 159
Zelle, J., 826, 830, 1042
Zermelo, E., 645, 1042
zero-sum game, 635
Zhai, C., 859, 1017
Zhang, L., 235, 1024
Zhang, N. L., 529, 1043
Zhang, W., 131, 1016
Zhao, Y., 235, 1024
Zhivotovsky, A. A., 187, 987
Zhixing, C., 183
Zhou, R., 131, 1043
Zhu, D. J., 941, 1043
Zilberstein, S., 457, 971, 1007, 1043
Zimmermann, H.-J., 532, 1043
Zisserman, A., 896, 897, 1003, 1008,
Zlotkin, G., 646, 1031
Zobrist, A. L., 189, 1043
Zog, 687
Zuckerman, D., 114, 1019
Zuse, K., 14, 186, 1043
Zweben, M., 456, 999
Zweig, G., 580, 1043
Zytkow, J. M., 710, 1017