Errata (Typographical and other errors in the book)
This is a list of typos and other errors in the book. Most of the
203 known problems are minor typos, but 10 of
them are more serious errors, and could cause misunderstanding. They are
marked with bold red page numbers
followed by (BUG).
Please send notification of additional typos or errors to
In the entries below, we list the page number of each error along with
the line number (negative numbers mean counting from the bottom of the
page) and the chapter.
The list you need to see depends on the book you
have. In all cases we're talking about the second edition
of the book (the green one), not the first edition (the maroon one).
An edition is a major revision done by the authors. Publishers also
have printings; when they run out of books they print more.
If any minor typos/errors have been spotted, they can be corrected
in the next printing. To see what printing you have,
look in the front of your book, at the page just before the
dedication. There should be a line that says ISBN 0-13-790395-2
in a large font. Above that is a line of integers. The last
digit in the line is the printing number. If it says
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
then you have a first-printing book; if it says
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
then you have a second-printing book, and so on. You also need to know
if you have the International Edition (a paperback book that says "International
Edition" on the cover) or the Hardcover Edition (because these are printed
at different times, and thus pick up the corrections at different times). Then refer to this chart to see which of the errata you should read:
Errata for Printing 1 (International: 1 and 2)
Page: | 26 Line: -3
Was: | form
Should be: | from
Page: | 37 Line: -14
Was: | a entomologist
Should be: | an entomologist
Page: | 43 Line: Figure 2.6, Poker line
Was: | Strategic
Should be: | Stochastic
Comment: | On p.41, strategic environments are defined as deterministic except for other agents' actions.
Page: | 45 Line: 1
Was: | perept
Should be: | percept
Page: | 58 Line: -4
Was: | if it dirty
Should be: | if it is dirty
Page: | 75 Line: 15
Was: | the goal test only to the a
Should be: | the goal test only to the
Page: | 75 Line: 19 and 21
Was: | ceiling of C*/ε
Should be: | 1 + floor of C*/ε
Page: | 81 Line: Figure 3.17 (twice)
Was: | ceiling of C*/ε
Should be: | 1 + floor of C*/ε
Page: | 85 Line: Figure 3.21
Was: | corresonds
Should be: | corresponds
Page: | 86 Line: 14
Was: | contingency problems
Should be: | contingency problem
Page: | 95 Line: -3
Was: | is depends
Should be: | it depends
Page: | 102 Line: Figure 4.5, line 4
Was: | state
Should be: | STATE[node]
Page: | 103 Line: 1
Was: | avalable
Should be: | available
Page: | 121 Line: 12
Was: | [discretization]
Should be: |
Page: | 130 Line: 3
Was: | combines of pairs
Should be: | combines pairs
Page: | 134 (BUG) Line: Exercise 4.2
Was: | optimal?
Should be: | optimal? You may assume that h is admissible.
Page: | 135 Line: Exercise 4.11 b.
Was: | k = infinity
Should be: | one initial state and no limit on the number of states retained
Page: | 135 Line: Exercise 4.11 c.
Was: | at all times
Should be: | at all times (and omitting the termination test)
Page: | 156 Line: 10
Was: | de Morgan
Should be: | De Morgan
Page: | 165 Line: -14
Was: | to obtain extend
Should be: | to extend
Page: | 166 Line: Figure 6.3
Was: | v ← MIN(v, MIN-VALUE(s))
Should be: | v ← MIN(v, MIN-VALUE(s))
Comment: | That is, make the second v be italic. This occurs twice.
Page: | 166 Line: -2
Was: | multiplayer
Should be: | Multiplayer
Page: | 169 Line: -7
Was: | bd/2
Should be: | bm/2
Page: | 169 Line: -7
Was: | bd
Should be: | bm
Page: | 169 Line: -3
Was: | b3d/4
Should be: | b3m/4
Page: | 169 Line: -1
Was: | bd/2
Should be: | bm/2
Page: | 170 Line: Figure 6.7, lines 12, 14, 23, 25
Was: | v
Should be: | v
Page: | 182 Line: 3
Was: | that felt
Should be: | felt that
Page: | 183 Line: -7
Was: | approach been
Should be: | approach had been
Page: | 191 Line: 15
Was: | nodes the right
Should be: | nodes to the right
Page: | 191 Line: Ex. 6.6
Was: |
Should be: |
Comment: | Move the book symbol down to avoid overlap with the keyboard.
Page: | 192 Line: Ex. 6.12
Was: | WINNER(trick) is available that reports which card wins a given trick
Should be: | WINNER(s) is available that reports which player won the trick just completed, if any
Page: | 194 Line: -9
Was: | uses in the form
Should be: | uses is in the form
Page: | 194 Line: -7
Was: | If its inside
Should be: | If it's inside
Page: | 195 Line: 14
Was: | advantage of being simple example
Should be: | advantage of being a simple example
Page: | 196 Line: 12
Was: | two
Should be: | three
Comment: | We failed to mention MAKE-ACTION-SENTENCE.
Page: | 210 Line: Figure 7.11 (twice)
Was: | de Morgan
Should be: | De Morgan
Page: | 212 Line: 16
Was: | de Morgan
Should be: | De Morgan
Page: | 215 Line: 8
Was: | ln,k
Should be: | ln,k
Page: | 215 Line: -16, -15
Was: | de Morgan
Should be: | De Morgan
Page: | 216 Line: 1
Was: | α does not entail β
Should be: | KB does not entail α
Page: | 216 Line: 2
Was: | α entails β
Should be: | KB entails α
Page: | 216 Line: Figure 7.13, 2nd row
Was: |
Should be: |
Comment: | Exchange second and fourth boxes.
Page: | 226 Line: Figure 7.19, line 12
Was: | then
Should be: | then
Page: | 227 Line: 11
Was: | L1,2
Should be: | L2,1
Page: | 227 Line: 17
Was: | FacingRight
Should be: | FacingRight1
Page: | 235 Line: 23
Was: | (Bayardo and Schrag, 1997)
Should be: | Bayardo and Schrag (1997)
Page: | 239 Line: Ex. 7.15
Was: | keeps keeps
Should be: | keeps
Page: | 247 Line: -1
Was: | there roughly
Should be: | there are roughly
Page: | 252 Line: -8
Was: | de Morgan
Should be: | De Morgan
Page: | 256 Line: 17
Was: | +(m,0)
Should be: | +(0,m)
Page: | 267 Line: 11
Was: | de Morgan
Should be: | De Morgan
Page: | 271 (BUG) Line: 5
Was: | ⇔
Should be: | ⇐
Page: | 276 Line: -7
Was: | One potentially confusing point is that one sense
Should be: | One potentially confusing point is that in one sense
Page: | 284 Line: 2 of Figure 9.5
Was: | Diff(nt, q) Diff(nt, sa)
Should be: | Diff(nt, q) ∧ Diff(nt, sa)
Page: | 284 Line: 5
Was: | if whether is a missile
Should be: | whether it is a missile
Page: | 291 Line: Figure 9.8, line 6
Was: | [a - x] . . . [a - z]
Should be: | [a|x] . . . [a|z]
Page: | 297 Line: 8
Was: | Distribute ∧ over ∨
Should be: | Distribute ∨ over ∧
Page: | 301 Line: -4
Was: | resolution!closure
Should be: | resolution closure
Page: | 307 Line: 1
Was: | adds to the usable list
Should be: | adds to the set of support
Page: | 307 Line: Fig. 9.14, line -3
Was: | [clause — sos]
Should be: | [clause | sos]
Page: | 320 Line: 6
Was: | Section 10.3 discusses representations for actions, which are central to the construction of knowledge-based agents. Section 10.2 covers the basic categories of objects and substances, and Section 10.3 explains the more general notion of events, or space-time chunks.
Should be: | Section 10.2 covers the basic categories of objects and substances. Section 10.3 discusses representations for actions, which are central to the construction of knowledge-based agents, and also explains the more general notion of events, or space-time chunks.
Page: | 329 Line: -3
Was: | Age(Wumpus,S0
Should be: | Age(Wumpus,S0)
Page: | 331 (BUG) Line: -1
Was: | We will address each problem in turn.
Should be: | We will address each problem in turn. Even then, another problem remains---that of ensuring
that all necessary conditions for an action's success have been specified.
For example, Go fails if the agent dies en route.
This is the qualification problem, for which there is no complete solution.
Comment: | The qualification problem is referred to in later chapters, but never defined.
Page: | 334 Line: -2
Was: | he occurrence
Should be: | the occurrence
Page: | 335 Line: 11
Was: | Many extensions . . . Section 10.3
Should be: | Many extensions to event calculus have been made to address problems of indirect effects, events with duration, concurrent events, continuously changing events, nondeterministic effects, causal constraints, and other complications. We will revisit some of these issues in the next subsection. It is fair to say that, at present, completely satisfactory solutions are not yet available for most of them, but no insuperable obstacles have been encountered.
Page: | 335 Line: -13
Was: | space-time
Should be: | space--time
Comment: | Use en-dash instead of hyphen.
Page: | 335 Line: Footnote 4
Was: | space-time
Should be: | space--time
Comment: | Use en-dash instead of hyphen.
Page: | 338 Line: Figure 10.4 caption
Was: |
Should be: |
Comment: | Add periods after items (b) and (c).
Page: | 339 Line: Figure 10.5
Was: | (Timelines i and j for Meet(i,j) overlap slightly)
Should be: | (Timeline i should end exactly when timeline j begins)
Page: | 364 Line: 15
Was: | [modal operator]
Should be: |
Page: | 368 Line: -8
Was: | supermarket
Should be: | shopping
Page: | 370 Line: Ex. 10.4
Was: | (Entire exercise)
Should be: | Investigate ways to extend the event calculus to handle {\em simultaneous} events. Is it possible to avoid a combinatorial explosion of axioms?
Comment: | This exercise referred to a subsection
that was dropped from the text.
Page: | 370 Line: Ex. 10.6
Was: |
Should be: |
Comment: | Wrong italic font used for ExhaustiveDecomposition, Partition, and Disjoint.
Page: | 370 Line: Ex. 10.10(a)
Was: | SubEvent
Should be: | During
Page: | 379 Line: -3
Was: | syntax called the the
Should be: | syntax called the
Page: | 379 Line: -2
Was: | becnchmark
Should be: | benchmark
Page: | 380 (BUG) Line: -4
Was: | [Load(C1, P1, SFO), Fly(P1, SFO, JFK), Load(C2, P2, JFK), Fly(P2, JFK, SFO)]
Should be: | [Load(C1, P1, SFO), Fly(P1, SFO, JFK), Unload(C1, P1, JFK) ,Load(C2, P2,
JFK), Fly(P2, JFK, SFO), Unload(C2, P2, SFO)]
Page: | 392 (BUG) Line: -3
Was: | remove the Remove(Spare, Trunk) action
Should be: | remove the LeaveOvernight action
Page: | 393 Line: 3
Was: | At(Spare, Tire)
Should be: | At(Spare, Trunk)
Page: | 399 Line: Figure 11.14, column S2
Was: | ¬ At(Flat, Axle); At(Flat, Axle)
Should be: | At(Flat, Axle); ¬ At(Flat, Axle)
Comment: | The negation (¬) sign is in the wrong place in column S2
| Page: | 406 Line: 16
| Was: | Leftrightarrow
| Should be: | ⇔
| | |
Page: | 418 Line: Figure 12.1, line 5
Was: | Engine(e,c,m)
Should be: | Engine(e,c)
Page: | 418 Line: Figure 12.1, line 8
Should be: | PRECOND: EngineIn(c) ∧
Page: | 421 Line: Figure 12.3, line 6
Was: | Engine(e,c,m)
Should be: | Engine(e,c)
Page: | 421 Line: Figure 12.3, line 11
Should be: | PRECOND: EngineIn(c) ∧
Page: | 425 Line: 17
Was: | preconditions are effects
Should be: | preconditions and effects
Page: | 433 Line: 18
Was: | EFFECT: AtL
Should be: | EFFECT: AtL ∧ ¬AtR
Page: | 436 Line: 6
Was: | state it is in
Should be: | what state it is in
Page: | 437 Line: 5
Was: | state!set
Should be: | state set
Page: | 439 (BUG) Line: -13
Was: | Fortunately, the schemes are closed under STRIPS updating: as long as we stick to STRIPS axioms, then if we start with a representable belief state, all subsequent belief states will be representable too.
Should be: | In particular, if an action occurs, one of whose preconditions is unknown, then the resulting belief state will not be exactly representable and the action outcome becomes unknown.
Page: | 440 Line: -10
Was: | problems intractable
Should be: | problems are intractable
Page: | 445 Line: -12
Was: | POP-CON
Page: | 451 Line: 1
Was: | satisfie
Should be: | satisfies
Page: | 455 Line: 10
Was: | multiagent
Should be: | Multiagent
Page: | 461 Line: Ex. 12.20
Was: |
Should be: |
Comment: | Wrong italic font used for Drink, Medicate.
Page: | 461 Line: Ex. 12.21
Was: |
Should be: |
Comment: | Wrong italic font used for Test, CultureGrowth, Disease, Medicate.
Page: | 462 Line: -11
Was: | not be conclude
Should be: | not be able to conclude
Page: | 464 Line: -20
Was: | Assigning probability of 0
Should be: | Assigning a probability of 0
Page: | 467 Line: -10
Was: | snow an an
Should be: | snow as an
Page: | 467 Line: -2
Was: | Elementary, propositions
Should be: | Elementary propositions,
Page: | 471 Line: 7
Was: | which may could
Should be: | which might have
Page: | 472 Line: -20
Was: | betting systems described earlier
Should be: | betting systems described on page 474
Page: | 474 Line: 16
Was: | bets Agent 2
Should be: | bets by Agent 2
Page: | 481 Line: 13
Was: | We can try using use
Should be: | We can try using
Page: | 488 Line: 14
Was: | straightforward reference-class method..
Should be: | straightforward reference-class method.
Page: | 500 Line: -2
Was: | the the entire CPT
Should be: | the entire CPT
Page: | 515 Line: Eq. 14.8
Was: | P(yi | parents(Yi))
Should be: | P(zi | parents(Zi))
Page: | 515 Line: Eq. 14.8
Was: | P(y,e)
Should be: | P(z,e)
Page: | 516 Line: 6
Was: | increases. Because
Should be: | increases. This is because
Page: | 517 Line: Figure 14.15
Was: | (increments N outside the innermost loop)
Should be: | (increments N inside the innermost loop)
Comment: | For this particular version of MCMC, the results are identical, but for other versions (e.g., random selection of variable to sample), the new version is correct.
Page: | 523 Line: -19
Was: | not surprising.)
Should be: | not surprising.
Page: | 535 Line: Ex. 14.5(a)
Was: | let X
Should be: | let X1
Page: | 540 Line: 6
Was: | combined with the the
Should be: | combined with the
Page: | 546 Line: -3
Was: | It is now understood show that the
Should be: | It is now understood that the
Page: | 548 Line: Figure 15.5 caption
Was: | indicates its best predecessor.
Should be: | indicates its best predecessor as measured by the product of the preceding sequence probability and the transition probability.
Comment: | This clarification avoids a possible misunderstanding: the best predecessor is not necessarily the one with the highest sequence probability.
Page: | 568 Line: -3
Was: | phones that are used English
Should be: | phones that are used in English
Page: | 616 (BUG) Line: Figure 17.2(b)
Was: | 1.6284, 0.4278, 0.0850, 0.0221
Should be: | -1.6284, -0.4278, -0.0850, -0.0221
Comment: | The numbers that are the
bounds for R(s) should all be negative (except for zero), e.g. R(s) < -1.6284
Page: | 616 Line: 4
Was: | and (4, 2)
Should be: | and (3, 3)
Page: | 618 Line: -7
Was: | An optimal policy π*
Should be: | An optimal policy π* satisfies
Page: | 619 Line: -9
Was: | fromChapter 16
Should be: | from Chapter 16
Page: | 619 Line: -3
Was: | ,a ssuming
Should be: | , assuming
Page: | 624 Line: Figure 17.7
Was: | return P
Should be: | return π
Page: | 625 (BUG) Line: Equations after 17.10
Was: | =
Should be: | = -0.04 +
Page: | 632 Line: -2
Was: | strategy mixed)
Should be: | strategy
Page: | 636 Line: 19
Was: | minimizer, will alway choose
Should be: | minimizer, will always choose
Page: | 638 Line: -22
Was: | an so only
Should be: | and so only
Page: | 638 Line: -13
Was: | repeated game
Should be: | repeated game
Comment: | Also remove repeated margin entry.
Page: | 639 Line: 4
Was: |
Should be: |
Comment: | Add margin entry for perpetual punishment.
Page: | 653 Line: 15
Was: | tradeoff is not a simple
Should be: | tradeoff is not as simple
Page: | 657 Line: 9
Was: | Figure 18.4(c)
Should be: | Figure 18.4(b)
Page: | 658 Line: Figure 18.5
Was: | m ← MAJORITY-VALUE(examplesi)
Should be: | m ← MAJORITY-VALUE(examples)
Comment: | That is, drop the i subscript. Also, MAJORITY-VALUE
is the right name only if the class is binary; otherwise it should be
| Page: | 660 Line: -5
| Was: | 5. Repeat steps 1 to 4
| Should be: | 5. Repeat steps 2 to 4
| Page: | 667 Line: Figure 18.10 caption
| Was: | combines hypotheses
| Should be: | generates hypotheses by successively reweighting the training examples.
| Page: | 673 Line: 4
| Was: | has lead
| Should be: | has led
| Page: | 673 Line: 12
| Was: | for neural networks(see Chapter 20), and for sets of first-order logical sentences (see Chapter 19).
| Should be: | for sets of first-order logical sentences (see Chapter 19) and for neural networks (see Chapter 20).
| Comment: | Just changing the order of the sentence to make the chapter numbers sequential.
| | |
Page: | 697 Line: 1
Was: | teh
Should be: | the
Page: | 706 Line: 2
Was: | heuristis
Should be: | heuristics
Page: | 730 Line: Figure 20.11
Was: |
Should be: | (moved to top of p.731, section on learning hidden Markov models)
Page: | 731 Line: 0
Was: |
Should be: |
Comment: | Figure 20.11 moved to the top of this page.
Page: | 733 Line: -3
Was: | 40
Should be: | 10
Page: | 738 (BUG) Line: Figure 20.17, the NOT figure
Was: | W0 = 0.5, W1 = 1
Should be: | W0 = -0.5, W1 = -1
Page: | 740 Line: Figure 20.19(b)
Was: |
Should be: | (reformat z-axis tic mark labels)
Page: | 741 Line: Figure 20.20
Was: | I1 and I2
Should be: | x1 and x2.
Comment: | To be more consistent with other usage in the chapter.
Page: | 741 Line: -6
Was: | and T is the true output value.
Should be: |
Page: | 741 (BUG) Line: -3
Was: | g(y - ...
Should be: | y - g(...
Page: | 743 Line: Figure 20.22(b)
Was: | (no data points explicitly plotted in (b))
Should be: | (add data points using + and × marks as in (a))
Page: | 744 Line: Figure 20.23(a) and (b)
Was: |
Should be: | (reformat z-axis tic mark labels)
Page: | 746 Line: Figure 20.25, line 3
Was: | L
Should be: | M
Page: | 756 Line: 16
Was: | modelling
Should be: | modeling
Page: | 758 Line: 12
Was: | Scholkopf
Should be: | (umlaut on first o
Page: | 759 Line: 15
Was: | Scholkopf
Should be: | (umlaut on first o
Page: | 761 Line: Ex. 20.16
Was: | Wj,
Should be: | Wj
Page: | 775 Line: -2
Was: |
Should be: | (Move margin note down to avoid overwriting hand.)
Page: | 776 Line: Figure 21.8
Was: | N sa
Should be: | Nsa
Comment: | I.e., remove space after N (occurs twice).
Page: | 777 Line: -15
Was: | A reinforcement learning can learn
Should be: | A reinforcement learning algorithm can learn
Page: | 787 Line: 6
Was: | van Roy
Should be: | Van Roy
Page: | 787 Line: -6
Was: | Parr and Russell (1998), Dietterich (2000), Sutton et al. (2000), Andre and Russell (2002)
Should be: | (Parr and Russell, 1998; Dietterich, 2000; Sutton et al., 2000; Andre and Russell, 2002)
Page: | 788 Line: Exercise 21.2
Was: | (even
Should be: | even
Page: | 792 Line: -2
Was: | Generation
Should be: | Generation.
Comment: | I.e., insert period.
Page: | 813 Line: 2
Was: | During(Now, e) → loves
Should be: | During(Now, e)) → loves
Page: | 832 Line: Ex 22.10-11
Was: |
Should be: | add computer keyboard icon to exercises 22.10 and 22.11
Page: | 836 Line: -1
Was: | probabilistic context-free grammar , or PCFG.1,
Should be: | probabilistic context-free grammar, or PCFG,1
Page: | 848 Line: 24
Was: | herewe
Should be: | here we
Page: | 873 Line: 3
Was: | texture. 2
Should be: | texture.2
Comment: | That is, remove space before footnote index.
Page: | 886 Line: 4
Was: | top down
Should be: | top-down
Page: | 886 Line: 14
Was: | in the image in the image
Should be: | in the image
Page: | 886 Line: 15
Was: | figure.3.
Should be: | figure.3
Page: | 886 Line: -15
Was: | example
Should be: | examples
Page: | 899 Line: Ex. 24.8
Was: | 24.8
Should be: | 24.8 (Courtesy of Pietro Perona.)
Page: | 900 Line: Ex. 24.10
Was: | closer to
Should be: | closer than
Page: | 906 Line: Figure 25.4
Was: | The Sony AIBO robot.
Should be: | Sony AIBO robots playing soccer (copyright 2001, The RoboCup Federation).
Page: | 907 Line: 5
Was: | such that can be
Should be: | so that they can be
Page: | 920 Line: Figure 25.14
Was: | ( (a) is workspace, (b) is configuration space.)
Should be: | ( (a) is configuration space, (b) is workspace.)
Comment: | I.e., switch the two figures.
| Page: | 923 Line: 19
| Was: | unmodelled
| Should be: | unmodeled
| Page: | 923 Line: 22
| Was: | modelled
| Should be: | modeled
| | |
Page: | 963 Line: 15
Was: | ''intelligence explosion
Should be: | ``intelligence explosion
Comment: | Wrong open-quote marks used.
Page: | 963 Line: -12
Was: | ''mind children
Should be: | ``mind children
Comment: | Wrong open-quote marks used.
Page: | 964 Line: -13
Was: | eight potential threats
Should be: | six potential threats
Page: | 964 Line: -13
Was: | We concluded that . . . from robotics
Should be: | We concluded that some of the threats are either unlikely or differ little from threats posed by other, ``unintelligent'' technologies. One in particular is worthy of further consideration: that ultraintelligent machines might lead to a future that is very different from today---we may not like it, and at that point we may not have a choice. Such considerations lead inevitably to the conclusion that we must consider carefully, and soon, the possible consequences of AI research for the future of the human race.
Comment: | An earlier draft included coverage of the problem of accidental or intentional weapons of mass destruction stemming from AI research gone amok. We decided to drop the coverage because the problems are really more associated with bio- and nano-technology.
Page: | 969 Line: -4
Was: | an an
Should be: | in an
Page: | 980 Line: -7
Was: | -3x - y + 2z = 11
Should be: | -3x - y + 2z = -11
Page: | 983 Line: -2
Was: | Good texts on linear algebra include Chung (1979) and Ross(1988). For probability, Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis (2002) and Feller (1971) are valuable.
Should be: | Good texts on probability include Chung (1979), Ross(1988), Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis (2002), and Feller (1971).
Page: | 1013 Line: Kaelbling et al. (1998) entry
Was: | actiong
Should be: | action
Page: | 1033 Line: Scholkopf and Smola (2002) entry
Was: | Scholkopf
Should be: | (umlaut on first o)
Page: | 1036 Line: Smith and Weld (1998) entry
Was: | ???
Should be: | 889--896
Errata for Printing 2 and up (International: 3 and up)
Page: | 63 Line: Figure 3.2
Was: | Dobreta
Should be: | Drobeta
Page: | 126 Line: footnote
Was: | two dimensional
Should be: | two-dimensional
Page: | 138 Line: 17
Was: | goal test can written
Should be: | goal test can be written
Page: | 388 Line: 19
Was: | symplifies
Should be: | simplifies
Page: | 493 Line: 7
Was: | P(Xi|Parents(Xi
Should be: | P(Xi|Parents(Xi
Page: | 514 Line: footnote
Was: | Ideally, we would like use
Should be: | Ideally, we would like to use
Page: | 535 Line: Exercise 14.7(b)
Was: | performed ,
Should be: | performed;
Page: | 669 Line: -5
Was: | at least 1 - ε
Should be: | at most 1 - ε
Page: | 755 Line: -9
Was: | Chapter 13. is
Should be: | Chapter 13. Its success is
Page: | 729 Line: 2
Was: | the bag is is
Should be: | the bag is
Page: | 759 Line: -1
Was: | wise to sell
Should be: | wise
Page: | 812 Line: Figure 22.16, line -1
Was: | Verb(λ x λ y Loves(x, y))
Should be: | Verb(λ y λ x Loves(x, y))
Page: | 813 Line: 2-3
Was: | λ x λ y
Should be: | λ y λ x
Page: | 868 Line: 16
Was: | merrily ignores
Should be: | merrily ignoring
Page: | 869 Line: 10
Was: | nose in the image
Should be: | noise in the image
Page: | 885 Line: -7
Was: | Al of the techniques
Should be: | All of the techniques
Page: | 887 Line: 6
Was: | and brightness-based recognition, which involves
Should be: | and feature-based recognition, which involves
Many thanks to
Philip Adenekan,
Daniel Bernstein,
Wolfgang Bibel,
Solly Brown,
Peter Clark,
Noel Codella,
Ernesto Costa,
Joao Balsa da Silva,
Adnan Darwiche,
Francisco De Comite,
Joshua Estelle,
Nafeh Fananapazir,
Will Fitzgerald,
Andrea Frome,
Dan Frost,
Charlie Garrett,
Cyrus Harmon,
Irvin Hwang,
Robert Kerbs,
Mykel Kochenderfer,
Leilah Lyons,
Norman Ma,
Bob Marinier,
Neville Mehta,
Sjoerd Meijer,
Wouter Meuleman,
Ben Miller,
Ken Modesitt,
Kevin Kyung Nam,
Mark Pearson,
Radu Razvan Slavescu,
Hisham Sueyllam,
Larry Weber,
Claus-Peter Wirth,
David Yeung,
and the others who contributed corrections.