# gnuplot input file that produces window and .ps file # currently produces an output file called "error.ps" # to change the output file name, edit the penultimate line set data style linespoints ############################### data from h_5 set term x11 set xlabel "Number of samples" set ylabel "P(h_i|e_1...e_t)" set title "Posteriors given data generated from h_5" set yrange [0.0:1.0] set key 2,0.95 plot 'h_5-bayes-post.data' using 1:2 title "P(h_1|E)", 'h_5-bayes-post.data' using 1:3 title "P(h_2|E)", 'h_5-bayes-post.data' using 1:4 title "P(h_3|E)", 'h_5-bayes-post.data' using 1:5 title "P(h_4|E)", 'h_5-bayes-post.data' using 1:6 title "P(h_5|E)" pause -1 "Output will be written to h_5-bayes-post.ps"# set size 1.0,0.5; set term postscript portrait color "Times-Roman" 18 set output "h_5-bayes-post.ps" set linestyle 1 lw 3 set linestyle 2 lw 3 set linestyle 3 lw 3 set linestyle 4 lw 3 set linestyle 5 lw 3 replot ##### Predictions set size 1.0,1.0; set term X11 set xlabel "Number of samples" set ylabel "P(red|e_1...e_t) set title "Bayes predictions with data generated from h_5" set yrange [0.4:1.0] set nokey plot 'h_5-bayes-pred.data' using 1:2 title "P(Red)" pause -1 "Output will be written to h_5-bayes-pred.ps"# set size 1.0,0.5; set term postscript portrait color "Times-Roman" 18 set output "h_5-bayes-pred.ps" set linestyle 1 lw 3 set linestyle 2 lw 3 set linestyle 3 lw 3 set linestyle 4 lw 3 set linestyle 5 lw 3 replot