"""Probability models. (Chapter 13-15)
from utils import *
from logic import extend
import agents
import bisect, randomclass DTAgent(agents.Agent):
"A decision-theoretic agent. [Fig. 13.1]"def __init__(self, belief_state):
def program(percept):
belief_state.observe(action, percept)
program.action = argmax(belief_state.actions(),
return program.action
program.action = None
self.program = program
class ProbDist:
"""A discrete probability distribution. You name the random variable
in the constructor, then assign and query probability of values.
>>> P = ProbDist('Flip'); P['H'], P['T'] = 0.5, 0.5; P['H']
"""def __init__(self, varname='?'):
update(self, prob={}, varname=varname, values=[])
def __getitem__(self, val):
"Given a value, return P(value)."
return self.prob[val]
def __setitem__(self, val, p):
"Set P(val) = p"
if val not in self.values:
self.prob[val] = p
def normalize(self):
"Make sure the probabilities of all values sum to 1."
total = sum(self.prob.values())
if not (1.0-epsilon < total < 1.0+epsilon):
for val in self.prob:
self.prob[val] /= total
return self
epsilon = 0.001
class JointProbDist(ProbDist):
"""A discrete probability distribute over a set of variables.
>>> P = JointProbDist(['X', 'Y']); P[1, 1] = 0.25
>>> P[1, 1]
"""def __init__(self, variables):
update(self, prob={}, variables=variables, vals=DefaultDict([]))
def __getitem__(self, values):
"Given a tuple or dict of values, return P(values)."
if isinstance(values, dict):
values = tuple([values[var] for var in self.variables])
return self.prob[values]
def __setitem__(self, values, p):
"""Set P(values) = p. Values can be a tuple or a dict; it must
have a value for each of the variables in the joint. Also keep track
of the values we have seen so far for each variable."""
if isinstance(values, dict):
values = [values[var] for var in self.variables]
self.prob[values] = p
for var,val in zip(self.variables, values):
if val not in self.vals[var]:
def values(self, var):
"Return the set of possible values for a variable."
return self.vals[var]
def __repr__(self):
return "P(%s)" % self.variables
def enumerate_joint_ask(X, e, P):
"""Return a probability distribution over the values of the variable X,
given the {var:val} observations e, in the JointProbDist P.
Works for Boolean variables only. [Fig. 13.4]"""
Q = ProbDist(X) ## A probability distribution for X, initially empty
Y = [v for v in P.variables if v != X and v not in e]
for xi in P.values(X):
Q[xi] = enumerate_joint(Y, extend(e, X, xi), P)
return Q.normalize()
def enumerate_joint(vars, values, P):
"As in Fig 13.4, except x and e are already incorporated in values."
if not vars:
return P[values]
Y = vars[0]; rest = vars[1:]
return sum([enumerate_joint(rest, extend(values, Y, y), P)
for y in P.values(Y)])
class BayesNet:
def __init__(self, nodes=[]):
update(self, nodes=[], vars=[])
for node in nodes:
def add(self, node):
def observe(self, var, val):
self.evidence[var] = val
class BayesNode:
def __init__(self, variable, parents, cpt):
if isinstance(parents, str): parents = parents.split()
update(self, variable=variable, parents=parents, cpt=cpt)
node = BayesNode
T, F = True, False
burglary = BayesNet([
node('Burglary', '', .001),
node('Earthquake', '', .002),
node('Alarm', 'Burglary Earthquake', {
(T, T):.95,
(T, F):.94,
(F, T):.29,
(F, F):.001}),
node('JohnCalls', 'Alarm', {T:.90, F:.05}),
node('MaryCalls', 'Alarm', {T:.70, F:.01})
def elimination_ask(X, e, bn):
"[Fig. 14.10]"
factors = []
for var in reverse(bn.vars):
factors.append(Factor(var, e))
if is_hidden(var, X, e):
factors = sum_out(var, factors)
return pointwise_product(factors).normalize()
def pointwise_product(factors):
def sum_out(var, factors):
def prior_sample(bn):
x = {}
for xi in bn.vars:
x[xi.var] = xi.sample([x])