/* * Created on Jul 25, 2005 * */ package aima.learning.learners; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import aima.learning.framework.DataSet; import aima.learning.framework.Example; import aima.learning.framework.Learner; import aima.learning.inductive.ConstantDecisonTree; import aima.learning.inductive.DecisionTree; import aima.util.Util; public class DecisionTreeLearner implements Learner { private DecisionTree tree; private String defaultValue; public DecisionTreeLearner() { this.defaultValue = "Unable To Classify"; } // used when you have to test a non induced tree (eg: for testing) public DecisionTreeLearner(DecisionTree tree, String defaultValue) { this.tree = tree; this.defaultValue = defaultValue; } public void train(DataSet ds) { List<String> attributes = ds.getNonTargetAttributes(); this.tree = decisionTreeLearning(ds, attributes, new ConstantDecisonTree(defaultValue)); } public String predict(Example e) { return (String) tree.predict(e); } public int[] test(DataSet ds) { int[] results = new int[] { 0, 0 }; for (Example e : ds.examples) { if (e.targetValue().equals(tree.predict(e))) { results[0] = results[0] + 1; } else { results[1] = results[1] + 1; } } return results; } private DecisionTree decisionTreeLearning(DataSet ds, List<String> attributeNames, ConstantDecisonTree defaultTree) { if (ds.size() == 0) { return defaultTree; } if (allExamplesHaveSameClassification(ds)) { return new ConstantDecisonTree(ds.getExample(0).targetValue()); } if (attributeNames.size() == 0) { return majorityValue(ds); } String chosenAttribute = chooseAttribute(ds, attributeNames); DecisionTree tree = new DecisionTree(chosenAttribute); ConstantDecisonTree m = majorityValue(ds); List<String> values = ds.getPossibleAttributeValues(chosenAttribute); for (String v : values) { DataSet filtered = ds.matchingDataSet(chosenAttribute, v); List<String> newAttribs = Util.removeFrom(attributeNames, chosenAttribute); DecisionTree subTree = decisionTreeLearning(filtered, newAttribs, m); tree.addNode(v, subTree); } return tree; } private ConstantDecisonTree majorityValue(DataSet ds) { Learner learner = new MajorityLearner(); learner.train(ds); return new ConstantDecisonTree(learner.predict(ds.getExample(0))); } private String chooseAttribute(DataSet ds, List<String> attributeNames) { double greatestGain = 0.0; String attributeWithGreatestGain = attributeNames.get(0); for (String attr : attributeNames) { double gain = ds.calculateGainFor(attr); if (gain > greatestGain) { greatestGain = gain; attributeWithGreatestGain = attr; } } return attributeWithGreatestGain; } private boolean allExamplesHaveSameClassification(DataSet ds) { String classification = ds.getExample(0).targetValue(); Iterator<Example> iter = ds.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Example element = (Example) iter.next(); if (!(element.targetValue().equals(classification))) { return false; } } return true; } public DecisionTree getDecisionTree(){ return tree; } }