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"ILP-01"} @string{ismis-long = "Proc.\ International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems"} @string{ismis = "ISMIS"} @string{ismis91 = "ISMIS-91"} @string{ismis00 = "ISMIS-00"} @string{ismis08 = "ISMIS-08"} @string{isrr-long = "Proc.\ International Symposium on Robotics Research"} @string{isrr = "ISRR"} @string{isrr89 = "ISRR-89"} @string{kdd-long = "Proc.\ International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining"} @string{kdd = "KDD"} @string{kdd95 = "KDD-95"} @string{kdd13 = "KDD-13"} @string{kdd14 = "KDD-14"} @string{kdd16 = "KDD-16"} @string{kr-long = "Proc.\ International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning"} @string{kr = "KR"} @string{kr89 = "KR-89"} @string{kr91 = "KR-91"} @string{kr92 = "KR-92"} @string{kr94 = "KR-94"} @string{kr96 = "KR-96"} @string{kr98 = "KR-98"} @string{lics-long = "Proc.\ IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science"} @string{lics = "LICS"} @string{lics87 = "LICS-87"} @string{lics90 = "LICS-90"} @string{nips-long = "Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems"} @string{nips = "NeurIPS"} @string{pods-long = "Proc.\ ACM International Symposium on Principles of Database Systems"} @string{pods = "PODS"} @string{pods86 = "PODS-86"} @string{pods89 = "PODS-89"} @string{pods98 = "PODS-98"} @string{pods99 = "PODS-99"} @string{sigir-long = "Proc.\ Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval"} @string{sigir = "SIGIR"} @string{sigir93 = "SIGIR-93"} @string{sigir96 = "SIGIR-96"} @string{sigir98 = "SIGIR-98"} @string{sigir01 = "SIGIR-01"} @string{sigir02 = "SIGIR-02"} @string{sigir03 = "SIGIR-03"} @string{sigmod-long = "Proc.\ ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data"} @string{sigmod = "SIGMOD"} @string{sigmod06 = "SIGMOD-06"} @string{soda-long = "Proc.\ Annual ACM--SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms"} @string{soda = "SODA"} @string{soda00 = "SODA-00"} @string{soda04 = "SODA-04"} @string{stoc-long = "Proc.\ Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing"} @string{stoc = "STOC"} @string{stoc71 = "STOC-71"} @string{stoc77 = "STOC-77"} @string{stoc88 = "STOC-88"} @string{stoc89 = "STOC-89"} @string{stoc94 = "STOC-94"} @string{tark-long = "Proc.\ Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning about Knowledge"} @string{tark = "TARK"} @string{tark86 = "TARK-86"} @string{tark88 = "TARK-88"} @string{uai-long = "Proc.\ Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence"} @string{uai = "UAI"} @string{aaai80-long2 = "Proc.\ First Annual National Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{aaai80 = "AAAI-80"} @string{aaai80-ad = "Stanford, California"} @string{aaai80-pub = "AAAI"} @string{aaai80-mon = aug} @string{aaai82-long2 = "Proc.\ National Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{aaai82 = "AAAI-82"} @string{aaai82-ad = "Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania"} @string{aaai82-pub = morgan} @string{aaai82-mon = aug} @string{aaai83-long2 = "Proc.\ National Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{aaai83 = "AAAI-83"} @string{aaai83-ad = "Washington, DC"} @string{aaai83-pub = morgan} @string{aaai83-mon = aug} @string{aaai84-long2 = "Proc.\ National Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{aaai84 = "AAAI-84"} @string{aaai84-ad = "Austin, Texas"} @string{aaai84-pub = morgan} @string{aaai84-mon = jul} @string{aaai86-long2 = "Proc.\ Fifth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{aaai86 = "AAAI-86"} @string{aaai86-ad = "Philadelphia"} @string{aaai86-pub = morgan} @string{aaai86-mon = aug} @string{aaai87-long2 = "Proc.\ Sixth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{aaai87 = "AAAI-87"} @string{aaai87-ad = "Seattle"} @string{aaai87-pub = morgan} @string{aaai87-mon = jul} @string{aaai88-long2 = "Proc.\ Seventh National Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{aaai88 = "AAAI-88"} @string{aaai88-ad = "St.~Paul, Minnesota"} @string{aaai88-pub = morgan} @string{aaai88-mon = "21--26 August"} @string{aaai90-long2 = "Proc.\ Eighth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{aaai90 = "AAAI-90"} @string{aaai90-ad = "Boston"} @string{aaai90-pub = mit} @string{aaai90-mon = aug} @string{aaai91-long2 = "Proc.\ Ninth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{aaai91 = "AAAI-91"} @string{aaai91-ad = "Anaheim, California"} @string{aaai91-pub = aaaip} @string{aaai91-mon = jul} @string{aaai92-long2 = "Proc.\ Tenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{aaai92 = "AAAI-92"} @string{aaai92-ad = "San Jose"} @string{aaai92-pub = aaaip} @string{aaai92-mon = jul} @string{aaai93-long2 = "Proc.\ Eleventh National Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{aaai93 = "AAAI-93"} @string{aaai93-ad = "Washington, DC"} @string{aaai93-pub = aaaip} @string{aaai93-mon = jul} @string{aaai94-long2 = "Proc.\ Twelfth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{aaai94 = "AAAI-94"} @string{aaai94-ad = "Seattle"} @string{aaai94-pub = aaaip} @string{aaai94-mon = aug} @string{aaai96-long2 = "Proc.\ Thirteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{aaai96 = "AAAI-96"} @string{aaai96-ad = "Portland, Oregon"} @string{aaai96-pub = aaaip} @string{aaai96-mon = aug} @string{aaai97-long2 = "Proc.\ Fourteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{aaai97 = "AAAI-97"} @string{aaai97-ad = "Providence, Rhode Island"} @string{aaai97-pub = aaaip} @string{aaai97-mon = aug} @string{aaai98-long2 = "Proc.\ Fifteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{aaai98 = "AAAI-98"} @string{aaai98-ad = "Madison, Wisconsin"} @string{aaai98-pub = aaaip} @string{aaai98-mon = jul} @string{aaai99-long2 = "Proc.\ Sixteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{aaai99 = "AAAI-99"} @string{aaai99-ad = "Orlando, Florida"} @string{aaai99-pub = aaaip} @string{aaai99-mon = jul} @string{aaai00-long2 = "Proc.\ Seventeenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{aaai00 = "AAAI-00"} @string{aaai00-ad = "Austin, Texas"} @string{aaai00-pub = aaaip} @string{aaai00-mon = jul} @string{aaai02-long2 = "Proc.\ Eighteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{aaai02 = "AAAI-02"} @string{aaai02-ad = "Edmonton, Alberta"} @string{aaai02-pub = aaaip} @string{aaai02-mon = jul} @string{aaai04-long2 = "Proc.\ Nineteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{aaai04 = "AAAI-04"} @string{aaai04-ad = "San Jose, California"} @string{aaai04-pub = aaaip} @string{aaai04-mon = jul} @string{aaai05-long2 = "Proc.\ Twentieth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{aaai05 = "AAAI-05"} @string{aaai05-ad = "Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania"} @string{aaai05-pub = aaaip} @string{aaai05-mon = jul} @string{aaai06-long2 = "Proc.\ Twenty-First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{aaai06 = "AAAI-06"} @string{aaai06-ad = "Boston"} @string{aaai06-pub = aaaip} @string{aaai06-mon = jul} @string{aaai07-long2 = "Proc.\ Twenty-Second Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{aaai07 = "AAAI-07"} @string{aaai07-ad = "Vancouver"} @string{aaai07-pub = aaaip} @string{aaai07-mon = jul} @string{aaai08-long2 = "Proc.\ Twenty-Third Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{aaai08 = "AAAI-08"} @string{aaai08-ad = "Chicago"} @string{aaai08-pub = aaaip} @string{aaai08-mon = jul} @string{aaai11 = "AAAI-11"} @string{aaai14-long2 = "Proc.\ Twenty-Eighth Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{aaai14 = "AAAI-14"} @string{aaai14-ad = "Qu{\'{e}}bec City"} @string{aaai14-pub = aaaip} @string{aaai14-mon = jul} @string{aaai15-long2 = "Proc.\ Twenty-Ninth Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{aaai15 = "AAAI-15"} @string{aaai15-ad = "Austin"} @string{aaai15-pub = aaaip} @string{aaai15-mon = jan} @string{aaai16 = "AAAI-16"} @string{aaai17-long2 = "Proc.\ Thirty-First Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{aaai17 = "AAAI-17"} @string{aaai17-ad = "San Francisco"} @string{aaai17-pub = aaaip} @string{aaai17-mon = feb} @string{acl83-long = "21st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Proc.\ Conference"} @string{acl83 = "ACL-83"} @string{acl85 = "ACL-85"} @string{acl88 = "ACL-88"} @string{acl91 = "ACL-91"} @string{acl92 = "ACL-92"} @string{acl93 = "ACL-93"} @string{acl94 = "ACL-94"} @string{acl95 = "ACL-95"} @string{acl96 = "ACL-96"} @string{acl97 = "ACL-97"} @string{acl98 = "ACL-98"} @string{acl99 = "ACL-99"} @string{acl00 = "ACL-00"} @string{acl01 = "ACL-01"} @string{acl02 = "ACL-02"} @string{acl04 = "ACL-04"} @string{acl05 = "ACL-05"} @string{acl07 = "ACL-07"} @string{acl08 = "ACL-08"} @string{acl09 = "ACL-09"} @string{acl10 = "ACL-10"} @string{acl11 = "ACL-11"} @string{acl12 = "ACL-12"} @string{acl13 = "ACL-13"} @string{acl14 = "ACL-14"} @string{acl15 = "ACL-15"} @string{acl16 = "ACL-16"} @string{acl17 = "ACL-17"} @string{acl18 = "ACL-18"} @string{acl19 = "ACL-19"} @string{acl83-ad = "Cambridge, Massachusetts"} @string{acl83-org = acl} @string{acl83-mon = jun} @string{aips94 = "AIPS-94"} @string{aips94-long2 = "Proc.\ 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Planning Systems (AIPS-94)"} @string{aips94-ad = "Chicago"} @string{aips94-pub = aaaip} @string{aips96 = "AIPS-96"} @string{aips96-long2 = "Proc.\ 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Planning Systems (AIPS-96)"} @string{aips96-ad = "Edinburgh, Scotland"} @string{aips96-pub = aaaip} @string{aips98 = "AIPS-98"} @string{aips98-long2 = "Proc.\ 4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Planning Systems (AIPS-98)"} @string{aips98-ad = "Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania"} @string{aips98-pub = aaaip} @string{aips00 = "AIPS-00"} @string{aips00-long2 = "Proc.\ 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Planning Systems (AIPS-00)"} @string{aips00-ad = "Breckenridge, Colorado"} @string{aips00-pub = aaaip} @string{aips02 = "AIPS-02"} @string{aips02-long2 = "Proc.\ 6th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Planning Systems (AIPS-02)"} @string{aips02-ad = "Toulouse, France"} @string{aips02-pub = aaaip} @string{aistats96 = "AISTATS-96"} @string{aistats98 = "AISTATS-98"} @string{aistats01 = "AISTATS-01"} @string{aistats02 = "AISTATS-02"} @string{aistats04 = "AISTATS-04"} @string{aistats05 = "AISTATS-05"} @string{aistats07 = "AISTATS-07"} @string{aistats08 = "AISTATS-08"} @string{aistats09 = "AISTATS-09"} @string{aistats10 = "AISTATS-10"} @string{aistats11 = "AISTATS-11"} @string{aistats12 = "AISTATS-12"} @string{aistats13 = "AISTATS-13"} @string{aistats14 = "AISTATS-14"} @string{aistats15 = "AISTATS-15"} @string{aistats16 = "AISTATS-16"} @string{aistats17 = "AISTATS-17"} @string{aistats18 = "AISTATS-18"} @string{aistats19 = "AISTATS-19"} @string{cade6 = "Proc.\ Sixth Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE-6)"} @string{cade6-ad = "New York"} @string{cade6-pub = springer} @string{cade6-mon = "June~7--9"} @string{cade9 = "Proc.\ Ninth International Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE-9)"} @string{cade9-ad = "Argonne, Illinois"} @string{cade9-pub = springer} @string{cade9-mon = may} @string{cade9-ed = "Lusk, Ewing and Overbeek, Ross"} @string{cade11 = "Proc.\ Eleventh International Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE-11)"} @string{cade11-ed = "Kapur, D."} @string{cade11-pub = springer} @string{cade11-mon = jun} @string{cade11-ad = "Saratoga Springs, New York"} @string{colt92-long2 = "Proc.\ Fifth Annual ACM Workshop on Computational Learning Theory"} @string{colt92 = "COLT-92"} @string{colt92-org = acm} @string{colt92-pub = acmp} @string{colt92-ad = "Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania"} @string{colt92-mon = jul} @string{colt95-long2 = "Proc.\ Eighth Annual Conference on Computational Learning Theory"} @string{colt95 = "COLT-95"} @string{colt95-org = acm} @string{colt95-pub = acmp} @string{colt95-ad = "Santa Cruz, California"} @string{colt95-mon = jul} @string{colt98-long2 = "Proc.\ Eleventh Annual ACM Workshop on Computational Learning Theory"} @string{colt98 = "COLT-98"} @string{colt98-org = acm} @string{colt98-pub = acmp} @string{colt98-ad = "Madison, Wisconsin"} @string{colt98-mon = jul} @string{cvpr-long = "Proc.~IEEE Conf.~on Comp. Vision Patt. Recog."} @string{cvpr-long = "Proc.\ IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition"} @string{cvpr = "CVPR"} @string{cvpr83 = "CVPR-83"} @string{cvpr96 = "CVPR-96"} @string{cvpr05 = "CVPR-05"} @string{cvpr09 = "CVPR-09"} @string{cvpr15 = "CVPR-15"} @string{cvpr16 = "CVPR-16"} @string{cvpr17 = "CVPR-17"} @string{cvpr18 = "CVPR-18"} @string{cvpr19 = "CVPR-19"} @string{eccv-long = "Proc.\ European Conference on Computer Vision"} @string{eccv = "ECCV"} @string{eccv96 = "ECCV-96"} @string{eccv12 = "ECCV-12"} @string{eccv18 = "ECCV-18"} @string{iccv-long = "Proc.\ International Conference on Computer Vision"} @string{iccv = "ICCV"} @string{iccv93 = "ICCV-93"} @string{iccv95 = "ICCV-95"} @string{iccv99 = "ICCV-99"} @string{iccv07 = "ICCV-07"} @string{iccv09 = "ICCV-09"} @string{iccv17 = "ICCV-17"} @string{ijcai69-long2 = "Proc.\ First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{ijcai69 = "IJCAI-69"} @string{ijcai69-ad = "Washington, DC"} @string{ijcai69-pub = "IJCAII"} @string{ijcai69-mon = aug} @string{ijcai71-long2 = "Proc.\ Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{ijcai71 = "IJCAI-71"} @string{ijcai71-ad = "London"} @string{ijcai71-pub = "IJCAII"} @string{ijcai71-mon = aug} @string{ijcai73-long2 = "Proc.\ Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{ijcai73 = "IJCAI-73"} @string{ijcai73-ad = "Stanford, California"} @string{ijcai73-pub = "IJCAII"} @string{ijcai73-mon = aug} @string{ijcai75-long2 = "Proc.\ Fourth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{ijcai75 = "IJCAI-75"} @string{ijcai75-ad = "Tbilisi, Georgia"} @string{ijcai75-pub = "IJCAII"} @string{ijcai75-mon = aug} @string{ijcai77-long2 = "Proc.\ Fifth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{ijcai77 = "IJCAI-77"} @string{ijcai77-ad = "Cambridge, Massachusetts"} @string{ijcai77-pub = "IJCAII"} @string{ijcai77-mon = aug} @string{ijcai79-long2 = "Proc.\ Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{ijcai79 = "IJCAI-79"} @string{ijcai79-ad = "Tokyo"} @string{ijcai79-pub = "IJCAII"} @string{ijcai79-mon = aug} @string{ijcai81-long2 = "Proc.\ Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{ijcai81 = "IJCAI-81"} @string{ijcai81-ad = "Vancouver, British Columbia"} @string{ijcai81-pub = morgan} @string{ijcai81-mon = aug} @string{ijcai83-long2 = "Proc.\ Eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{ijcai83 = "IJCAI-83"} @string{ijcai83-ad = "Karlsruhe, Germany"} @string{ijcai83-pub = morgan} @string{ijcai83-mon = aug} @string{ijcai85-long2 = "Proc.\ Ninth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{ijcai85 = "IJCAI-85"} @string{ijcai85-ad = "Los Angeles"} @string{ijcai85-pub = morgan} @string{ijcai85-mon = aug} @string{ijcai87-long2 = "Proc.\ Tenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{ijcai87 = "IJCAI-87"} @string{ijcai87-ad = "Milan"} @string{ijcai87-pub = morgan} @string{ijcai87-mon = aug} @string{ijcai89-long2 = "Proc.\ Eleventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{ijcai89 = "IJCAI-89"} @string{ijcai89-ad = "Detroit"} @string{ijcai89-pub = morgan} @string{ijcai89-mon = aug} @string{ijcai91-long2 = "Proc.\ Twelfth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{ijcai91 = "IJCAI-91"} @string{ijcai91-ad = "Sydney"} @string{ijcai91-pub = morgan} @string{ijcai91-mon = aug} @string{ijcai93-long2 = "Proc.\ Thirteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{ijcai93 = "IJCAI-93"} @string{ijcai93-ad = "Chambery, France"} @string{ijcai93-pub = morgan} @string{ijcai93-mon = aug} @string{ijcai95-long2 = "Proc.\ Fourteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{ijcai95 = "IJCAI-95"} @string{ijcai95-ad = "Montreal"} @string{ijcai95-pub = morgan} @string{ijcai95-mon = aug} @string{ijcai97-long2 = "Proc.\ Fifteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{ijcai97 = "IJCAI-97"} @string{ijcai97-ad = "Nagoya, Japan"} @string{ijcai97-pub = morgan} @string{ijcai97-mon = aug} @string{ijcai99-long2 = "Proc.\ Sixteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{ijcai99 = "IJCAI-99"} @string{ijcai99-ad = "Stockholm"} @string{ijcai99-pub = morgan} @string{ijcai99-mon = aug} @string{ijcai01-long2 = "Proc.\ Seventeenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{ijcai01 = "IJCAI-01"} @string{ijcai01-ad = "Seattle"} @string{ijcai01-pub = morgan} @string{ijcai01-mon = aug} @string{ijcai03-long2 = "Proc.\ Eighteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{ijcai03 = "IJCAI-03"} @string{ijcai03-ad = "Acapulco, Mexico"} @string{ijcai03-pub = morgan} @string{ijcai03-mon = aug} @string{ijcai05-long2 = "Proc.\ Nineteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{ijcai05 = "IJCAI-05"} @string{ijcai05-ad = "Edinburgh"} @string{ijcai05-pub = "IJCAII"} @string{ijcai05-mon = aug} @string{ijcai07-long2 = "Proc.\ Twentieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{ijcai07 = "IJCAI-07"} @string{ijcai07-ad = "Hyderabad"} @string{ijcai07-pub = "IJCAII"} @string{ijcai07-mon = jan} @string{ijcai09-long2 = "Proc.\ Twenty-first International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{ijcai09 = "IJCAI-09"} @string{ijcai09-ad = "Pasadena"} @string{ijcai09-pub = "IJCAII"} @string{ijcai09-mon = jul} @string{ijcai16-long2 = "Proc.\ Twenty-fifth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{ijcai16 = "IJCAI-16"} @string{ijcai16-ad = "New York"} @string{ijcai16-pub = "IJCAII"} @string{ijcai16-mon = jul} @string{ijcai17-long2 = "Proc.\ Twenty-sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence"} @string{ijcai17 = "IJCAI-17"} @string{ijcai17-ad = "Melbourne"} @string{ijcai17-pub = "IJCAII"} @string{ijcai17-mon = aug} @string{icml89 = "ICML-89"} @string{icml89-long2 = "Proc.\ Sixth International Machine Learning Workshop"} @string{icml89-ad = "Ithaca, NY"} @string{icml89-pub = morgan} @string{icml89-mon = jul} @string{icml90 = "ICML-90"} @string{icml90-long2 = "Machine Learning: Proc.\ Seventh International Conference"} @string{icml90-ad = "Austin, Texas"} @string{icml90-pub = morgan} @string{icml90-mon = jun} @string{icml92 = "ICML-92"} @string{icml92-long2 = "Proc.\ Ninth International Conference on Machine Learning"} @string{icml92-ad = "Aberdeen"} @string{icml92-pub = morgan} @string{icml92-mon = jul} @string{icml93 = "ICML-93"} @string{icml93-long2 = "Proc.\ Tenth International Conference on Machine Learning"} @string{icml93-ad = "Amherst, Massachusetts"} @string{icml93-pub = morgan} @string{icml93-mon = jul} @string{icml95 = "ICML-95"} @string{icml95-long2 = "Proc.\ Twelfth International Conference on Machine Learning"} @string{icml95-ad = "Tahoe City, CA"} @string{icml95-pub = morgan} @string{icml95-mon = jul} @string{icml96 = "ICML-96"} @string{icml96-long2 = "Proc.\ Thirteenth International Conference on Machine Learning"} @string{icml96-ad = "Bari, Italy"} @string{icml96-pub = morgan} @string{icml96-mon = jul} @string{icml97 = "ICML-97"} @string{icml97-long2 = "Proc.\ Fourteenth International Conference on Machine Learning"} @string{icml97-ad = "Nashville, Tennessee"} @string{icml97-pub = morgan} @string{icml97-mon = jul} @string{icml98 = "ICML-98"} @string{icml98-long2 = "Proc.\ Fifteenth International Conference on Machine Learning"} @string{icml98-ad = "Madison, Wisconsin"} @string{icml98-pub = morgan} @string{icml98-mon = jul} @string{icml99 = "ICML-99"} @string{icml99-long2 = "Proc.\ Sixteenth International Conference on Machine Learning"} @string{icml99-ad = "Bled, Slovenia"} @string{icml99-pub = morgan} @string{icml99-mon = jul} @string{icml00 = "ICML-00"} @string{icml00-long2 = "Proc.\ Seventeenth International Conference on Machine Learning"} @string{icml00-ad = "Stanford, California"} @string{icml00-pub = morgan} @string{icml00-mon = jul} @string{icml02 = "ICML-02"} @string{icml02-long2 = "Proc.\ Nineteenth International Conference on Machine Learning"} @string{icml02-ad = "Sydney"} @string{icml02-pub = morgan} @string{icml02-mon = jul} @string{icml03 = "ICML-03"} @string{icml03-long2 = "Proc.\ Twentieth International Conference on Machine Learning"} @string{icml03-ad = "Washington, DC"} @string{icml03-pub = aaaip} @string{icml03-mon = aug} @string{icml04 = "ICML-04"} @string{icml04-long2 = "Proc.\ Twenty-First International Conference on Machine Learning"} @string{icml04-ad = "Banff"} @string{icml04-pub = aaaip} @string{icml04-mon = jul} @string{icml05 = "ICML-05"} @string{icml06 = "ICML-06"} @string{icml07 = "ICML-07"} @string{icml07-long2 = "Proc.\ Twenty-Fourth International Conference on Machine Learning"} @string{icml07-ad = "Corvallis, Oregon"} @string{icml07-pub = acmp} @string{icml07-mon = aug} @string{icml08 = "ICML-08"} @string{icml09 = "ICML-09"} @string{icml10 = "ICML-10"} @string{icml11 = "ICML-11"} @string{icml12 = "ICML-12"} @string{icml13 = "ICML-13"} @string{icml14 = "ICML-14"} @string{icml15 = "ICML-15"} @string{uai85 = "UAI 1"} @string{uai86 = "UAI 2"} @string{uai87 = "UAI 3"} @string{uai88 = "UAI 4"} @string{uai89 = "UAI 5"} @string{uai90 = "UAI-90"} @string{uai91-long2 = "Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Proc.\ Seventh Conference"} @string{uai91 = "UAI-91"} @string{uai91-ad = "Los Angeles, California"} @string{uai91-pub = morgan} @string{uai91-mon = jul} @string{uai92-long2 = "Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Proc.\ Eighth Conference"} @string{uai92 = "UAI-92"} @string{uai92-ad = "Stanford, California"} @string{uai92-pub = morgan} @string{uai92-mon = jul} @string{uai93-long2 = "Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Proc.\ Ninth Conference"} @string{uai93 = "UAI-93"} @string{uai93-ad = "Washington, DC"} @string{uai93-pub = morgan} @string{uai93-mon = jul} @string{uai94-long2 = "Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Proc.\ Tenth Conference"} @string{uai94 = "UAI-94"} @string{uai94-ad = "Seattle, Washington"} @string{uai94-pub = morgan} @string{uai94-mon = jul} @string{uai95-long2 = "Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Proc.\ Eleventh Conference"} @string{uai95 = "UAI-95"} @string{uai95-ad = "Montreal, Canada"} @string{uai95-pub = morgan} @string{uai95-mon = aug} @string{uai96-long2 = "Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Proc.\ Twelfth Conference"} @string{uai96 = "UAI-96"} @string{uai96-ad = "Portland, Oregon"} @string{uai96-pub = morgan} @string{uai96-mon = aug} @string{uai97-long2 = "Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Proc.\ Thirteenth Conference"} @string{uai97 = "UAI-97"} @string{uai97-ad = "Providence, Rhode Island"} @string{uai97-pub = morgan} @string{uai97-mon = aug} @string{uai98-long2 = "Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Proc.\ Fourteenth Conference"} @string{uai98 = "UAI-98"} @string{uai98-ad = "Madison, Wisconsin"} @string{uai98-pub = morgan} @string{uai98-mon = jul} @string{uai99-long2 = "Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Proc.\ Fifteenth Conference"} @string{uai99 = "UAI-99"} @string{uai99-ad = "Stockholm"} @string{uai99-pub = morgan} @string{uai99-mon = aug} @string{uai00-long2 = "Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Proc.\ Sixteenth Conference"} @string{uai00 = "UAI-00"} @string{uai00-ad = "Stanford, California"} @string{uai00-pub = morgan} @string{uai00-mon = jul} @string{uai01-long2 = "Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Proc.\ Seventeenth Conference"} @string{uai01 = "UAI-01"} @string{uai01-ad = "Seattle, Washington"} @string{uai01-pub = morgan} @string{uai01-mon = aug} @string{uai02-long2 = "Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Proc.\ Eighteenth Conference"} @string{uai02 = "UAI-02"} @string{uai02-ad = "Edmonton, Alberta"} @string{uai02-pub = morgan} @string{uai02-mon = aug} @string{uai03-long2 = "Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Proc.\ Nineteenth Conference"} @string{uai03 = "UAI-03"} @string{uai03-ad = "Acapulco, Mexico"} @string{uai03-pub = morgan} @string{uai03-mon = aug} @string{uai05-long2 = "Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Proc.\ Nineteenth Conference"} @string{uai05 = "UAI-05"} @string{uai05-ad = "Edinburgh"} @string{uai05-pub = "AUAI Press"} @string{uai05-mon = jul} @string{uai06-long2 = "Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Proc.\ Twenty-Second Conference"} @string{uai06 = "UAI-06"} @string{uai06-ad = "Cambridge, Massachusetts"} @string{uai06-pub = "AUAI Press"} @string{uai06-mon = jul} @string{uai08-long2 = "Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Proc.\ Twenty-Fourth Conference"} @string{uai08 = "UAI-08"} @string{uai08-ad = "Helsinki"} @string{uai08-pub = "AUAI Press"} @string{uai08-mon = jul} @string{uai09 = "UAI-09"} @string{uai10 = "UAI-10"} @string{uai11 = "UAI-11"} @string{uai12 = "UAI-12"} @string{uai13 = "UAI-13"} @string{uai14 = "UAI-14"} @string{uai15 = "UAI-15"} @string{uai16 = "UAI-16"} @string{uai17 = "UAI-17"} @string{uai18 = "UAI-18"} @string{uai19 = "UAI-19"} @string{nips2 = "NeurIPS 2"} @string{nips4 = "NeurIPS 4"} @string{nips5-long2 = "Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 5"} @string{nips5 = "NeurIPS 5"} @string{nips6-long2 = "Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 6"} @string{nips6 = "NeurIPS 6"} @string{nips7-long2 = "Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 7"} @string{nips7 = "NeurIPS 7"} @string{nips8-long2 = "Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 8"} @string{nips8 = "NeurIPS 8"} @string{nips9-long2 = "Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 9"} @string{nips9 = "NeurIPS 9"} @string{nips10-long2 = "Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 10"} @string{nips10 = "NeurIPS 10"} @string{nips11-long2 = "Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 11"} @string{nips11 = "NeurIPS 11"} @string{nips12-long2 = "Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 12"} @string{nips12 = "NeurIPS 12"} @string{nips13-long2 = "Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 13"} @string{nips13 = "NeurIPS 13"} @string{nips14-long2 = "Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 14"} @string{nips14 = "NeurIPS 14"} @string{nips15-long2 = "Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 15"} @string{nips15 = "NeurIPS 15"} @string{nips16-long2 = "Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 16"} @string{nips16 = "NeurIPS 16"} @string{nips17-long2 = "Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 17"} @string{nips17 = "NeurIPS 17"} @string{nips19-long2 = "Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 19"} @string{nips19 = "NeurIPS 19"} @string{nips20-long2 = "Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 20"} @string{nips20 = "NeurIPS 20"} @string{nips21-long2 = "Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 21"} @string{nips21 = "NeurIPS 21"} @string{nips22 = "NeurIPS 22"} @string{nips23 = "NeurIPS 23"} @string{nips24 = "NeurIPS 24"} @string{nips25 = "NeurIPS 25"} @string{nips26 = "NeurIPS 26"} @string{nips27 = "NeurIPS 27"} @string{nips28 = "NeurIPS 28"} @string{nips29 = "NeurIPS 29"} @string{nips30 = "NeurIPS 30"} @string{nips31 = "NeurIPS 31"} @string{nips32 = "NeurIPS 32"} @string{nips33 = "NeurIPS 33"} %[ANTHOLOGIES] @string{ct = "Computers and Thought"} @string{ct-ed = "Feigenbaum, Edward A. and Feldman, Julian"} @string{ct-pub = mcgraw} @string{ct-ad = mcgraw-ad} @string{ftcw = "Formal Theories of the Commonsense World"} @string{ftcw-ed = "Hobbs, J. R. and Moore, Robert C."} @string{ftcw-pub = ablex} @string{ftcw-ad = ablex-ad} @string{mi1 = "Machine Intelligence~1"} @string{mi1-ed = "Collins, N. L. and Michie, Donald"} @string{mi1-pub = elsevier} @string{mi1-ad = elsevier-ad} @string{mi2 = "Machine Intelligence~2"} @string{mi2-ed = "Dale, Ella and Michie, Donald"} @string{mi2-pub = elsevier} @string{mi2-ad = elsevier-ad} @string{mi3 = "Machine Intelligence~3"} @string{mi3-ed = "Michie, Donald"} @string{mi3-pub = elsevier} @string{mi3-ad = elsevier-ad} @string{mi4 = "Machine Intelligence~4"} @string{mi4-ed = "Meltzer, Bernard and Michie, Donald and Swann, Michael"} @string{mi4-pub = edinburgh} @string{mi4-ad = edinburgh-ad} @string{mi5 = "Machine Intelligence~5"} @string{mi5-ed = "Meltzer, Bernard and Michie, Donald"} @string{mi5-pub = elsevier} @string{mi5-ad = elsevier-ad} @string{mi6 = "Machine Intelligence~6"} @string{mi6-ed = "Meltzer, Bernard and Michie, Donald"} @string{mi6-pub = edinburgh} @string{mi6-ad = edinburgh-ad} @string{mi7 = "Machine Intelligence~7"} @string{mi7-ed = "Meltzer, Bernard and Michie, Donald"} @string{mi7-pub = edinburgh} @string{mi7-ad = edinburgh-ad} @string{mi8 = "Machine Intelligence~8"} @string{mi8-ed = "Elcock, E. W. and Michie, Donald"} @string{mi8-pub = ellis} @string{mi8-ad = ellis-ad} @string{mi9 = "Machine Intelligence~9"} @string{mi9-ed = "Hayes, J. E. and Michie, Donald and Mikulich, L. I."} @string{mi9-pub = ellis} @string{mi9-ad = ellis-ad} @string{mi10 = "Machine Intelligence~10"} @string{mi10-ed = "Hayes, J. E. and Michie, Donald and Pao, Y.-H."} @string{mi10-pub = ellis} @string{mi10-ad = ellis-ad} @string{mi11 = "Machine Intelligence~11"} @string{mi11-ed = "Hayes, J. E. and Michie, Donald and Richards, J."} @string{mi11-pub = oxford} @string{mi11-ad = oxford-ad} @string{mi12 = "Machine Intelligence~12"} @string{mi12-ed = "Hayes, J. E. and Michie, Donald and Tyugu, E."} @string{mi12-pub = oxford} @string{mi12-ad = oxford-ad} @string{mi14 = "Machine Intelligence~14"} @string{mi14-ed = "Furukawa, K. and Michie, D. and Muggleton, S. H."} @string{mi14-pub = oxford} @string{mi14-ad = oxford-ad} @string{ml1 = "Machine Learning: An Artificial Intelligence Approach"} @string{ml1-yr = "1983"} @string{ml1-ed = "Michalski, R. S. and Carbonell, Jaime G. and Mitchell, Tom M."} @string{ml1-pub = morgan} @string{ml1-ad = morgan-ad} @string{ml2 = "Machine Learning: An Artificial Intelligence Approach"} @string{ml2-yr = "1986"} @string{ml2-ed = "Michalski, R. S. and Carbonell, Jaime G. and Mitchell, Tom M."} @string{ml2-pub = morgan} @string{ml2-ad = morgan-ad} @string{ml3 = "Machine Learning: An Artificial Intelligence Approach"} @string{ml3-yr = "1990"} @string{ml3-ed = "Michalski, R. S. and Carbonell, Jaime G. and Mitchell, Tom M."} @string{ml3-pub = morgan} @string{ml3-ad = morgan-ad} @string{pdp = "Parallel Distributed Processing"} @string{pdp-ed = "Rumelhart, David E. and McClelland, James L."} @string{pdp-pub = mit} @string{pdp-ad = mit-ad} @string{pdis = "Pattern-Directed Inference Systems"} @string{pdis-ed = "Waterman, D. A. and Hayes-Roth, F."} @string{pdis-pub = academic} @string{pdis-ad = academic-ad} @string{sip = "Semantic Information Processing"} @string{sip-ed = "Minsky, Marvin L."} @string{sip-pub = mit} @string{sip-ad = mit-ad} @misc{Aaronson:2014, title={My conversation with "{Eugene Goostman}," the Chatbot that's all over the news for allegedly passing the {Turing} test}, howpublished={Shtetl-Optimized, {www.scottaaronson.com/blog/?p=1858}}, author={Aaronson, Scott}, year={2014} } @book{Aarts+al:2003, title={Local Search in Combinatorial Optimization}, author={Aarts, Emile and Lenstra, Jan Karel}, year={2003}, publisher=princeton } @incollection{Aarup+al:1994, author = "Aarup, M. and Arentoft, M. 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C.", title = "Synthesizing constraint expressions", year = 1978, journal = cacm, volume = 21, _number = 11, pages = "958--966" } @article{Freuder:1982, author = "Freuder, E. C.", title = "A sufficient condition for backtrack-free search", year = 1982, journal = jacm, volume = 29, _number = 1, pages = "24--32" } @article{Freuder:1985, author = "Freuder, E. C.", title = "A sufficient condition for backtrack-bounded search", year = 1985, journal = jacm, volume = 32, _number = 4, pages = "755--761" } @inproceedings{Freund+Schapire:1996, author = "Yoav Freund and Robert E. Schapire", year = "1996", title = "Experiments with a new boosting algorithm", booktitle = icml96, _address = icml96-ad, _publisher = icml96-pub, month = icml96-mon } @article{Freund+Schapire:1999, author = {Yoav Freund and Robert E. Schapire}, title = {Large margin classification using the perceptron algorithm}, journal = ml, volume = "37", _number = "3", pages = "277--296", year = 1999 } @Book{Frey98, author = "Brendan J. Frey", title = "Graphical models for machine learning and digital communication", publisher = "{MIT} Press", year = "1998", } @article{Frey+Osborne:2017, title={The future of employment: {How} susceptible are jobs to computerisation?}, author={Frey, Carl Benedikt and Osborne, Michael A}, journal={Technological forecasting and social change}, volume={114}, pages={254--280}, year={2017}, publisher={Elsevier} } @article{Friedberg:1958, author = "Friedberg, R. M.", year = "1958", title = "A~learning machine: {P}art~{I}", journal = ibmjrd, volume = "2", pages = "2--13" } @article{Friedberg+al:1959, author = "Friedberg, R. M. and Dunham, B. and North, T.", year = "1959", title = "A~learning machine: {P}art~{II}", journal = ibmjrd, volume = "3", _number = "3", pages = "282--287" } @article{Friedman:1959, author = "Friedman, G. 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A.", year = "1968", title = "{BOXES}: An experiment in adaptive control", booktitle = mi2, editor = mi2-ed, publisher = mi2-pub, _address = mi2-ad, _pages = "125--133" } @article{Michie:1963, title={Experiments on the mechanization of game-learning {P}art {I}. {Characterization} of the model and its parameters}, author={Michie, Donald}, journal={The Computer Journal}, volume={6}, _number ={3}, pages={232--236}, year={1963}, publisher={The British Computer Society} } @incollection{Miikkulainen+al:2019, title={Evolving deep neural networks}, author={Miikkulainen, Risto and Liang, Jason and Meyerson, Elliot and Rawal, Aditya and Fink, Daniel and Francon, Olivier and Raju, Bala and Shahrzad, Hormoz and Navruzyan, Arshak and Duffy, Nigel and others}, booktitle={Artificial Intelligence in the Age of Neural Networks and Brain Computing}, _pages={293--312}, year={2019}, publisher={Elsevier}, } @misc{Mikolov+al:2013, title = {Efficient Estimation of Word Representations in Vector Space}, author = {Tomas Mikolov and Kai Chen and Greg Corrado and Jeffrey Dean}, year = {2013}, howpublished = {arXiv:1301.3781} } @inproceedings{Mikolov+al:2010, title={Recurrent neural network based language model}, author={Mikolov, Tom{\'a}{\v{s}} and Karafi{\'a}t, Martin and Burget, Luk{\'a}{\v{s}} and {\v{C}}ernock{\`y}, Jan and Khudanpur, Sanjeev}, booktitle={Eleventh Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association}, year={2010} } @inproceedings{Mikolov+al:2014, title = {Distributed Representations of Words and Phrases and their Compositionality}, author = {Mikolov, Tomas and Sutskever, Ilya and Chen, Kai and Corrado, Greg and Dean, Jeff}, booktitle = nips26, _editor = {C. J. C. Burges and L. Bottou and M. Welling and Z. Ghahramani and K. Q. Weinberger}, year = {2014}, _publisher = {Curran Associates, Inc.}, } @PhdThesis{Milch:2006, author = {Brian Milch}, title = {Probabilistic Models with Unknown Objects}, school = {UC Berkeley}, year = {2006}, } @inproceedings{Milch+al:2005, author = "Brian Milch and Bhaskara Marthi and David Sontag and Stuart J. Russell and Daniel Ong and Andrey Kolobov", year = "2005", title = "{BLOG}: Probabilistic Models with Unknown Objects", booktitle = ijcai05, _address = ijcai05-ad, _publisher = ijcai05-pub } @inproceedings{Milch+al:2008, author = {Brian Milch and Luke Zettlemoyer and Kristian Kersting and Michael Haimes and Leslie Pack Kaelbling}, title = {Lifted Probabilistic Inference with Counting Formulas}, booktitle = aaai08, year = {2008}, _pages = {1062-1068} } @techreport{Milgrom:1997, author = "P. Milgrom", title = "Putting auction theory to work: The simultaneous ascending auction", institution = "Stanford University Department of Economics", year = 1997, _number = "Technical Report 98-0002" } @book{Mill:1863, author = "Mill, John Stuart", year = "1863", title = "Utilitarianism", publisher = parker, address = parker-ad } @techreport{Miller+al:1976, author = "Miller, A. C. and Merkhofer, M. M. and Howard, R. A. and Matheson, J. E. and Rice, T. R.", year = "1976", title = "Development of Automated Aids for Decision Analysis", month = may, institution = sri, type = "Technical Report", _address = sri-ad } @inproceedings{Miller+al:2017, title={Explainable {AI}: Beware of inmates running the asylum}, author={Miller, Tim and Howe, Piers and Sonenberg, Liz}, booktitle={Proc. IJCAI-17 Workshop on Explainable AI}, _volume={36}, year={2017} } @misc{Minka:2010, title={Bayesian linear regression}, author={Thomas Minka}, year={2010}, howpublished={Unpublished manuscript} } @techreport{Minka+al:2018, title={True{S}kill 2: {A}n improved {B}ayesian skill rating system}, author={Tom Minka and Ryan Cleven and Yordan Zaykov}, year={2018}, institution={Microsoft Research}, _number ={MSR-TR-2018-8} } @book{Minker:2001, author = {Jack Minker}, title = {Logic-Based Artificial Intelligence}, publisher = {Kluwer}, year = 2001 } @incollection{Minsky:1975, author = "Minsky, Marvin L.", year = "1975", title = "A~framework for representing knowledge", booktitle = "The Psychology of Computer Vision", editor = "Winston, Patrick Henry", publisher = mcgraw, _address = mcgraw-ad, _pages = "211--277", _note = "Originally an MIT AI Laboratory memo; the 1975 version is abridged, but is the most widely cited." } @book{Minsky:1986, author = "Minsky, Marvin L.", year = "1986", title = "The Society of Mind", publisher = simon, _address = simon-ad } @book{Minsky:2007, author = {Marvin L. Minsky}, title = {The Emotion Machine: Commonsense Thinking, Artificial Intelligence, and the Future of the Human Mind}, publisher = {Simon and Schuster}, year = 2007 } @book{Minsky+Papert:1969, author = "Minsky, Marvin L. and Papert, Seymour", year = "1969", title = "Perceptrons: An Introduction to Computational Geometry", publisher = mit, _address = mit-ad, _edition = "first" } @book{Minsky+Papert:1988, author = "Minsky, Marvin L. and Papert, Seymour", year = "1988", title = "Perceptrons: An Introduction to Computational Geometry", publisher = mit, _address = mit-ad, edition = "Expanded" } @Article{Minsky+al:2004, author = {Marvin L. Minsky and Push Singh and Aaron Sloman}, title = {The {S}t.~{T}homas Common Sense Symposium: Designing Architectures for Human-Level Intelligence }, journal = aimag, year = 2004, volume = 25, _number = 2, pages = {113--124} } @article{Minton+al:1992, author = "Minton, S. and Johnston, M. D. and Philips, A. B. and Laird, P.", year = "1992", title = "Minimizing conflicts: A heuristic repair method for constraint satisfaction and scheduling problems", journal = aij, volume = "58", _number = "1--3", month = dec, pages = "161--205" } @article{Mirjalili+al:2014, title={Grey wolf optimizer}, author={Mirjalili, Seyed Mohammad and Lewis, Andrew}, journal={Advances in Engineering Software}, volume={69}, pages={46--61}, year={2014}, publisher={Elsevier} } @book{Misak:2004, author = {Cheryl Misak}, title = {The Cambridge Companion to Peirce}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, year = 2004 } @article{Mitchell+al:2019, title={Model Cards for Model Reporting}, journal={Proc. of the Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency}, _publisher={ACM Press}, author={Mitchell, Margaret and Wu, Simone and Zaldivar, Andrew and Barnes, Parker and Vasserman, Lucy and Hutchinson, Ben and Spitzer, Elena and Raji, Inioluwa Deborah and Gebru, Timnit}, year={2019} } @book{Mitchell:1996, author = "Mitchell, Melanie", year = "1996", title = "An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms", publisher = mit, _address = mit-ad } @book{Mitchell:2019, title={Artificial Intelligence: A Guide for Thinking Humans}, author={Melanie Mitchell}, year={2019}, publisher={Farrar, Straus and Giroux} } @inproceedings{Mitchell+al:1994, author = "Melanie Mitchell and John H. 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Mason and Marcel Adam Just}, title = {Predicting Human Brain Activity Associated with the Meanings of Nouns}, journal = {Science}, year = 2008, volume = 320, pages = {1191--1195} } @article{Mittelstadt:2019, title={Principles alone cannot guarantee ethical {AI}}, author={Mittelstadt, Brent}, journal={Nature Machine Intelligence}, pages={501--507}, year={2019}, volume = 1 } @article{Mitten:1960, author = "L. G. 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Riedmiller and Andreas Fidjeland and Georg Ostrovski and Stig Petersen and Charles Beattie and Amir Sadik and Ioannis Antonoglou and Helen King and Dharshan Kumaran and Daan Wierstra and Shane Legg and Demis Hassabis}, title = {Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning}, journal = {Nature}, volume = {518}, _number = {7540}, pages = {529--533}, year = {2015}, _url = {https://doi.org/10.1038/nature14236}, doi = {10.1038/nature14236}, timestamp = {Sat, 20 May 2017 00:24:51 +0200}, _biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/bib/journals/nature/MnihKSRVBGRFOPB15}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org} } @article{Mohr+Henderson:1986, author = "Mohr, R. and Henderson, T. C.", year = "1986", title = "Arc and path consistency revisited", journal = aij, volume = 28, _number = 2, pages = "225--233" } @InCollection{Montague:1970, author = {Montague, Richard}, title = {English as a formal language}, booktitle = {Linguaggi nella Societ\`{a} e nella Tecnica}, publisher = comunita, year = {1970}, editor = {Bruno Visentini}, _address = {comunita-ad}, _pages = {189--224}, } @incollection{Montague:1973, author = "Montague, Richard", year = "1973", title = "The proper treatment of quantification in ordinary {E}nglish", booktitle = "Approaches to Natural Language", editor = "Hintikka, K. J. J. and Moravcsik, J. M. 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F.", year = "1959", title = "The shortest path through a maze", booktitle = "Proc.\ International Symposium on the Theory of Switching, Part {II}", publisher = harvard, _address = harvard-ad, _pages = "285--292" } @techreport{Moore:1980, author = "Moore, Robert C.", year = "1980", title = "Reasoning about knowledge and action", institution = sri, type = "Artificial Intelligence Center Technical Note", _number = "191", _address = sri-ad } @book{Hobbs+Moore:1985, editor = ftcw-ed, year = "1985", title = ftcw, publisher = ftcw-pub, _address = ftcw-ad } @inproceedings{Moore+DeNero:2011, title = {{L1 and L2} Regularization for Multiclass Hinge Loss Models}, author = {Robert C. Moore and John DeNero}, year = {2011}, _url = {www.ttic.edu/sigml/symposium2011/papers/Moore+DeNero_Regularization.pdf}, booktitle = {Symposium on Machine Learning in Speech and Natural Language Processing} } @misc{Moravcik+Schmid:2017, title = {DeepStack: {Expert}-Level Artificial Intelligence in No-Limit Poker}, author = {Matej Morav{\v{c}}{\'{\i}}k and Martin Schmid and Neil Burch and Viliam Lis{\'{y}} and Dustin Morrill and Nolan Bard and Trevor Davis and Kevin Waugh and Michael Johanson and Michael Bowling}, year = {2017}, howpublished = {arXiv:1701.01724} } @article{Moravec83a, author = {Moravec, H. P.}, title = {The {S}tanford Cart and the {CMU} Rover}, journal = {Proc.\ {IEEE}}, year = {1983}, volume = {71}, _number = {7}, pages = {872--884} } @inproceedings{Moravec+Elfes:1985, author = "Moravec, H. 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